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07/10/2024 @ 5:09pm

1st Lieutenant Baaru Ixalia

Name Baaru Ixalia

Position Platoon CO

Rank 1st Lieutenant

Character Information

Nickname “Ivy”
Gender Female
Species Bajoran
Age 35
Date of Birth 22 May 2361
Place of Birth Bajor

Starfleet Identification

Data Access Level Level 3
Security Access Level 5
Serial Number IAB-0211-822436
Duty Shift Alpha Shift

Station Assignments

Office Deck 19
Quarters Deck 20


Relationship Status Single
Father Rifu Baaru
Mother Ailiyi Baaru

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 123lbs
Hair Color Brown (died Blonde)
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Ixalia has an average height and weight for an Bajoran female with a slim athletic and well toned figure. She has long brown hair, which she has died blonde on several occasions, and she often leaves hanging around her face but ties back while on away missions. Ixalia keeps the left side of her head shaved to keep her hair from being tangled up in her Earrings or getting in her way when she uses a phaser rifle.

Ixalia has the telltale ridges of a bajoran on the bridge of her nose.

Ixalia has a green plant style tattoo running from the side of her head all the way down her left arm to her wrist

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ixalia can be very open and somewhat playful at times, which can be a surprise to some people coming from a Bajoran. She is always willing to talk to just about anyone about anything. This has come in useful during her service as she's found having a more 'friendly' appearance helped when dealing with Civilians while on duty. She does have a bit of a temper which can get the better of her, but she has learned to manage her anger with deep breaths and calm thoughts, or at least she's tried to....

When off duty, she can often be found in either the mess hall, in the gym or on the holodeck keeping her skills sharp.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Ixalia has above average physical fitness thanks to her personal training regime which she uses to keep just above the standards set by the Corp. Her hearing and eyesight are also more sensitive than is usual for her race. This comes in useful during a combat situation when the ship is falling apart around her.

Weaknesses: At times, she can be a little too mistrusting, though her time in Starfleet has tempered her more suspicious tendencies. Her temper can get the better of her at times, but she does her best to keep it in check.
Ambitions Ixalia's core ambition is to make her parents proud by becoming the best Bajoran Starfleet officer she can be.
Hobbies & Interests Interests: Pre-Federation Starships, Ancient Bajoran Solar Sails, Alien forms of Hand-to-Hand Combat (Klingon, Andorian, Vulcan, etc), armed combat and Alien Computer Encryptions
Hobbies: Reading, skiing, diving and sketching.
Ixalia often seeks out ancient paper books from all across the federation and Bajor. her most prized possession is a copy of an Earth holy text, The Gutenberg Bible, although she's never read it. She keeps it in a sealed transparent-aluminium case.
Orientation Bi-Sexual
Language(s) Spoken Bajoran, English, Cardassian


Personal History born on Bajor in the Kendra Provence, Ixalia's family were Kava farmers who survived the occupation by keeping to themselves mostly, even though they would shelter any resistance fighters who would come their way. they were able to hide the fighters so well by putting them on their books as 'hired laborers' so the Cardassians didn't have an excuse to raid their farm as often as others in the area.

Raised during the occupation, Ixalia spent most of her early life on her family's farm, helping out where she could and learning her 'schooling' from her parents as well as any friendly bajoran resistance members that might have been at their farm. By the time the Cardassian Occupation ended, Ixalia was already 7 years old. Her family's farm was one of the fortunate ones to be left mostly intact as the Cardassians withdrew from Bajor.

One of the most memorable days of her early life was when the Emissary discovered the Celestial Temple, known as the Bajoran Wormhole. Her family was working on repairing what parts of their farm were damaged when the news reached them. The family invited all of their neighbors around for a celebratory feast.

The Next biggest memory for her was the day when the newly elected Kai Winn signed a treaty with the hated Cardassian Empire. by this time Ixalia was 10 years old and old enough to understand what was going on. No one could believe that it had actually happened and with Kai Winn's poor reputation, many of the people in Kendra Province were skeptical that the Cardassians would actually hold up their end of the treaty.

