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Posted on 06/28/2015 @ 8:59am by Captain Cornelius Harrington


With the sending of the post titled “Interrogation” I am going to consider our first mission closed. Yes I am aware there are some holes in the storyline and not everything was answered but this was done for two reason. One, I would like to add on to this with future missions later down the road maybe even the return of Brot. And two, it was time to end it. So you may be asking where does this leaves us now.

Our next mission is aptly titled, “The Amazing Race” if you watch it and yes it is loosely based on the TV show. Well more based in title and theme only, as I have never seen it. Weird, I know! This mission will involve the crew being spilt into two teams effectively and they are listed below.

Team One: All Department Heads

Team One will be ordered to holodeck three for a meet and greet slash team building exercise hence the name of the mission. Yes, you can imagine things never go as planned in my missions and neither does this. A few things to keep in mind, no you may not find a magical way out of the holodeck but you can try (evil laughter) yes you are stuck there. And yes I expect lots of JPs and creativity in this side of the mission… so get those thinking caps on.

Team Two: All Junior Officers

Team Two has the hard part of the mission, now if you read team one’s job you might disagree with this sentence but hold on. Team Two gets to run the station and be in command of it. Ok so I know you are all thinking BORING about now and you should be right. However, as I stated things never go as planned in my missions you should know this. Team two will be dealing with a visiting Star Fleet Admiral from the Special Investigations Officer, Rear Admiral Sanchez. Sanchez is here to make some changes as he is not happy about the events that took place in mission one. So team two will have two jobs in effect; getting the Senior Staff out and dealing with the Admiral who is going to make your life’s hell.

Now I do have some twists and turns along the way but I can’t give everything out in the introduction because well that would ruin all my fun! I really want this mission to be more about fun and creativity; so don’t be afraid to jump in and toss in your own ideas. I would like to see lots of JPs,

There will be more as things develop, but for now everyone (in character) should be proceeding on with normal life. All characters should be on the station or arriving soon, as Commander Westbrooks and I should post the start of this bad boy soon. If you have a JP still being worked in for the last mission please turn to wrap that up so they don’t get too out dated and behind.

As always any questions just ask!



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