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01/25/2024 @ 9:56pm

Major Tsinira Vishti

Name Tsinira Vishti

Position Klingon Ambassador

Rank Major

Character Information

Nickname Fire Empress
Gender Female
Species Klingon
Age 40
Date of Birth April 18th 2356
Place of Birth Qo'nos

Starfleet Identification

Data Access Level Level 1
Security Access Level 10
Duty Shift Alpha Shift

Station Assignments


Relationship Status Currently Single
Partner Brigider General Kossa Vishti ( Deceased )
Children Son: Dagho Vishti, Age 22. Serving in the KDF as a gunner on the IKF Tah'Kaht ( Vor'cha class battle cruiser )

Son: K'mek Vishti, Age 20. Serving as a Marine attached to the IKF T'gar
( K'vort class battle cruiser )

Daughter: Va'ji Vishti, Age 18. Univeristy student on Qo'nos. In training as a weapons research scientist for research & development.
Father Col. Hadar K'mpec Age 61. ( In charge of the emperors Bodyguard unit.
Mother Vadara K'mpec Age 60 ( retired anchor from Qo'nos today empire news broadcast. )
Brother(s) Major Ja'reg K'mpec Age 42. Serves in the KDF Marine 127th Assult Force. ( Special Forces Strike Team. ) 2nd in command

P'riaha K'mpec Age 31. Klingon opera actor/singer.

Sister(s) B'tella Ursarig Age 38. Married with 3 children and runs a clinic on Qo'nos.

Qa'su K'mpec Age 34. Reporter for KDF Fleet News
Other Family Aunt: Va'ru K'mpec. Age 70: Retired Surgeon General of the Klingon Empire and currently her niece's ( Tsinira Vishti ) Personal physician at Star Base Poseidon.

Kreven Vishti. Age 38. ( Tsinira's late husband's younger brother. ) Is chief of security and Bodyguard for Tsinira at Star Base Poseidon.
Pets Du'Gar ( Targ ) Male 3 y.o. ( Very protective of Tsinira.

Physical Appearance

Height 5ft 10in
Weight 165 lbs
Hair Color Blood Red ( Shoulder Length )
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Thinnish wiry build that belies her strength. Moves with quick graceful movements and strikes like a mongoose. Attractive by Klingon standards ( And most humanoids. ) Hair has been genetically altered to be Blood Red. ( Vanity Signature. )

Personality & Traits

General Overview Fairly cool headed for a klingon, but her mood can change quickly if she feels threatened or insulted. She can cool down just as fast as she can heat up. Tsinira can be a shrewd negotiator and will compromise only when it benefits her or the empire.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Leadership skills. + Strong Willed. + Level Headed. + Veteran Diplomat
+ Passionate in beliefs and causes. + Cool tempered in most cases.

-Hatred & Bloodlust towards the Duras Family ( Blood Feud ) - Quick tempered when wronged or insulted. - Can be arrogant towards what she deems to be lesser species.
Ambitions . To serve the Empire with honor. 2. To bring honor to herself, The Empire and her Family household. 3. To bring about the fall of the house of Duras.
Hobbies & Interests 1. Klingon martial arts. 2. Knife fighting. 3. Klingon Opera. 4. William Shakespeare plays. 5. Classic Literature ( From several species ) 6. Precious Stones and Jewelry.
Orientation Straight
Language(s) Spoken Romulan 2. Federation Standard 3. Klingon 4. Cardassian 5. Andorrian


Personal History Standard childhood on Qo'nos, Brought up on learning of honor and family history. Went on her first Targ hunt at age twelve and became a blooded hunter.

At age 16 to 18: Tsinira attended the Klingon Warriors Academy and trained as a Helm Officer. Graduated 24th of a class of 200 and earned an Imperial accommodation.

Age 18 to 20: Served as the Helm Officer of the M'okva. A B'rel class Bird of Prey scout ship. found that she had a talent as a diplomat, Transferred to the diplomatic division for training.

Age 21 to 30: Worked as an Aide, Negotiator and a Diplomat, worked her way up through the ranks. Worked as a diplomat to the Romulans for three years, The Orions for two years and on Earth for four years.

Age 31 to 40: Promoted to Ambassador at Age 31. Assigned as the Ambassador to the Federation and continued her stay on Earth.

Has currently been re assigned to Poseidon Station and is in the process of setting up the embassy and staff.
Service Record At age 16 to 18: Tsinira attended the Klingon Warriors Academy and trained as a Helm Officer. Graduated 24th of a class of 200 and earned an Imperial accommodation.

Age 18 to 20: Served as the Helm Officer of the M'okva. A B'rel class Bird of Prey scout ship. found that she had a talent as a diplomat, Transferred to the diplomatic division for training.

Age 21 to 30: Worked as an Aide, Negotiator and a Diplomat, worked her way up through the ranks. Worked as a diplomat to the Romulans for three years, The Orions for two years and on Earth for four years.

Age 31 to 40: Promoted to Ambassador at Age 31. Assigned as the Ambassador to the Federation and continued her stay on Earth.

Has currently been re assigned to Poseidon Station and is in the process of setting up the embassy and staff. Also stationed and berthed at Poseidon Station is the IKS Chal Qul ( Sky Fire ) A B'rel Class Bird of Prey. It brought with it the crew of 24 to man the ship and the 12 members of the diplomatic team and support staff to run the embassy.
Medical Notes Has several scars from knife combat and a few broken bones in the past.