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04/25/2024 @ 2:50pm

Commander Raphael Mattix

Name Raphael Mattix

Position Chief Diplomatic Officer

Second Position Commanding Officer-USS Tempest

Rank Commander

Character Information

Nickname Raph
Gender Male
Species Human
Age 53
Place of Birth Springfield, Illinois

Starfleet Identification

Data Access Level Level 1
Security Access Level 9
Duty Shift Alpha Shift

Station Assignments


Relationship Status Single
Partner ex-wife Nicolette Mattix
Children Daughter: Isabelle Mattix (27) Currently a Starfleet Investigations Officer
Son: Lance Mattix (25)
Father Walter Mattix
Mother Barbra Mattix
Brother(s) Michael Mattix
Sister(s) Lilliana Bristol

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 163 LBS
Hair Color Salt and Pepper
Eye Color Lavender Grey
Physical Description Raphael is a little under average height and weight for most humans, but during his time in Starfleet, he worked hard to keep himself in top physical condition and is stronger than he looks.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Raphael is a confident individual that has been described as fearless by many individuals. In his youth he was very much a free spirit, outgoing and open hearted. He had an upbeat approach to life and was often the life of the party and while that can sometimes still shine through he is generally quieter and more observant. He is a deep individual and despite his fun loving side, he longs for meaningful and deep emotional connections.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Curious
+Excellent Communicator
-Overly Accommodating
-Overly Optimistic
Ambitions Raphael has reached a point in his life where he wants to enjoy the rest of his days in the quiet peace of his cabin.
Hobbies & Interests Cooking, building, outdoors like camping and hiking, hunting and fishing
Orientation Straight
Language(s) Spoken English, French, Orion, Andorian


Personal History Raphael was born in Springfield, Illinois to Walter and Barbra Mattix. His childhood was one typical of a boy born in the midwest. He spent his days in school, his evenings at various sports practices, working on homework or chores around the house and playing with his friends when he could. He spent a lot of time swimming in lake Springfield, his father taught him how to fish and they camped frequently.

Raphael quickly developed a love for the outdoors, and longed for the time his parents were able to take time to take him camping. Most of his adventures were earth bound, but a few times they ventured further away.

As the life of the party, Raphael always seemed to have a lot of kids hanging around him but there were two that he consistently spent time with and were those he considered his best friends. They were inseparable through most of school. Booker Altham and Aaron Clayden were the two closest friends that he ever had. They did almost everything together, so when Booker decided to join Starfleet the other two naturally signed up without hesitation.

:::Academy Life:::

With this being his first time truly away from his parents, Raphael truly threw himself into the life. He signed up for security, feeling that it would be the best use of his athletic nature, and worked hard to do well in the program.

His carefree nature and life of the party nature when he was out of class and training seemed to take full control. Raphael was always planning some kind of event, working to throw a party or attending one and there were very few people on campus that didn’t know his name. His friendship with Booker and Aaron did not falter, and even with all that he did, he still remained close to them.

:::Starbase 286:::

The first three years of Raphael’s Starfleet career were pretty tough, as a low ranking security officer he was often stuck with duties that didn’t fit well with his personality and the only thing that kept him sane were his out of work hobbies. He would often head off hiking, or camping and found himself getting off base as much as he could.

The first three years were rough, the life of a security officer wasn’t one he felt he was cut out for. Guarding things, protecting people and filing reports was about as boring as it could get. It wasn’t until he was first on scene at a crime scene where he met an investigations officer and his carrier branched off into investigation work. The work was much more dynamic, he was far more happy and it helped keep him around.

While off base on one of his walk abouts, he met Nicolette, a woman he fell almost instantly in love with. She was a microbiologist out studying something on the planet the Starbase was near and she’d gotten lost. Because of his knowledge of the area the two of them traveled together and he helped her make her rendezvous, but not after they exchanged information with each other and struck up something of a relationship.

