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Mission Ending

Posted on 06/08/2016 @ 2:27pm by Captain Cornelius Harrington

Hay Deep Spacers,

With the post titled "Secrets Upon Secrets" both current missions have effectively ended. Our next mission has been loaded to the site and we will be officially starting it this coming Monday. That will give every one time to get their character, if they were on the Galen, back to the station. And time to polish off the remaining JPs (Yes, we have a few).

Our next mission "For Whom the Bells Toll" has a wiki page located here:

I will work on getting all the last minute details uploaded in the next couple of days.

This new mission will focus heavily on the aftermath of the Galen's mission, with the Lian Yu. Specifically on this mystery cargo (passengers) and what they brought the station. As mentioned in some of the Lian Yu posts, the cargo was ill and from a planet that was under some form of war. So yes, this virus will be making it's way to the station. (More on that later). While this mission is highly Medical and Science in nature there is something for each department, not to mention those players who'd like to have their character infected :).

Here soon I will start a JP with the Senior Staff to clean up some of the questions, in game, from the last mission and start the foundation for the next one. But until this let's get those JPs finished, you all know how I hate really outdated posts, and finish off any storylines for your character before we start our next adventure.

Happy Posting,



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