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02/01/2017 @ 10:23pm

Lieutenant Commander Nolan Markell

Name Nolan Markell

Position USS Acadia, Chief Security

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 37
Place of Birth Alpha Centauri

Starfleet Identification

Data Access Level Level 1
Security Access Level 10
Duty Shift Alpha Shift

Station Assignments


Father Cooper Markell
Mother Almira Markell
Brother(s) Chas Markell, Silas Markell
Sister(s) Sella Markell

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 193 LBS
Hair Color Brown Hair
Eye Color Brown Eyes
Physical Description Nolan is tall and has a strong build. He had big broad shoulders, strong muscular arms, and a solid midsection. His hair is a dark brown color and is always kept short and neat. He has dark brown eyes and a strong jaw.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Nolan is very much a gentle giant, he can be intimidating and can come off as such but with those that he is close to he is very protective. Life has taken him through some hard times, he's learned to rely on himself. He doesn't make friends easily but is loyal to those he is close with.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Respectful
-Hot Headed
Ambitions Nolan had always had an eye on the future, he's a hard worker and always puts all of his effort into what he's doing.
Hobbies & Interests Ancient Human weapons,
Language(s) Spoken English


Personal History Nolan Markell was born and raised on Alpha Centauri, the closest star to earth and one of the first places humans established and off world Colony. Alpha Centauri city was the first and largest city of the Alpha Centauri colony when it was first formed. By the time Nolan was born, Alpha Centauri had nearly the population of earth and was one of the biggest colonies in the Federation. It has always been his home and one of his favorite places to be.

Nolan grew up along Cochrane river in a town called Blackfield just a few miles north of Alpha Centauri City. His mother worked as a dental hygienist in Blackfield and his father was a physics Professor at Alpha Centauri University. He was the second born in a family of four, his sister Sella being the oldest.

The Cochrane river was rather wide and deep, it held a lot of waterfront property and Nolan’s childhood home was on a two and a half acre piece of land that had a dock and a nice sandy area for swimming. Nolan loved the water and took to it naturally, swimming, boating, fishing and numerous other activities always kept him busy in the summer time. During the winter, when the river was completely frozen over he still spent a great deal of time on it, only this time it was on the ice playing hockey, skating or ice fishing.

As a boy growing up through his teens, he always loved spending his time out having fun and it made the idea of joining the SFJROTC in his local high school an easy jump. It was there he started to learn about the duties of a Starfleet officer and the value of service to the Federation itself as a citizen and an officer. It also meant spending time with fellow JROTC members and getting to explore what being part of Starfleet would be like in the future.

Joining the the academy and going straight for officer hood was a forgone conclusion in his mind and the path of a Security and Tactical officer appealed to him more than any other. The position was physical, took a lot of work and there was a great deal to learn about tactics and strategy that absolutely fascinated him and he took to it very quickly.

Outside of school and books, Nolan tended to enjoy a more active lifestyle. He’d never spent time on earth before and it felt so alien to him, he’d seen pictures and knew of the history of humanity but to actually go to earth and to be able to explore it first hand was an incredible experience for him.

Add in sports, namely hockey, and spending the weekends with his frat getting drunk. Then of course there were the girls, all around it was the college experience he’d been looking for. He was a good player and loved the game a great deal. In the end it wasn’t enough to go pro and he took to ship life very well.

Nolan’s rich history through high school and in the academy lead him to a productive career. On the ice and in uniform he was an enforcer and he took to the roll in both places. He worked hard and it didn’t take him long to get noticed and start moving up, getting different positions of leadership and command.

It was easy for him to focus on his career, being ship side he had little to distract him and worked hard to earn his rank. It wasn’t until he was aboard the Buzz Aldrin that things seemed to slow down and he managed to get a hold of a personal life and actually start to enjoy himself. He was busy as the chief, but nothing like when he was an underling.

That was when he met her, she was unlike any other woman he’d met before. Everything about her screamed sexy and he soon found himself wrapped around her little finger. Mazie Vayo was a dark haired, dark eyes unjoined Trill woman that was as charming as she was evil. She was the Chief Science Officer. Little did he know just how bad this woman would be for him.

At first the relationship was everything he could have hoped for, she was alluring, intelligent and came off as incredibly attractive. Everytime he was with her, it was if she had a spell on him that turned him into a puddle of goo. Of course she was as wonderful when they were intimate and she only got her claws into him deeper than ever. Her appetites were a little strange at first and only got weirder as time went on.

Slowly Mazie evolved into the charming, sweet girl into a manipulative but still very captivating woman. She had his cover for her when she was late for duty, or flat out had him take the blame. She would hide things from her superiors and always ensure he had her side on the matter.

Whenever he wasn’t around her he knew something was wrong, that the things she was doing could get him nailed but whenever he saw her, she’d give him a charming smile and make it all sound so wonderful again that he’d excuse it and do what she wanted. The relationship was not only effecting his career but it was gnawing at him at as a person.

A rival officer, a marine and bajoran by the name of Trazka Fimor was intent upon showing up Nolan at every possible turn and it didn’t matter how or with what. It didn’t take long for the man to start hitting on Mazie, who seemed to eat up the attention and drove Nolan up a wall. The two of them would fight about it on end, she would manage to worm her way out of it and the cycle started all over again.

That was until she got bored of it and upped the stakes. For the most part Mazie had been playing both Nolan and Fimor against each other, she used them both and loved the game. That was until Fimor decided to push to end the game, at which point he became a liability rather than a toy to have fun with.

It just so happened that Mazie had lost interest in Nolan as well and the woman was as cold as she was calculating. She played the two men against each other, got them alone in Nolan’s room and Fimor ended up dead by her hand while Nolan was fast asleep.

The next morning Nolan was woken up by security arresting him and when it came time for Mazie to defend him she chose self preservation and let him take the full blame for the murder. The two men had been fighting, the knife that was used was one Nolan carried on him often and Mazie played that she’d been home alone in her quarters all night.

A month later Nolan was in a grey jumpsuit doing hard labor at Vidi Penal Colony with no hope of ever escaping. The first year was the toughest, dealing with the fact that Mazie had betrayed him and trying to make a place in this new pack of criminals was not easy. He’d never been a criminal and the adjustment was hell.

Once he came to terms with what Mazie had done, he got angry that the woman he loved, or thought he loved, could do something so horrible. The man was his rival and maybe made him jealous but he’d never have killed him.

It was only through a damn good lawyer and Mazie making the same mistake twice that got him freed. It soon came out that he was not the first man she’d framed, nor the last. After four years of hell Nolan was reinstated into Starfleet, put through more counseling that he could ever remember going through in his life and finally earned the right to wear his uniform once again.
Service Record 2372 - 2376, Starfleet Academy
2376 - 2380, USS Dragonfly, Security and Tactical Officer
2380 - 2383, USS Swallowtail, Assistant Chief Security and Tactical Officer
2383 - 2386, USS Buzz Aldrin, Chief Security and Tactical Officer
2386 - 2390, Proni Vidi Penal Colony, Inmate
2390 - 2391, USS Harbinger, Chief Security and Tactical Officer
2391 - Present, Deep Space 7, Security