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07/10/2024 @ 5:09pm

Sergeant Lance Faraday

Name Lance Edward Faraday

Position Demolitions

Rank Sergeant

Character Information

Nickname "Lethal"
Gender Male
Species Human
Age 34
Date of Birth 07/10/2363
Place of Birth Lake Arrowhead, California

Starfleet Identification

Data Access Level Level 1
Security Access Level 3
Serial Number 6845446
Duty Shift Alpha Shift

Station Assignments

Quarters Marine Barracks


Relationship Status Single
Partner None
Children None he is aware of
Father Ezra Faraday - deceased
Mother Julia Ann Faraday-deceased
Brother(s) Austin Faraday Whereabouts unknown
Sister(s) None
Other Family None close enough to consider.
Pets None

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 170
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Gray
Physical Description Lean, athletic, physically fit. A product of Marine training.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Faraday can be either engaging or quiet as the mood and surroundings dictate. He has advanced through the ranks at a normal and steady pace. Though there have been some ‘do overs’ as he terms the, But rank and privilege was never why he became a Marine. Faraday easily admits he has enjoyed his stint as an instructor, as well as his time as UFP Embassy Duty on Vulcan, but relishes the thought of re-assignment to a hot spot. He will tell you simply that Marines are waiting for war. It is what they are trained for.
Strengths & Weaknesses Loyal to a fault Dependable under stress or fire. Leads by example.

Inflexibility in the field can become a problem, and a weakness. He is often seen as aloof or disinterested. Exercises limited involvement outside his immediate unit, whom he considers family.

He is considered to be at his best in the field. He will stand and fight with no thought to retreat or surrender. Which causes him some trouble from time to time.
Ambitions To serve as directed.

To complete his assigned task swiftly and surely. When placed in a leadership capacity, to return his men 'home' alive.

To serve the Corps, his command (duty station), the Federation, and the fleet to the best of his ability.
Hobbies & Interests American West of the 19th Century. Marine Corps History,

The weaponry of all species. Explosives.
Orientation Straight
Language(s) Spoken Federation Standard, a smattering of Klingon, Ferengi, Vulcan, and Capellan. Thanks to his friend, Kull Wolfgar


Personal History Lance Faraday came to Ezra and Julia-Ann on July 10, 2363 and was raised by them high in the San Bernardino mountains at Lake Arrowhead, California. He actually lived a rather normal life growing up with all the usual interests and activities. He was a Starfleet Scout, a Little League baseball player, a Pop Warner football player, and a Pelé Soccer player from the time he was six until he reached high school at Rim Of The World High "The Fighting Scots" when he joined their teams.

There’s the quick down and dirty of it, but growing up in the splendor of the San Bernardino mountains was anything but quiet. He an his brother, Austin, a year and a half younger, were in constant competition with one another, and that led to some nasty fights between the, then again if anyone wanted to fight one of them, he had to face both boys.

Their father, Ezra, a San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Deputy at the Twin Peaks substation did not encourage this brotherly competition, but was forced to live with it. Julia-Ann was a different story altogether as far as the black eyes and bloody noses were concerned. Neither boy wanted to face her after an altercation.

Both were above average students during their school years, Both would graduate, Lance in the upper middle of his class and a year later, Austin as Valedictorian, both looked to the future, which for Lance turned out to be the Starfleet Marines. There was no real reason for this choice, it simply appealed to him.

Meanwhile, Austin chose to go on to the University of California at Los Angeles. That was when catastrophe happened, both parents were killed in an aircraft accident. Of course, Lance came home for the funeral which would be the last time that he would see Austin, even though they communicated for about another year, then Lance’s duties precluded his contacting Austin for security reasons at most of is postings during hostilities actual or expected..

Of course, there was romance throughout those high school years, but it was inevitable that Austin would go after any girl Lance had an interest in, and more fist fights, though Lance would certainly go after any girl Austin would be interested in. But there was one girl, one that both seriously wanted, her name was Wendy McMurty, and she caused some of the most serious of disputes between the brothers, although there was never an outright slugfest over her, though there had been plenty of threats and warnings of a physical nature, they never materialized.

What happened to the beautiful Miss McMurty? Three years later, she married Austin, though Lance was no longer in touch, so he never found out, not that is was a secret, that was while Lance was deployed aboard the Ranger.

Then again, what about Lance? As he himself would say; “What about me?” Not that there had not been others along the way because there were. Several over the years, but then too, there was his mistress, the corps, and she had a hold on him that so far, no woman could dethrone. Then too, not that he wasn’t interested, but a long term relationship? Just wasn’t practical the way he had moved around.

It seemed to always be on to the next duty station.
Service Record
SFMC Training Regiment, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, South Carolina. Graduated - 2381 MOS 0311 A U.S. Marine Infantryman
Military Assault Operations Command Training Regiment, Langley, VA, 2281- 2382
Assigned U.S.S. Ranger NCC-1750, Marine Detachment Bravo. Late 2383
Marine Force Recon Advanced Training, Parris Island South Carolina/Mars Lunar Combat Training Facilities. Graduated late 2384 where he was assigned to demolitions training, Graduated mid 2386. MOS 0321
Assigned U.S.S. Retribution NCC-18981 Alpha Team 2384
2386 - 2388 Marine Covert Ops, Beta Brigade, Demolition Team, Starship Endeavor NCC-71805
2391 - 2393 Marine Foward Assault Forces Alpha Brigade Starship Retribution NCC 18981
Marine Instructor, Rigel X 2393-2395 Alpha Brigade
UFP Embassy Duty Vulcan 2395-2396
Marine Instructor, Rigel X 2396 - 2397
Medical Notes Battered and bruised as expected from previous assignments in the field.
Broken fibula 2390
Concussed X2