My friends,

It is with mixed emotions that I write this message. Throughout our journey together, we’ve experienced the highs and lows of storytelling and life. We’ve seen players come and go, families grow, and, sadly, some losses along the way. Through it all, Poseidon Station has been a place of camaraderie, creativity, and friendship. But as with all things, the time has come for this chapter to close.

It’s never easy to say goodbye, but we can look back with pride at what we’ve created together—each post, each character, and each story is a testament to our collective imagination and dedication to friendship.

I want to thank each and every one of you for your contributions, your time, and your commitment. Whether you’ve been here from the start or joined later on, you’ve left a mark on this sim, and for that, I am forever grateful. Let us celebrate the memories we’ve made, the friendships we’ve forged, and the incredible world we’ve built. Though Poseidon Station may end, the connections we’ve formed will endure forever.

It’s important to remember that as one adventure ends, new ones are always on the horizon. The ebb and flow of our hobby mirrors life itself—constantly changing, evolving, and presenting us with new opportunities for creativity and connection. While Poseidon Station may be closing, it’s not the end of our journeys as writers, role-players, or friends. Many of us will move on to new games, craft new characters, and tell new stories. This change is not something to be feared but embraced, as it allows us to grow, learn, and continue sharing our passions with others. The beauty of this hobby lies in our ability to bring people together, no matter the distance, and that, in itself, is a lasting gift.

So, as we wind down, the site will remain open for two more weeks. During this time, please feel free to collect any character information, stories, or anything else you wish to keep. I hope this allows everyone the chance to archive your work and bring closure to your individual stories.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, both in writing and in life.

With deepest appreciation and respect,
Game Master, Poseidon Station

This Simm has a +15 age rating
Our Rating: RPG Rating 2 1 2

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Fleet Awards

August 2023

Task Group Award of Merit

October 2023

Task Group Award of Merit

Unit of Distinction - Silver

November 2023

Unit of Distinction - Bronze

Area 51: Post of the Month
All Things Operations…and Coffee"

February 2024

May 2024

June 2024
Area 51: Post of the Month
Beyond the Facade

July 2024
Area 51: Post of the Month
The End of the Trail Part 1

Unit of Distinction - Bronze

Unit of Merit

Aug 2024
Area 51: Post of the Month
New Blood

Unit of Distinction - Bronze

Latest News Items


Posted on 09/26/2024 @ 1:17am by Commodore Reginald Walker in General News

My Friends,

We’ve built a community where stories have come alive, where friendships have grown, and where we’ve supported each other through life’s ups and downs. Poseidon Station has been our collective creation, a place where our imaginations ran wild and our connections grow.

Please know, this wasn’t an easy decision. In fact, it’s one of the hardest I’ve had to make in a while, but it’s what’s best for both me and the game.

Sometimes, life takes us in directions we don’t expect, and we have to make choices that reflect where we are now. Please take comfort in knowing that what we’ve accomplished together will always be here in our memories, and the stories we’ve told will always be around.

I want to thank each of you, sincerely, for everything you’ve brought to Poseidon Station. Every post, every character, every shared moment has meant more to me than I can express.

As hard as this moment is, I hope we can all take a step back and be proud of what we’ve done here.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I wish you all nothing but the best in your future endeavors, in writing and beyond.

Take care, and keep writing.

Your Friend Jakers!!

» A Journey’s End

Posted on 09/25/2024 @ 3:16pm by Commodore Reginald Walker in Sim Announcement

My friends,

It is with mixed emotions that I write this message. Throughout our journey together, we’ve experienced the highs and lows of storytelling and life. We’ve seen players come and go, families grow, and, sadly, some losses along the way. Through it all, Poseidon Station has been a place of camaraderie, creativity, and friendship. But as with all things, the time has come for this chapter to close.

It’s never easy to say goodbye, but we can look back with pride at what we’ve created together—each post, each character, and each story is a testament to our collective imagination and dedication to friendship.

I want to thank each and every one of you for your contributions, your time, and your commitment. Whether you’ve been here from the start or joined later on, you’ve left a mark on this sim, and for that, I am forever grateful. Let us celebrate the memories we’ve made, the friendships we’ve forged, and the incredible world we’ve built. Though Poseidon Station may end, the connections we’ve formed will endure forever.

