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My activity and moving forward

Posted on 02/20/2018 @ 11:31pm by

Good evening all,

I first would like to apologize for my extended absence and slow posting. I personally believe that a leader must set an example before he/she can lead. In the past couple months I have failed in that example and I'll accept that.

Yes I had real life issues and my life got busy, but we have an LOA system for this reason, so anything I say is only an excuse.

Therefore I will move forward from excuses and into leadership. While I may not have been posting, I have been observing and I've noticed the progress has been slow. For my part, I intend to fix that and when I play my part I will expect everyone else to do the same. At no time, will I ever stifle creativity, or refuse a joint post. That being said I won't go out hunting for them either. The command staff is here to drive the story, not your character, that's on you, that's on me for mine.

In the past working with Jake, I can say we were both pretty liberal with ideas, and I don't think that has changed. We talk together, bounce ideas off one another and I would encourage you all to do the same with us and your crew mates. You want to try something, ask. Curious about the story? Ask. But please do not just lollygag around hoping for Jake and I to drive the next big JP. The story is the sum of all our stories, not just a few big JPs.

In the next few days I'll be tagging up on my JPs you guys have started with me. That being said, I will be expecting you guys to seek out ways to enrich your character.

Like I said, the time for my excuses has passed, now we move forward.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this.

Commander Maurelle Valentine


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