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Posted on 01/29/2015 @ 12:27pm by Captain Cornelius Harrington

Everyone, I wanted to drop a quick note about sub-plots.

One thing to keep in mind is that our station is gigantic with the population of a large city so at any given point there are literally thousands of sub-plots that could potentially be developed.

If you would like to run a sub-plot I strongly encourage them as they are what will add character, depth, and a realistic feel to the game. The only restriction I place on them is scope. Your idea can not have a major impact on the game: examples like blowing up the station, going to war with a neighborin faction, killing a major character. These would need CO authorization. But there is so many ideas that do not. Cargo runs, gambling events, smuggIng: think back to some of the stories ran on DS9 now think bigger.

I am also not opposed to creating a separate mission for your sub-plot if you would like. It will help you with organizing and sorting things out. Just keep in mind that if your idea crosses over into another department's area you must include that Department Head, if only out of curiosity so they can help. That is Simming 101.

I am always here if you need help, suggestions, or want a sounding board. Just shot me a PM via the site.



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