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JAG Fleet Advocates Needed!

Posted on 08/13/2015 @ 7:41am by

Hello Deep Spacers!

Your friendly Romulan Ambassador has been appointed the new Judge Advocate General of Obsidian Fleet--well, not her really, but me. Though there was something suspicious about Setlek now that I think about it...

Anyhow, one of the immediate priorities for the JAG office is recruiting new Fleet Advocates, and I wanted to share the announcement of these openings with you all in case any of you are interested. Please do not hesitate to PM me or e-mail me at the e-mail address in the post should you have any questions or if you are interested in the role.

It's not incredibly time-consuming after you complete the Fleet Advocate course, as Fleet Advocates are assigned to cases when needed on a voluntary basis. It's a great way to learn more about Fleet Law and procedure, and to have the opportunity to make a real difference in the fleet and the JAG department! More information can be found in the recruitment posting below.


-Nathan (Shiral, Antonio Setlek, etc.)


Hello everyone,

The JAG department is accepting new Fleet Advocate applications. Fleet Advocates play an essential part in the Obsidian Fleet legal system, ensuring that all parties in a case are represented by qualified counsel and receive sound advice throughout a disciplinary or administrative trial.

Being a Fleet Advocate can be a very rewarding experience. You will have an opportunity to learn more about fleet law and administration, represent fleet members in presenting arguments and evidence to support their cases, and you will have opportunities to help shape the future of the JAG department. Fleet Advocates may also be called upon to serve as panel members (judges) on cases and to assist the JAG department in specific tasks as determined by the JAG.

In order to become a fleet advocate you must meet the following requirements:

-Be a member of Obsidian Fleet who has served at least 3 months
-Have a clean strike/disciplinary record for the past year
-Have an interest in learning Fleet Law

Once I receive your application, you will be asked to complete the Fleet Advocate course. This course is one of the toughest in Obsidian Fleet—but I encourage everyone interested to apply. Anyone interested in applying or who would like to ask questions about this position should fill out the following form at the following link and e-mail it to me at jag [AT] obsidianfleet [DOT] net.

As a final note, observant fleet members may have noticed that two AJAG positions have sat vacant for nearly a year now. I will open these positions to applicants in a few months; however I will not be taking applications for the AJAG positions from anyone except Fleet Advocates and former members of the JAG office. If you are interested in one of the AJAG positions, becoming a Fleet Advocate and spending some time in that position is a required first step in order to advance further in the JAG department.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the Fleet Advocate position, or if you have any questions for or related to the JAG department. My "virtual door" is always open!


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