It’s important to remember that as one adventure ends, new ones are always on the horizon. The ebb and flow of our hobby mirrors life itself—constantly changing, evolving, and presenting us with new opportunities for creativity and connection. While Poseidon Station may be closing, it’s not the end of our journeys as writers, role-players, or friends. Many of us will move on to new games, craft new characters, and tell new stories. This change is not something to be feared but embraced, as it allows us to grow, learn, and continue sharing our passions with others. The beauty of this hobby lies in our ability to bring people together, no matter the distance, and that, in itself, is a lasting gift.

So, as we wind down, the site will remain open for two more weeks. During this time, please feel free to collect any character information, stories, or anything else you wish to keep. I hope this allows everyone the chance to archive your work and bring closure to your individual stories.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, both in writing and in life.

With deepest appreciation and respect,
Game Master, Poseidon Station

» Activity

Posted on 07/24/2024 @ 4:05am by Commodore Reginald Walker in General News

Hello Poseidon Station Crew,

We hope everyone is having a great summer, despite the usual busyness that comes with vacations, family time, and the occasional bout of illness. We wanted to send a friendly reminder about our activity guidelinea to ensure our game remains vibrant and engaging for everyone.

As a quick recap:

1) Each member should attempt to contribute 2 posts per month. While higher activity is always welcome, meeting this standard is vital for the storyline's progression.

2) Department Heads need to make two posts per month in order to help with storyline movement.

3) Replies to tags should be made within 48 hours, if possible. If you’re unable to respond within this timeframe, please inform the involved players via Discord.

We've all had a crazy few months; myself included. So, we understand that life can get hectic, and maintaining these activity levels can sometimes be challenging

If you’re finding it tough to keep up or need any assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the GMs (Jake, Howie, Cynthia, or Chris). We’re here to support you and help in any way we can.

Remember, the success of Poseidon Station depends on our collective efforts. Let’s continue to create fantastic stories together!

Best regards,

The Poseidon Station GM Team

» Reignite the Adventure

Posted on 07/21/2024 @ 10:24am by Commodore Reginald Walker in General News

Good Afternoon Poseidonites,

Now that things have settled down, it's time to get things rolling again. I'm excited to be back and work with the Quartet. We already have some plans in place that should help the game move forward.

Here are some of the plans for the future:

1) Pages Mission Update: My first step is to push the Pages mission forward. I know things have stalled a bit, but after reading the posts, I think we're really close to wrapping this one up. We should be able to finish it within the month (lord willing).

2) New Commanding Officer: Get ready for the new Commanding Officer's arrival. I have some intriguing ideas, and I'm sure his presence will stir up a lot of gossip. Let's just say the station won’t be rolling out any red carpet welcome. (evil grin).

3) Moving Past Summer: I know everyone has been busy with illness, vacations, work, and lots of real-life drama. But it’s time to dust off the keyboard, fire up Windows (or Edge, or Chrome, or whatever you use), and get back into writing. My hope is that we can start introducing smaller subplots into the story so departments that don’t have a lot of tasks still have something to write about. If you have an idea for your department and think it’s good, message me! I love ideas you -- all know this!!

4) Rescue Mission: Lastly, we have to rescue Neil! (maybe)

After being dragged back into things (kicking and screaming), it’s time to fire things up and get back into writing with my peeps! So, let’s reignite our creativity. I’m excited to see where our adventures take us next.

Happy Simming Everyone,

Cmdre. RJ Walker

» 8th Annual JP Contest

Posted on 03/28/2023 @ 4:43am by Captain Cornelius Harrington in Sim Announcement

Welcome to the Simm’s Annual Joint Post Contest

What follows are the guidelines for the Game's Annual Joint Post Contest. There are some differences from previous contests, so make sure you read the following carefully. This contest will take place during the mission Pages.

I will keep track of the points and announce the winner at the end of the contest. For the winning crew member, you will get to select one of the prizes listed below.

Sounds easy, right? Well, there are a few rules you must follow in order to win. So, let’s get that part over with.

Da Rules

1. The Player must be actively involved in the JP; one or two lines won’t count. We also will not count Staff Briefings as these are required posts.

2. JPs can be any topic, not just character development or mission related.

3. JPs must be of a significant word count in length, no 3-paragraph JPs. This is supposed to be a contest, after all.

4. The Player should attempt to do a Joint Post with every game member. The point of this is to get out and interact with as many people as possible. Doing 20 JPs with only one player is excellent, but please spread the love a little. Winners will be determined by the number of JPs and the number of crew members interacted with.

