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Folie a deux - Juni/Liam nightmare Part 2

Posted on 02/10/2020 @ 1:17pm by Lieutenant Commander Junipyr Danae
Edited on on 02/24/2020 @ 8:41pm

1,359 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 19: The Stuff of Nightmares
Location: Lieutenants bay nebula base

Previously on Folie a deux

"You cannot strike me down," Evil Liam appeared in the airlock and merely laughed at her.

And now the continuation ……

Liam was beginning to cotton on to something. ~Hes right you can't. Not like this. My evil twin didn't have the ability to teleport. Juni this is not real. Well its real to us but its not our true reality. And …..~ he said somewhat annoyed ….~thats what you have been saying for a long time. If your prepared to die perhaps you can be prepared to stop being frightened what will happen if we did bond. Oh that is ……. I get this trap now …..~ he muttered.

Juni looked at Liam, and back at the Evil one. He stood there, threatening and daunting, but not advancing. ~Liam, there are things about us that I'm not certain are compatible, this is a life long choice and we have to be sure. Its reasonable for me to be afraid!~ she said looking at him, gripping his hand. ~You believe in your godesses, I believe in One! You're not Alcaren, I'm a Quenya, I.... there is... I...~ she stared at him, feeling a bit lost between the two. She wanted to continue falling for Liam, but she was scared, would their fundamental beliefs destroy them?

"Juni I have made a career out of listening to, helping and respecting other people not to mention been a diplomatic officer. If we cannot find some ground to co-exist with any differences then its time for me to admit defeat and pack in my life's work," Liam said seriously.

Liam locked eyes with his counterpart. "Time to end this. You have no further power over me,"

He let go of her hand, walked directly through the flames which were no longer hot and did not burn him in any way. Then he sucker punched his evil twin.

"You have to really mean it Liam," he hissed wiping a dribble of blood off his cheek.

"Oh I do," Liam said headbutting him and grabbing his shoulders before frogmarching him into the flames. The twisted version smirked and disappeared.

Liam held out his hand to Danae through the flames while saying, ""Besides its far more scarier for me. You would have to meet my mother."

Junipyr opened her mouth in shock, seeing him fight was new, and by Eyeam was it amazing to see. She felt a surge of attraction rush over her as she reached out to take his hand. The moment their fingers touched the scene changed.

Suddenly they were in a room surrounded by Alcaren. The sea of redheaded silver eyed people swirled in to existence. None of them looked friendly as several of them held her biceps hard. Two Danae Quenya held her tightly, one was her brother, another a cousin.

Liams hand was taken from hers as he was pulled, far more gently away from her, and she was shoved forward. On the dias was an Alcaren judge. "Quenya Juniyr Danae, you have been recalled with an accusation of Psi-crimes standing against you."

Dread and fear washed over her as she looked at Liam, the fear growing as it bounced in to him, and he looked confused. She looked back to the judge, "I have committed no Psi crimes!" she cried out.

"You stand accused of manipulating the mental patterns of a non Alcaren, and eliciting a selfish bonding." the judge said. "Your victim must be set free of you. Liam Reynolds, we will be examining your mind for proof of this accusation. Upon completion your aggressor will be executed. What faces you in likely months or years of men instability, but your bond will be broken and you will be free, we will be here to help you and ensure you are able to be a functional member of Soceity when you are recovered." the judge said.

Junipyr felt her mouth go dry, forced bonding was normally easy to prove, and execution were quick to ensure the quickest freedom for the victim... but bond manipulation to elicit a seemingly willing bonding was harder to prove, but just as dangerous. Alcaren had in the past addicted a non Alcaren to their own mental touch, and then bonded them, after reducing their sense of freewill.

"This is what your scared of," Liam asked looking around.

"You don't believe I can love you properly. You think I am addicted to your …. abilities. Your mental abilities," he shrugged out of the people keeping him away from her.

This was her nightmare. He had conquered his part of this shared dream. They had no power over him. In fact they seemed like mist and he walked through them.

"This is your leap of faith Juni. I took mine already," he told her. "You have got this," he told her confidently walking over and taking a seat with the audience. He was calm.

She would come to the conclusion and choice she needed too. And if it meant he got stomped on again, at least she would be okay. He could take solace in that and work through any fall out. Okay perhaps it would be a few camping trips ….

Junipyr watched him as confusion rushed through her. Liam could run through people and she was being held firm. She looked up at the sea of expectant eyes.

"You addicted a man to your abilities. You are a criminal." a voice boomed from the dais.

Juni looked at him then back at the judge, she looked back at Liam, her mind probing in his. Nightmare... this wasn't reality. What he said hammered in to her mind. This was her fear. She closed her eyes a moment and before she opened them and locked her eyes on Liam. "Can you blame me?" she asked him with a softer voice than normal. Her cousin and brother held her fast, but beyond that, they did not move.

"I'd fear it with any one Liam... How can i trust that someone not of my kind would have the ability to really love me. What we can do is proven to be addicting. It can be beautiful, but how can I trust myself if I'm worried that I caused you to not live your own life in the way you truly want?" She pulled against the two men, but they still held her. "I'm afraid of myself." she said, knowing that no matter what she did her self fear it would reflect on him.

"True," Liam said just as calmly. The counselor in him was taking over. And it was clear she needed to see him fight for them. "Thats what my nightmare was. The fear I could become that man. I chose not too and let that fear go.

"But do you really think I would let you not let me live my life?

And your worried about addiction? Seriously I'm a counselor. I know everything about addiction going. How to spot it, treat it. I am not addicted to you. I am in love with you. You as an equal. You as the person. There is a connection here before any of your level whatever bonding stuff needed for a connection.

Also if I couldn't stand up to or be equal too a women trying to keep me with "abilities" I would be in an arranged marriage back on Betazed right now and miserable. My mother is one of the most mentally powerful people to exist. But I'm not, I'm here, okay, blacklisted from the upper houses society but living my life how I truly want too. And that life includes you in it.

Relationships have three biggies - love, trust and compromise. The later I believe we can master if we want too. The question is do you love me? Because this …." he indicated round this farce of a courtroom. "You would never do. You know that. I know that. And if that third element is there then decide if you want to take that chance with me."


Lieutenant Commander Liam Reynolds
Chief Counselor, Poseidon Station

the other writer is listed above :P


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