This doubt was proven somewhat true a few years later when the Cardassians, along with their new allies from the Gamma Quadrent, attack and retake Deep Space 9, causing the Emissary to flee. Fortunately for Bajor, the Emissary had convinced the Bajoran Government to sign a non agression pact with the Dominion, Cardassia's new ally. This act kept Bajor out of the conflict between the Dominion and the Federation and allowed life on Bajor to continue with some form of normalcy.

While privately Ixalia didn't like the return of the Cardassians or the arrival of the Dominion, these 'enemies' stayed mostly on the station and even allowed Bajor to keep trading with any people who were not allied with the federation, like the Ferengi. This allowed Ixalia's family's farm to continue to produce good food for both Bajor and export. And like during the Occupation, Ixalia's family would 'hire' any out of work militia forces from Deep Space 9 who didn't wish to work along side their former oppressors.

However, as quickly as the Dominion had taken the Bajoran system, The Federation and the Klingon Empire retake it while being lead by the Emissary himself. The return of the Federation is celebrated across Bajor, and again just like when the Cardassians were defeated the first time, Ixalia's family held a feast for anyone to attend from the surrounding area.

The remaining years of the Dominion War went by for Ixalia rather uneventfully and her life fell into a new sense of normalcy.

over the next few years, Ixalia continued to help out around the family farm, but as she grew into her younger adult years, Ixalia found her thoughts drawn towards the stars and it's promise of adventure. on her 18th birthday, Ixalia raised the subject with her parents, and although they were a little hesitant to let her join Starfleet itself, they figured it wouldn't hurt to allow her to visit Deep Space 9 to interact with both Starfleet Personnel as well as Bajoran Militia station onboard the station.

taking a few days away from the farm, the whole family went to visit Deep Space 9 in a form of pilgramage to the wormhole where the Emissary had been said to reside with the Prophets in the Celestial Temple. While staying on the station, Ixalia met a member of the newly formed Starfleet Marine Corp, who she was immediately enamored with. Quietly following the officer, Ixalia managed to sneak her way into the area of the station that had been given to the Starfleet Marines as their barracks. She managed to keep out of the way for a while until a female officer spotted her standing against a wall near the door way into the barracks.

Figuring the young Bajoran woman might be interested in joining Starfleet, the officer quickly collected the young woman and brought her to her office. Rather then giving Ixalia the standard recruiting pitch, the Marine Officer chose to get to know this Bajoran woman by simply talking to her. Ixalia was more then happy to talk to this Officer and as the day went on, Ixalia became more and more convinced that she wanted to join the Marine Corp. It sounded very exciting, and even sounded a little like the stories she was told by the Bajoran Resistance fighters when she was a little girl.

That night Ixalia told her parents about her decision, and again although they had hoped she would join the Bajoran Militia, so she would remain close to home, they accepted her choise and even helped her prepare for the Starfleet entrance exams, both physically and through access to further education.

After applying with the help of the stations Marine Detechment Commander, Ixalia was admitted into Starfleet's Marine Corp, with a little extra help from the Federation's Bajoran Inclusion Initiative.
Service Record 2361 - Born on Bajor
2365 – 2380 'Homeschooled' on Bajor
2380 – 2384 SFMC Quantico Military Academy (Combat Engineer Major)
2384 - 2385 Attends The Basic School at Parris Island
2386 – 2390 Starfleet Marine Corps Specialty School for Reconnaissance and Special Operations
2390 – 2392 Commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant, assigned to Starbase 211 Marine Detachment
2392 – 2395 Serves on Starbase 211 conducting reconnaissance along former Cardassian DMZ.
2395 - Promoted to 1st Lieutenant
2396 - Transferred to Starbase 50: Poseidon Station. Assigned to Marine Detachment 'the Kingsman' in command of Reconn platoon 'the Knights'
Medical Notes Ixalia has recieved several injuries over her career, mainly consisting of cuts, bumps and bruises from 'adventures' off station along the former Cardassian DMZ. Currently in good health