Gul Daske Khaya

Name Daske Alin Khaya

Position Cardassian Ambassador

Rank Gul

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Cardassian
Age 40
Place of Birth Cardassia City, Cardassia Prime

Starfleet Identification

Data Access Level Level 1
Security Access Level 10
Duty Shift Alpha Shift

Station Assignments


Father Legate Phin Khaya
Mother Doctor Ratel Khaya
Brother(s) Latjin Khaya Cardassian Military Officer (younger brother)

Physical Appearance

Height 1.74m
Hair Color Reddish brown
Eye Color Pale Blue
Physical Description Tall, statuesque

Personality & Traits

General Overview Daske exudes an heir of authority and intelligence.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Sharp minded



Ambitions To achieve whatever she puts her mind to.
Hobbies & Interests Games of skill


Alcohol, her favourite a mixture of kanar and Merlot.
Orientation Bisexual
Language(s) Spoken Federation Standard (English), Cardassian, Klingon(ese), Vulcan/Romulan and Ferengi.


Personal History Born in Cardassia City, the eldest of two children, Daske followed her father into the Military.

After undergoing the required military training, Daske entered the Cardassian Science Academy and achieved a degree in Astrophysics and was accepted into the Cardassian Science Ministry, where she continued her education while conducting research.
Service Record Entered Cardassian Military Academy, after undergoing extensive mental training as a child.

Graduated Cardassian Military Academy as an officer

Entered the Cardassian Science Academy

Graduated the Cardassian Science Academy with a postgrad degree in Astrophysics

Recruited into the Cardassian Science Ministry

Assigned to the Cardassian research vessel Kivon as Astrophysist

Underwent a crash course in diplomacy

Assigned to Federation Starbase 50 as Cardassian Ambassador
Medical Notes Has a allergic reaction to strawberries.

Broke her left arm in a bar fight with a drunk Klingon. (He came off the worse for wear).

Stabbed in the lower gut by a Changeling saboteur, still has the scar.