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07/10/2024 @ 5:09pm

1st Lieutenant Anthony Hill

Name Anthony Hill

Position Platoon CO

Rank 1st Lieutenant

Character Information

Nickname "Spitfire"
Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28
Place of Birth Auckland, New Zealand, Earth

Starfleet Identification

Data Access Level Level 1
Security Access Level 5
Duty Shift Alpha Shift

Station Assignments


Relationship Status Single
Father Adam Hill
Mother Maria Hill
Brother(s) Grant Hill
Phillip Hill

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1"
Weight 180 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Solid build for a man of his young age, a few scars from his years in the marines. At times has can have an unshaven appearance. Has dense burn scars on right arm (see bio).

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses + Has an expert understanding of combat engineering (CE) and CE tactics.
+ Doesn't ask others to do what he is not prepared to.

+/- Will protect his team, and others, more so than himself.

- Sometimes his loyalty can blind him.
- Can be a bit argumentative/hot-headed.
Orientation Heterosexual


Personal History Graduated second in class at OCS, and top of his class in speciality.

In 2394, whilst serving with the Combat Engineer Platoon named The Shield, fought in raids along the Romulan border as things began to escalate between the Federation and the Typhon Pact. He has a burn that covers the back of his right hand and goes up to his shoulder joint where he held a door closed for civilians to escape. A minor Klingon house was attacking a settlement and had forced his team and the civilians he was defending into a remote part of their colony. Hill had his team set up shield generators, plant mines designed to go off if Klingons passed over them and set up defence turrets to better protect them.

They all failed when the Klingons threw a force at them.

Fortunately Hill had his team dig an escape tunnel under the building they had bunkered down in so they could escape from the other side to the transport site. During their final push the Klingons used a continuous disruptor beam to force the door of their building open so they could enter. The force was sheer and all their Starfleet tech had failed, or ran out of sufficient power. The door began to buckle and Hill ordered his team to evacuate with the civilians. He held the door as his skin burned but they all got out and at the end he too eventually left the door to crumble and fled through the tunnel, collapsing its entrance when he was halfway through.

He refused dermal regeneration for his wound as he believes if it doesn't inhibit his skill or movement then it can serve as a battle scar, a reminder.

Also is nicknamed Spitfire by his squad as a sign of respect, and at time to poke fun.

Anthony remained with them for many years before being transferred to The Kingsmen, Combat Engineering Platoon, The Castle as its platoon CO.
Service Record 2394 - Received Purple Heart for injuries received in defence of Gamel V. Also receives citation for heroism and bravery for evacuating civilians under fire.
Medical Notes Bad scarring on right arm. From the back of his right hand up to shoulder joint shows bad burn marks from his injury on Gamel V.