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Roll Call, Current Mission, and More

Posted on 02/19/2017 @ 12:57pm by Captain Cornelius Harrington

Hay All,

I've been talking with our XO about the current mission and we've come to the conclusion that the current mission while it had it's strength unfortunately did take off. Sadly it was a good idea that got hindered by too many RL events. Those of us who've been in Star Trek simming for some time know that these things happen from time to time.

So to the current mission, I will be closing it out and move on my plan is to have it all wrapped up in couple days. This will give everyone time to polish any last minute saved posts and get those out before we move on. Don't take too long, as I want to start the next mission really soon In the meantime I will work with Kia, Chris, and Chrysler on a wrap up post setting the stage for getting off the planet and back to our temporary ship.

The general gist of the wrap up post will be that the crew was on the planet for no more then 2 days, someone will make it to the center of the map and the holo-game will end. From there we will move on to the next mission, "United We Fall". This will serve as a small, short mission what many would call a Shakedown Mission.

We have some new crew coming aboard and some staffing changes taking place that will happen in this mission, and then we will start out first mission on the Roanoke titled "Falling into Reality". This is an interesting mission with some hints at Inception tossed in. I won't give away too many details yet, but I think this mission will be a good start to our next adventure.

Just to make sure everyone is on the same page send me a brief reply letting me know you've read this email.

Thanks, Jakers


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