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A New Home

Posted on 08/17/2016 @ 5:46am by Captain Cornelius Harrington

Hay Deep Spacers,

So if you are seeing this that means the new site is operational and we are good to go. That doesn’t mean however that there wasn’t a few bugs or hiccups along the way. None of these hiccups will effect game operations and I will work on fixing what I can in the meantime over the next week. So let’s list the hiccups first.

Well before I forget, here is the link to new site:

Tour Section

Several of the images and items in the Tour Section had a problem with transferring. I deleted the problem sections and I will be updating as soon as a possibly can. A HUGE thank you to Kai, our XO, for helping develop a wonderful new Tour Section with shiny new images.

Character Images

Along with the tour images, many character images had a problem transferring. If you log into the new site and you do not see your character image, all you need to do is upload a new image and you should be fine. Our new servers doesn’t seem to like commas, spaces, or underscores so keep that in mind.

Saved Posts

I have manually updated all saved posts on the site. If I made a mistake, I do apologize. But all your saved work should be on the new site, and updated.

User Accounts

As we were able to get the old database, that means all user accounts, passwords, NPCs and such were transferred to the new site. If you managed to update your character before the database switch that work has been lost and you will need to redo it. Sorry

Old Site

I have edited user roles on the old site to take out writing, posting, or creating anything new. As of now our old site is accessible but shouldn’t be functional; Kai and I will have Admin access. If you need anything beyond what your role allows, please let us know ASAP. I am not sure how long the server will allow the old site to remain up, so get your needed information before it’s too late.

Now for the changes…

OOC Discussion

I have updated a new mod that has turned all Personal Logs into an OOC Discussion. You are free to send out these new Discussions and make use of the OOC Posts on the site. My hope is that this will help with communication. Keep in mind that commenting/replying too any post will only send your reply to the author so if you want to reply to ‘everyone’ you will need to hit “reply all” in your email.


I think I updated everyone’s skin, but just in case if you get an error let me know. We now two new skins for the site. Yorktown-Blue is the default one that everyone should have access to. The second one is called Hyperion; it is a basic white low image skin that is also cell phone accessible to make accessing the game while on the go easier.


One of the chief complaints I get is the lack of OOC communication and mission planning with the group. We’d tried numerous ideas, but most have failed. In an attempt to help include everyone in the socialization, planning, and fun as you saw yesterday I have created a Slack Chat Channel. Slack is a fantastic communication tool. It reduces the need for OOC emails and acts as a real-time collaboration platform. I know many of you use Google Hangouts for chatting and that is fine, but for this simm ”official” chat program will be the Slackl. I know some don’t like change, and I do apologize but it was felt that we needed to work on something that would include more players beyond what Google Hangouts provides. So please accept those invites and joins us in Slack. I’ve already seen a few of you and thank you to those who already joined. For those who use hangouts I will still be around if needed for one on one communication.

Just a note, a link has been added for the web based Slack chat to the top menu bar of the new site. Slack is accessible from your standard web browers, a downloadable app for your desktop computer, and even an app for your cell phone for those (like me) who are on the go. I am in slack almost all the time, so I'd love to chat and say hi.

Manifests and Positions

There have been a few changes to manifest names, and positions in the system. I am not going to list them all but you are feel to log in and check them out. Also if you are a department head and would like a new position added to your department please send me a private email with the position name and a small description.

I am sure that there are a more changes, or something that I forgot. If you see something that looks wrong, an error, or find something that is missing send me an email and I will update it ASAP.

Until then enjoy the new site and happy posting to all.



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