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08/23/2023 @ 7:46pm

Ensign Kumani Neysa

Name Kumani Neysa

Position Counselor

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran
Age 24
Date of Birth May 19, 2373
Place of Birth Dahkur Province, Bajor

Starfleet Identification

Data Access Level Level 1
Security Access Level 4
Duty Shift Alpha Shift

Station Assignments


Relationship Status Single- It's complicated
Father Kumani Lerel- Deceased
Mother Sorine Kasra- Missing
Brother(s) Kumani Lisel- Deceased
Kumani Jas

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 135 lbs
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Neysa is fairly tall but no more distinctive from most Bajorans. She has long blond hair and blue eyes. She is constantly on her feet and only eats when her body absolutely demands it so her figure is willowy. She has permanent lines above her nose ridges from scrunching up to protect her eyes from the sun but wrinkles or her appearance in general mean little to her.

Personality & Traits

General Overview On the outside Neysa appears very outgoing and she hides her shy nature. On the surface she makes friends easily as long as they don’t attempt to pry too much into her personal life. She greatly enjoys her work and will often put in extra hours. Neysa is extremely loyal to those she deems worthy and would do anything for a friend or colleague. She strongly believes that one must have a sense of humor in life and is often known for pulling practical jokes.

Neysa is a very spiritual person whose strong belief in the prophets has helped her survive a difficult childhood. Though she knows of the existence of the wormhole aliens and acknowledges that they may very well be the very prophets her people have been worshiping for thousands of years, she also believes that their religion goes deeper than any being. That there is a power or force beyond and surrounds them at all times. It is from this power that she draws and it is this power she feels completely at ease with.
Strengths & Weaknesses Neysa can be very stubborn and has been known to dig her heels in when she believes she is right. She offers her opinion whether it is wanted or not but usually does not come off as arrogant. She is, deep down, a very vulnerable but sweet person whose past eats at her. But she is gentle and very caring and the most loyal friend a person could ask for.
Ambitions Neysa has no ambitions other than to help as many of her people as she can.
Hobbies & Interests Neysa is fascinated by history. If it weren’t for joining Starfleet she could be found in the monasteries reading every little scrap of ancient history her fingers could come across. Even subjects such as the occupation which cause her pain are not pushed aside.

She is an aspiring painter and loves to pick a nature scene to try and represent. She often gets lost in thought about how a blade of grass appears in nature versus how it appears in her paintings.
Orientation heterosexual


Personal History Born on Bajor in 2373 in the Dahkur province , Kumani Neysa was raised in the monastery in Kendra as the middle of three children. Her brothers served as her protectors while her parents tended to the land and the monastery as a priest and farmer. At the beginning of her life her parents struggled to have enough food on the table but with the occupation over, things improved on Bajor and they had a happy domestic life for a few years.

When she was seven years old Neysa witnessed the murder of her father at the hands of another Bajoran. Although she wouldn’t speak about the incident for many years to come and to this day will only reveal the details to someone she completely trusts. Her mother was then forced to work odd jobs in order to supplement their food supply. Her mother disappeared when she was fifteen. Neysa never discovered what had happened to her.

As a child she was friendly with Aliya Loras, the son of a local political family whom she always felt a strong connection with. It wasn’t until she was a teenager that she realized their pagh’s were intertwined and it was her first experience with a vision that convinced her that he was meant to be a great leader among the Bajoran people. This vision or prophecy was also what led her to save his life several years later in 2390 by ensuring he was in the monastery when a flood wiped out his family home. His father and brothers were killed. Neysa never told Loras about her vision. Her decision to save him and sacrifice the others eats at her. Not only does she live in fear that he will someday discover what she did, but she constantly wonders if she made the right choice. He was the first person she told when she decided to join Starfleet. They don’t keep in touch as often as she would like but she thinks of him often and offers a small sigh at the reminiscence. She believes that they will one day be reunited and spend a good part of their lives together.

Over the four years in Starfleet Academy and two years in Starfleet Medical, Neysa discovered her likes and dislikes. She learned that she couldn’t figure out how to plug in a replicator, or if they even plug in much less understand a warp core. She learned that she really did like people, despite their insecurities, quirks and moods. Deep down she believes there is a layer of good within everyone and it’s her job to discover it. In order to help people be their best she chose counseling as her major which in her mind ensured that whatever ship she were placed on would be running smoothly. This mindset is no doubt naive but well intentioned.

Always a hard worker, she will volunteer for extra shifts and is never able to truly relax unless she has something in her hands to do, whether that’s painting or knitting or reading a book. She was less than excited when she found out she would be stationed on a space station instead of a starship but has since come to the conclusion that a station, like a starship, is also a community albeit a larger one and she’s needed there just as much as any fancy starship.
Service Record Starfleet Academy 2391- 2395
Starfleet Medical Academy 2395-2397

Poseidon Station is her first assignment