5. The Player can use any main character or PNPC they see fit.


1. Pick the next shore leave theme; all members must follow your theme.

2. Be Acting Captain at some point during the next mission, not for the entire mission, just during the mission.

3. Do anything you want to a single member of the Command Team without in-game repercussions. Cannot be sexual in nature, sorry!

4. Help develop a mission built around your character (you will need to commit to being active for this).

May the odds be ever in your favor, and I look forward to great posts, lots of fun, and the most meaningful interaction between players.


Latest Mission Posts

» She Blinded Me With Science (Part II)

Mission: Mission 24: The Kingsmen: Duality
Posted on 09/26/2024 @ 4:23pm by Lieutenant Commander Ellery Rosa & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & Lieutenant Jayak Zek


"Ah!" Zek exhaled. "I may have done that, indeed, but perhaps Bri's powers of persuasion extend out to anyone that enters your realm. This could require some study," he finished with a mock musing tone. "I suggest a more neutral environment, Brianthe. Perhaps dinner?"

He then turned back to…

» She Blinded Me With Science (Part I)

Mission: Mission 25: Shifting Shadows
Posted on 09/26/2024 @ 1:01pm by Lieutenant Jayak Zek & Lieutenant Commander Ellery Rosa

New to the station, Zek determined that after meeting the Captain/former Chief Counselor and Chief of Operations that he should look into the arboretum. He wondered how many Bajoran plants would be there. If something was lacking, he would have to determine what was missing so that he could bring…

» Scientific Mystery

Mission: A Day In the Life Of..
Posted on 09/19/2024 @ 11:01pm by Lieutenant Commander Ellery Rosa & Captain Cara Letsul

Now that the keys to the station were turned over to the new CO, this freed up Cara's time. At least that is how she felt for the moment. Right now though, Cara had another mystery to solve but it wasn't about murdered authors. It was more in the matter…

» The Price of Revelation

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Posted on 09/09/2024 @ 3:37pm by Captain Cara Letsul & Commodore Reginald Walker


Morning, a new day with a new Commanding Officer. Cara turned from gazing out towards Aquil, watching as the light of their new day appeared where she could see it. Cara finished up her tea, washing it out and placing it where the other cups were at. 0800 arrived…

» Talking about Books [Part II]

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Posted on 09/09/2024 @ 11:21am by Ensign Rugasi Kiyo & Ensign Dennis Pearson


Establishing a connection was simple enough, like you would expect with a PADD. But the moment Dennis tried to access the first document the screen went blank and a question appeared. Moments later a holo image of the late Jackson Porter read the question aloud.

”I speak without a…

Latest Personal Logs

» Perfectly Organised

Posted on 09/03/2023 @ 2:41pm by

I had a little argument with Kreca this morning, which on reflection, probably started because I ate most of the pancakes at breakfast, leaving only one to her. Honestly, I didn’t know that she loved pancakes that much. Anyways, she was in a foul mood and asked me to flog…

» Invitation to Poseidon

Posted on 08/13/2023 @ 5:27am by

Dear Neph,

I hope this message finds you well and that your multiple businesses on Volchok continue to flourish. If I were a better Ferengi, these lines wouldn't exist and I would keep the splendid wedding gift you sent me. But as you are aware, I always go against the…

» Beauty Spots

Posted on 07/23/2023 @ 9:44am by

I was in full contemplation of a vast purchase (which is even better than what meditation can achieve), namely a mine on Gavara, which is operated by Stellar Mining (Ferengi owned), when Razir (my cultural attaché) barged into my office - as is his habit anytime half an idea crosses…

» Not A Terribly Awful Day

Posted on 06/02/2023 @ 2:41pm by

I went shopping today.

How many stores can you visit in one day? If you are with a woman, twenty seems to be a bare minimum. When Kreca told me that she would be wearing a black and green dress for the Patton/Feshau wedding, I took it for granted that…

» Beetle Fight!

Posted on 05/01/2023 @ 7:01am by

I had the most curious evening. The day had gone as usual, meetings, reports, situations to sort out because Ferengi merchants are good at pretending to be mighty ignoramus who don’t know that they can’t just export anything they like. There are rules to follow. You can't, for instance, send…