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Crew Choice Award

Posted on 08/21/2015 @ 12:01pm by Captain Cornelius Harrington

Hay Deep Spacers,

I've been asked about the Crew Choice Awards as some players are confused about the qualifications regarding this award. Quite simply there are no requirements for this award. With that said as the Commanding Officer of this simm, I have placed in that a crew member cannot win two times in a row. So for example if Harrington won this month, Harrington would be out of the running next month. The reason for this is that I want to see everyone get recognized.

So to the award, I have always seen this as a way for you, the player, to recognize the hard work of a fellow players. Perhaps someone really made you laugh, or they played their character extremely well and you just want to be able to give them kudos. Or there is a player that you just can't wait to see what they post next... who knows!

As a Commanding Officer, or even the Executive Officer, we are able to recognize players from a management perspective; the Crew Choice gives you the players the chance to say Hay this person did a fantastic jog, too. So I hope this helps clarify the award for those who needed an explanation.

To date, I have received 3 nominations out of 13. This is one award that I really want to see get used more often and get your input on. So if you have not sent yours in, please take a few minutes to log in and send me your nomination. My goal is to see all 13 nominations submitted each month by the 25th so I can send it with my monthly Command Report.

So yes you will see me send out a remind next month too :)

Thanks for everything you do.



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