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07/01/2016 @ 2:53pm

Civilian Irov ch'Vahleq

Name Irov ch'Vahleq

Position Civilian

Rank Civilian

Character Information

Nickname Captain
Gender Male
Species Andorian
Age 41
Place of Birth Andoria

Starfleet Identification

Data Access Level Level 1
Security Access Level 1
Duty Shift Alpha Shift

Station Assignments

Office The Dragon's Claw
Quarters The Dragon's Claw


Relationship Status single
Partner None
Children Calista Maille - Adopted Daughter
Father Isyn ch'Vahleq
Mother Captain Vitao ch'Vahleq (Starfleet Retired)
Brother(s) Athas sh'Relak (in-law)
Kass ch'Vahleq
Sister(s) Evita sh'Relak
Zarao ch'Vahleq
Other Family Derv Frottach
Leara Atoci
Taki Milik
Sani house of Treshtem
Taahi Dade
Orzin Vamad

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 176 lbs
Hair Color Grey
Eye Color Ice Blue
Physical Description Irov is an average height, broad shouldered, muscular Andorian and very often can intimidate others. He has a scar on his left cheek that he earned in a fight with a Jem'Hadar and has several tattoos, including his unit patch from when he was fighting in the dominion war.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Irov is a very driven individual and has always straightforward with those around him. Story telling is an art and he often regales people with tales from his life. He always has a plan and very rarely accomplishes what he sets out to do. He's very charming and very rarely has trouble with those he's attracted to. The big Andorian can also be brash and come off as uncaring when the opposite is true and much like the majority of his race he is very passionate and has no trouble expressing his emotions.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Driven
+Story Teller

-Quick Tempered
-Close Minded
Ambitions Irov accomplished everything he wanted to in Starfleet and once he'd put in his twenty years made the choice to retire to a civilian life. Now he works for himself and his adopted daughter Calista, with the plan to earn his way into a bigger ship and then retire to an Andorian colony where he can live in the lap of luxury.
Hobbies & Interests The Andorian people love both war and art and Irov is a true blue Andorian. He works hard to stay in shape, practicing all of his skills. While relaxing in his quarters he often reads or even spends time panting. He is an excellent 3d chess player and enjoys various games.
Orientation Heterosexual
Language(s) Spoken Andorian, English, Orion


Service Record 2368 - 2372 Starfleet Academy, Security Cadet
2372 - 2375 USS Cromwell, Security Officer
2375 - 2377 USS Kyvov, Assistant Chief Security Officer
2377 - 2379 USS Ark Royal, Chief Security Officer
2379 - 2381 USS Panama, Executive Officer
2381 - 2383 USS Vanguard, Commanding Officer
2383 - 2388 USS Barracuda, Commanding Officer
2388- Present S.S. Dragon's Claw, Captain