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4 Years, Already?

Posted on 01/13/2019 @ 12:17pm by Captain Cornelius Harrington

Hay all,

Time for some good news!

I don't get to do these that often, so when it does happen it's a big deal for me. This simm started in November of 2014, with only a handful of players. Not long after we started an old friend of mine joined, and she's been with us going on 4 years now. So on the 4th anniversary of her joining this game, I hereby award the Gold Merit Ribbon to Char (Lieutenant Junipyr Danae) for her 4 years of service to the game; with a few different characters over the years.

I would also like to take the opportunity to recognize the work that she's put in over the last several months; both in the game and out of the game. I personally know that 2018 was a challenging year, and despite it all, she stuck with it and has been a great help to me. Some time back, when things got really challenging she made the decision to step down from a Chief role to focus on real life. Along with that choice she also gave up her rank of Lieutenant Commander.

In recognition of her work and her determination I am happy to reinstate her previous rank of Lt Commander. Please join me in giving a hearty congrats to Lt Commander Danae on her 4 years of service to the game and her "new"..."old" rank?



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