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07/10/2024 @ 5:09pm

Civilian David Scarlet

Name David John Scarlet

Position Civilian Privateer

Rank Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 35
Place of Birth Earth

Starfleet Identification

Data Access Level Level 1
Security Access Level 2
Duty Shift Alpha Shift

Station Assignments


Relationship Status Single
Partner N/A
Children N/A
Father Paul Metcalfe
Mother Patricia Scarlet
Brother(s) Jonas Metcalfe
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family N/A
Pets N/A

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 240 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description David can cut a rather imposing figure. He is broad and muscular, but not toned. With his large frame and intense stare, he can be quite intimidating. He will often use this to his advantage when in a disagreement or full out fight.

He has a square jaw and when not actively smiling, appears to be scowling. David keeps himself clean shaven, but usually by noon he already has a 5 O'clock shadow.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Some would consider David a pessimist. However he is of the firm opinion that he is a realest. He will use the rules and regulations as a firm base, but is not adverse to doing anything to win a fight or succeed at a mission regardless of where it falls into a regulation.

He has a very dry sense of humour and can sometimes rub people the wrong way. He is aware of this and makes an effort to 'adjust' his humour around individuals who don't share it. When someone does a good job, he will be quick to tell them as well as make sure they get any praise they get from higher on the chain of command, however this works the other way as well as he will not hesitate to tell someone when they have performed poorly.

When David is on duty, he is on duty. Working hard and maintaining a strict training regime, chain of command and duty protocol for himself and those who work for him. However, he is well aware that everyone needs a balance. Off-duty he can be rather relaxed and approachable, attempting to foster a sense of family, community, and loyalty.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Loyal and dedicated
+ Quick thinking
+ Firearms training
+ Knowledgeable on regulations

- Abrasive
- Argumentative
- Stubborn
- Very authoritarian while on-duty
Ambitions David's ambition may seem like a strange one to some people, but all he wants is to give good people opportunities they might not otherwise have. He hasn't really looked for the spotlight for himself, but he does take a measure of pride when one of his colleagues or subordinates move on to better and brighter things.
Hobbies & Interests - Hiking and camping.
- Darts & pool
- Biathlon
Orientation Straight
Language(s) Spoken English


Personal History David's parents divorced when he was seven. He stayed with his mother and took her maiden name, while his twin brother Jonas moved in with their father and kept his name.

Growing up in a single parent household, David took on many responsibilities in the house and got used to keeping things neat and in order. Sensing he needed some hobbies outside the home and school, his mother got him involved in biathlon.

He excelled at the sport and enjoyed it greatly. It was at one of the rallies that he met an officer from Starfleet and was encouraged to join the Academy when he graduated high school.

The Academy opened his eyes up to the galaxy around him and David worked hard to do well in his courses and extra activities, even though he found the actual training boring. He wanted to actually do what he was being trained for, not just study it.

Upon graduation he was assigned to the USS Sackville as an Ensign. David enjoyed his posting much more than the training at the Academy. He followed orders and did his duties without question for many years without incident, finding his place on his team as well as finding friends amongst his co-workers.

It was during what was to be a routine supply drop to Vega colony that it was attacked by raiders. While defending the colony, David's group was flanked and he took a disruptor blast to his back. His spine was severely damaged and David was later recovered after reinforcements fended off the raiders.

Surgery on the ship stabilized his condition, but the damage to his spine required specialists from Starfleet Medical. Multiple surgeries finally allowed him to walk again, but he required a lot of physio therapy. As such, he was forced to resign from active duty and focus on his recovery.

While recovering, he worked as an assistant Instructor at Starfleet Academy, helping to train new cadets in regulations and proper conduct. He focused on the outliers, the cadets who had potential but never really fit into the standard training programs. He helped the cadets and made sure they made it through the training. Some of them, he still keeps contact with
Service Record N/A
Medical Notes Recently had surgery to restore full feeling to his legs.