The two became inseparable, she was the scientist and thinker. Always planning and he was the free spirit who, despite security training, loved being the life of the party. Soon the two married, even though they were young and it wasn’t long after that she found out she was pregnant with her first child.

The following three years were good ones, although they were busy for both him and Nicolette, a second child soon followed the first and he couldn’t help but be happy with the way life was going. He quickly became a rising star in the ranks and eventually accepted a department head job on the USS Cromwell.

:::USS Cromwell:::

Ship life was a big change for Raphael and Nicolette and their young family, a Starbase was like a living city and a ship felt like being stuffed into a tin can and flying about the galaxy. It limited what Nicolette could do for her career, but it put a strain on their marriage.

When the war broke out a year after they joined, civilians were quickly off loaded and he was sent off to war. The ship, despite all of the losses, was one of the few that made it through to the end. As a security officer he was on the front lines, two long years of fighting but even more of a strain on his marriage and by the end of the war he was a different man.

:::USS Resolute:::

Another promotion, a bigger ship and one with more opportunities. His professional life continued to go well, as the Chief of security and second officer he worked hard to continue to build on his past successes. His victories in the war and his push to stick to it made him an easy choice when the XO of the Resolute was promoted.

For all of his professional successes, his personal life was falling apart. His wife grew more distant and he felt like everything he tried just resulted in more failure. By the time he’d changed his yellow uniform for a red one, he was no longer married and his wife had moved on from the ship.

:::USS Tenacity:::

The tenacity was a defiant class ship, new off of the line and Raphael was chosen to command his first ship. Like all new commanders, he had a rocky start as a commanding officer, but he quickly adapted. The missions started as simple patrols and convoy escorts to far tougher combat missions and more dangerous patrols.

The last year of his command he was approached by Admiral Jack Edwards to protect a VIP from being kidnapped or killed from a small local town on a planet known as Tecri III. The mission went south pretty quickly, a group of Mercenaries was sent to attack and it was only through the help of a local merchant that they were able to stop the attack and keep the VIP alive.

This led to more missions from Edwards and eventually Mattix’ next command.

:::Tartarus Station:::

On the surface, Tartarus station was a K class station. It was old and had been retired decades before but it’s location had made it a key point of interest for the operations that Edwards and Mattix had planned. On the surface, the station was a layover for travelers and merchants. A place for ships to stop when they needed a break to resupply. It was far enough out that the cover was a good one.

Out of the K class’s shuttle bay a squadron of modified peregrine fighters, a squadron that wasn’t listed on any official registry but one that existed. A team of twenty four pilots that had multiple skills that could be sent on missions and easily be disavowed if things went wrong. It was difficult work and it often skirted the line of what was right and wrong, but he always worked to make sure that they had the greater good in mind.

:::Retired Life:::

In the end, the squadron and the station were eventually closed down, and it gave Mattix the ability to retire. He built a cabin on a planet called Zalki IV, just outside of a small colony. He was finally free of the Starfleet life for good.

:::Starbase 50:::

Five years after retirement he has returned to Starfleet, given his career it’s anyone's guess as to why.
Service Record 2361-2365 Starfleet Academy, Security/Tactical Major
2365-2368 Starbase 286, Security Officer, Ensign
2368-2370 Starbase 286, Starfleet Investigations Officer, Lieutenant JG
2370-2372 Starbase 286, Assistant Chief of Security and Lead Investigation Officer, Lieutenant
2372-2376 USS Cromwell, Chief of Security, Lieutenant
2376-2378 USS Resolute, Chief of Security and Second officer, Lieutenant Commander
2378-2381 USS Resolute, Executive Officer, Lieutenant Commander
2381-2386 USS Tenacity, Commanding Officer, Commander
2386-2391 Tartarus Station, Commanding Officer, Commander
2391-2396 Retired
2396-Present Starbase 50, Chief Diplomatic Officer