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04/14/2023 @ 1:25pm

Lieutenant Commander Junipyr Danae

Name Junipyr Takia Danae

Position On-Assignment

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Nickname Juni
Gender Female
Species Alcaren
Age 28
Date of Birth 2366
Place of Birth Alcar

Starfleet Identification

Data Access Level Level 3
Security Access Level 6
Duty Shift Alpha Shift

Station Assignments


Relationship Status single
Father Captain Darin Danae - Alcaren Space Fleet (ASF)
Mother Takia Nurial-Danae - Historian
Brother(s) Finic Danae (Quenya), Cadet Banner Danea (Starfleet Academy)
Sister(s) Grenia Danae-Kossic, Lt. Kalus Danea (ASF)
Other Family Grandfather - Quenyansur Corrin Danea (Chief Quenya for House Hemlorac)
Uncle - Haric Danae (Quenya)
Aunt - Sira Danae (Quenya)
Pets "Kriko and Maris" - Earth Savannah Cats - Various fish

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 7
Hair Color Dark Auburn
Eye Color Silver
Physical Description Junipyr is a tall, lean, fit, dark skinned Alcaren. As is common with her race she has silver eyes and red toned hair. She has a number of colorful tattoos on her skin, each meaning something significant to her.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Junipyr loves life and most people can tell that instantly. She has a deep love for art and dance, and they tend to have a calming effect on her. While prone to a temper she doesn’t always show it, but rather digs in and becomes ostitant or sarcastic to battle it until she can let it go, which does not come easy to her. Juni has a deep loyalty when she decides to give it, but if if she is betrayed she never forgets and has yet to forgive. Reminder of old betrayals rile up her deep sense of justice.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
+ Physically Strong and yet flexible
+ Physical Endurance
+ Confidence
+ Determined
+ Loyal

- Cocky
- Stubborn
- Argumentative
- Difficult time keeping still
- Holds grudges
- Hard to please
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies - Art, Dance, Alcaren Religious studies, Pre Federation History, thrill seeking, felines and fish from many worlds, forms of fighting styles, classic weaponry.
Orientation Stright
Language(s) Spoken Alcaren, Basic Federation


Personal History ::Quenya Background::

In the founding of the Alcaren government 12 houses were raised to a level of nobility to rule and protect the Alcaren people under the leadership of the Royal house. To ensure their safety and care for their needs families committed themselves and their progeny to protect these nobles, they became the primary warriors of Alcar for many generations. These are the Quneya. Over time with the expansion of families it became less of an obligation and more of a choice whether to serve the house or not. Service is expected from the first two born in to each Quenya family, however in more modern times each person if given a choice. As gratitude for family service education is provided to the second generation of the eldest generation still in current service. This ensures that if there is a need for service there are educated members with in the family who may be called upon.

In Junipyrs specific case, her Grandfather is currently in service to the Hemlorac Family, her Aunt and Uncle choose to continue serving the family as well as a number of their own cousins. Junipyrs father choose a different path for himself, but since his father still serves Junipyr and her siblings are offered the opportunity to be educated and offered the honor of serving if they so choose. After education they may be called upon to serve if needed. Junipyrs father is the first to decline Quenya service in 5 generations, and has risen to the rank of Captain in the Alcaren Space Fleet, which over time redeemed him from his choice. While the choice to join the Quneya ranks is given, it is quietly looked down upon to refuse the offer.

::Junipyrs history:

Junipyr was born the 3rd child in her family in a southern province of Alcar. Growing up she did not see much of her father as he pursued his career in the ASF, however it was always a happy occasion when he was able to come home for a period of time. In her early year of school Junipyr got in to many fights, mostly centered around being made fun of because her father had chosen to decline the family business and join the Alcaren Military instead. She became so wrapped up in defending her father and family honor that her education suffered. Under the advice of her mostly Quenya family, her parts elected to send her to a specialized Quneya school located outside the capital city, Imly. Since her grandfather still served she was eligible to receive Quenya training. This moved her away from her family during the week, but it was a good move for her development.

Much of the education revolved around tactics, fighting, and diplomatic education since a Quenya would be expected to blend in to the royal court, which could include interplanetary diplomatic events.

During her first year at Quenya Academy she was introduced to several forms of dancing, not only are all Quneya expected to know basic dance as to blend in to the court, but it also enhanced body control when it came to fighting. This ignited a passion and outlet for Junipyr and she began to spend her time outside of the classroom joining every dance class she could find. Her grandfather was disappointed she was not focusing on her warrior skills, in hopes she would take the offer to become a Quenya when she was old enough, but her Aunt ensured that Junipyr remembered to follow her passion.

Eager to please her grandfather, and father she studied hard, and quickly found that being a warrior suited her. She enjoyed the history of war, and even began to look in to history of other cultures. Her dancing gave her an edge in her fighting training, and soon she was rising the ranks of her class with her grades and skills. She could much, and expected much. In her second to last year at the Quenya Academy she challenged a teacher for making a class to easy, which did not go over well, and caused her to become a little embittered against that teacher. That teacher went out of her way to disrupt Junipyr and caused her many difficulties in her last two years, her determination and need to please her family kept her pushing through the adversity.

