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03/08/2024 @ 9:18am

Lieutenant Commander Ellery Rosa

Name Ellery Rosa

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 32
Date of Birth January 11
Place of Birth Betazed

Starfleet Identification

Data Access Level Level 3
Security Access Level 7
Duty Shift Alpha Shift

Station Assignments


Relationship Status Single
Father Marco Rosa
Mother Veronica Mori
Sister(s) Elena

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 7"
Weight 135 lbs
Hair Color Mahogany
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Ellery is curvaceous and enjoys it. Although she is far from plump, she does not fit in with the "skinny" women that are considered the standard of beauty. She was raised with an appreciation of good food, good company and good music.

She prefers to dress casually whenever possible, preferring worn jeans and colorful blouses to a more formal uniform. When on duty she will often wear a regulation jumpsuit because it has more pockets and is less likely to get in her way when she's working.

As a civilian, she likes jumpsuits if she's working on a project, or skirts (with pockets) and blouses if she's dealing with people. But on her own, she still likes jeans, shirts and vests with pockets.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ellery loves her work, but believes that life is too short to take it too seriously. She smiles and laughs with true joy. 
She is a physical person and will often touch the person she is speaking to. She gives hugs freely to those who are willing--especially if she feels they need it.
She is generally kind and considerate of others but can have a bit of a temperament when riled or feels the need to defend someone.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Fiercely loyal, stands up for what she believes in.
Intelligent, hardworking, curious.
Cheerful. Positive.
She loves to learn.

Love dark chocolate, cheesecake and pasta.
Will occasionally do what she feels is right over what the rules dictate.
Has a bit of a Robin Hood complex and occasionally champions those who need it.
She can get hyper-focused on a project.
She loves to learn.
Ambitions To love well, work well and be happy.
At this point she isn't sure where she would like to end up, but for now, she wants to do her best and see where her career takes her.
She loves to learn and takes opportunities to study more. Sometimes that means she takes a sabbatical from Starfleet.
Hobbies & Interests Sculpting with clay and pottery.
Dancing (folk and ballroom).
Growing and cooking with herbs.
She is adept with a knife. She is a woodcarver and uses a knife as a tool in many facets of her work.
She has a secret fondness for sea shanties and folk songs because of their historic and cultural significance.
Orientation Heterosexual
Language(s) Spoken Standard, Betazoid, Vulcan, Romulan, Cardassian. Understands a number of languages Can read many ancient languages.


Personal History Ellery was born in a small village on Betazed and lived there with her parents and sister for several years. She doesn't remember much of her childhood, except that there were a lot of plants and flowers and everyone her family spoke telepathically.

When she was seven, her paternal grandfather passed away. Her father, a carpenter of some renown, was asked to move to the Andes region of Earth and take the place of his late Father as the carpenter-in-residence in the family business. 

At first, he was loath to leave, because this was his family's home, but his wife soon convinced him that it would be good for them to be among non-telepaths and she would  be able to visit her family in Virginia every year for the holidays.

The family settled in a large city on the western side of the Andes where the children soon made friends and spent almost as much time with their extended family as they did their own. 

Ellery learned to cook and enjoyed experimenting with a variety of dishes from various cultures. She told everyone that when she grew up, she would open her own restaurant.

But then in secondary school she began to study history and fell in love with the ancient tales of lost civilizations. At first, she studied the tales of South America, then those of other ancient civilizations on Earth. Instead of opening her restaurant, she attended university and studied history, archaeology, anthropology and linguistics, fascinated with the commonalities among the various cultures and races of the Federation.

She worked nights in a local bistro as a chef and her summers working as an intern on several archaeological sites.

When she completed her undergraduate degrees, she accepted a job teaching freshman history classes while she worked on her advanced degrees. Once she graduated, she was offered a permanent job, but her thirst for knowledge led her to accept an offer to join Starfleet and went through OCS.
Her first assignment was as a Xeno-Anthropologist/Archaeologist on the USS Thunderbird. She loved the work, but getting into space and learning first-hand what was out there made her eager to learn more. 

She took online courses in computer science and astronomy, earning degrees in both to help her be a more effective science officer.
After several years in space, she had the opportunity to study temporal science on Vulcan and was granted a leave of absence for two years. When she completed the program, she was assigned to the USS Calypso as the assistant chief science officer where she was able to continue learning about spatial phenomenon.
However, when Federation Sciences asked her to work for them as part of an elite team compiling a comprehensive database of known stellar phenomenon and ancient civilizations to look for patterns, she gladly agreed, even though it was a civilian role. It was another opportunity to learn and she spent two years on the project.
As the project was coming to a close, she learned of an unusual rift near Starbase 50 and wanted to learn more. In addition, there was a  planet nearby that promised some unusual cultures. So, while the station already had a chief of science—one she would outrank if she went there as an officer—she learned that, as a civilian, she could take on the role of assistant and have time to do some exploring on the side.
Service Record Served as xeno-anthropologist/archaeologist on the USS Thunderbird.
Served as xeno-anthropologist/archaeologist and historian on the USS Tsunami.
Took a leave of absence to study temporal science at the Vulcan Science Academy.
Served as Assistant Chief Science Officer on Starbase Avalon.
Served as Chief Science Officer aboard the USS Tiuanaco.
Took a leave of absence to work for Federation Sciences.
Serves as Assistant Chief Science Officer on Starbase 50.
Medical Notes Nothing out of the ordinary.