When the time came to choose her Quenya service Junipyr surprised everyone. Her appetite had become hungry to learn more about cultures beyond Alcar. She’d been quietly looking into joining Starfleet Academy. Only a few hundred Alcaren had done so in the past and Starfleet as eager for more. She accepted an offer and soon left Alcar much to the dismay of her family. To this day her grandfather has yet to speak to her since, and only her mother and one of her brothers had any form of relationship with her. To her, not being excited for her chosen path was a deep betrayal, and she was still hold it against them. She is bound and determined to succeed and show them, that just like her father, just because she did not take the easy path laid before her, did not mean she lacked honor. Her fathers lack of understanding hurts the most, since she is so like him, and made choices like his. This has made it difficult for her to trust, and made her most likely to balk against any one who thinks they have any say in the path of her life. It caused her time at Starfleet Academy to be difficult. Many people seemed to have an idea what her life should look like, and she was unwilling to accept it.

Junipyrs obstinate nature quickly became a problem and she found herself under disciplinary review. It was the wake up call she needed. If she was removed from the Academy she’d be a failure back home, and all doors for a successful career would close to her. She focused her efforts and pushed down the path she has chosen for herself. With her background and skills it was an easy choice to join the security forces of Starfleet.

:: USS Tahoe::
Upon graduation she was assigned to the USS Tahoe as an Ensign. Being green and fresh out of the academy she was regulated to night time patrols and grew bored quickly. This did not help her restlessness. Despite the fact she tired to pour her energy in to art and dance to distract herself she became unsatisfied. In hopes to help her her chief recommend she move to the USS Ark Royal, as it was a much larger ship, with more exciting missions.

:: USS Ark Royal::

Things seemed to look up on the Ark Royal. There were more cultures for her to explore living on the ship. She tried to fit in, but in a flash of irritation one day she snapped at her new Chief, and he took serious offence. Again she was given the worst jobs and the chief frequently singled her out and made unreasonable demands of her performance. In the end Junipyr begged for a transfer and it was finally given, sending her to the Geronimo.

::USS Geronimo::
Junipyr had high hopes that her life would turn around on the USS Geronimo and at first it seemed to. 10 months in to her service she was on a diplomatic mission with the command away team. Her training in the Quenya academy had allowed for her to be chosen. The meeting went sideways and she was trapped in a firefight. In the end the Captain was murdered before they won the fight and managed escape. In the end she was faulted for the Captain's death. While she had been closest to him, she’d followed her chiefs orders and worked on picking off the attackers. The Captain had made a stupid error to try and diffuse the situation and she could not stop him. He took a shot, and she was stuck with the blame, having no way to prove it was not her fault other than her word. After official review she was given a mark on her official record and removed from that ship and sent to a hospital ship, the Oklahoma.

::USS Oklahoma::
When she arrived, it seemed every one knew of her failure in protecting her former CO, and the fact she’d transferred stations so many times in so many years. She was perceived as a project no one wanted to take on. After several months of trying and getting nowhere Junipyr was ready to throw in the towel and give up. She stopped caring and started to party whenever she got the chance. They had not wanted her, and transferred her away as quickly as they could.

::USS Tokyo::

Ready to give up Junipyr didn’t try very hard when she got her new position. She was beaten, judged, and felt that every chance she’d made made her more of a failure. Her newest chief took extra interest in her. She tried to work with her, but struggled. It took months to get Junipyr to trust her, and in the end the chief decided she had a friend who could mold Junipyr far more than she could. She convinced Junipyr to work with her for the promotion and transfer to the USS Kilimanjaro.

::USS Kilimanjaro::

Junipyr did her best to keep and open mind when she met her new chief. She was surprised how prepared he was for her. He paired her with a very seasoned enlisted man and instructed her to do whatever he said. Junipyr was concerned about this, but soon realized that the enlisted man really knew how to operate. She found a close friendship with him and soon found her life and her career turning around. With in a matter of months she had moved up to a team leader and took on responsibility. After a year in that position she was moved to Assistant Chief Security Officer. Between the Enlisted and the Chief she was mentored and developed. Taking a risk, with the recommendation of her chief she applied for a position on the USS Nogura.
Service Record 2366 - Born
2369 - Start School
2371 - 2382 - Quenya Academy
2382 - 2386 Starfleet Academy, Security
2386 - 2387 USS Tahoe - Ensign
2387 - 2388 USS Ark Royal - Ensign
2388 - 2389 USS Geronimo - Ensign
2389 - 2389 USS Oklahoma - Ensign
2389 - 2390 USS Tokyo - Ensign
2390 - 2394 USS Kilimanjaro - Lieutenant J.G.
2394 - Present USS Nogura, Chief of Security, Lieutenant
Medical Notes Telepathic