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09/09/2024 @ 3:37pm

Commodore Reginald Walker

Name Reginald James Walker

Position Regional Operations Officer

Rank Commodore

Character Information

Nickname RJ
Gender Male
Species Human
Age 52
Date of Birth 2346-10-15
Place of Birth Houston, Texas, United States

Starfleet Identification

Data Access Level Level 5
Security Access Level 10
Serial Number C-7894-RJW
Duty Shift Alpha Shift

Station Assignments

Office Deck 1: Station Operations
Quarters Deck 22: VIP Quarters


Relationship Status Married
Partner Dr. Laura Walker (née Thompson), Xenobiology
Children Son:
Name: Lt JG Michael Walker, 24
Date of Birth: 2380-05-12
Occupation: Starfleet Engineer, USS Toyko

Name: Ens. Emily Walker, 22
Date of Birth: 2382-09-24
Occupation: Starfleet Medical Officer, USS Dragonfly

Name: Cadet Sophia Walker
Date of Birth: 2386-02-08, 18
Occupation: Student at Starfleet Academy: Diplomacy

Father Ambassador Marcus Walker
Mother Commander Patricia Walker
Sister(s) Dr. Evelyn Walker, Xenobiologist
Other Family Extended Family:

Uncle: Admiral Jonathan Walker (father’s brother, Starfleet)
Aunt: Laura Walker (mother’s sister, civilian scientist)
Cousin: Lieutenant Samantha Walker (daughter of Admiral Jonathan Walker, Starfleet Operations Officer)

Other Notable Relatives:
Grandfather: Captain Richard Walker (retired, former Starfleet Captain)
Grandmother: Elizabeth Walker (retired, former Federation Council aide)
Pets Dog: Peanut (Bealge) Age: 5

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight 170 lbs (77 kg)
Hair Color Brown (Keeps his head shaved, grows a goatee)
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Reginald James Walker presents a commanding and polished appearance, reflecting his disciplined nature. Standing at 5'10" with a well-maintained physique of 170 lbs, he strikes a balance between approachability and authority. His blue eyes convey a sense of calm intelligence and insight. The choice to keep his head shaved, coupled with a neatly groomed goatee, adds to his distinctive and authoritative presence.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Reginald James Walker is a seasoned Starfleet officer known for his diplomatic prowess and calm, composed demeanor. He is a thoughtful and patient leader who values dialogue and understanding over conflict. His upbringing in a household steeped in diplomacy and Starfleet traditions has shaped him into a well-rounded and strategic thinker, capable of navigating complex political landscapes with ease.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Exceptional diplomatic skills, able to defuse tensions and forge alliances.
Strategic thinker, known for his ability to develop and execute complex plans.
Strong leadership qualities, with a focus on empathy and understanding.
Resilient under pressure, maintaining composure in crises.

Can be overly cautious, sometimes delaying decisive action.
His deep sense of duty can lead to personal sacrifices, occasionally neglecting his own needs.
Reluctant to delegate certain responsibilities, preferring to handle delicate matters personally.
Ambitions Having achieved the rank of Commodore, Walker has no desire to move into a higher position. He is content with his command of Poseidon Station and sees it as his final posting. He plans to retire from Starfleet there, having found a sense of purpose and fulfillment in overseeing the strategic outpost deep within the Aquil Sector.
Hobbies & Interests Walker is an avid reader of classical literature, finding solace and inspiration in the works of historical authors. He enjoys participating in holodeck programs that simulate historical diplomatic scenarios, allowing him to refine his negotiation skills in different contexts. Despite his demanding career, he makes time to maintain close ties with his family and mentors young officers, emphasizing the importance of empathy in leadership. His personal interests also include studying alien cultures and languages, reflecting his lifelong passion for interstellar relations.
Orientation Straight
Language(s) Spoken Federation Standard, Romulan, Klingon, Some Barjoran, Mild Trill


Personal History Early Life and Education

Reginald James Walker was born on October 15, 2346, in Houston, Texas, on Earth. The son of Ambassador Marcus Walker and Starfleet Commander Patricia Walker, Reginald grew up in a household steeped in the traditions of diplomacy and Starfleet service. His early exposure to diplomatic missions and Starfleet protocols sparked a keen interest in interstellar relations and command.

Reginald excelled academically, showing a particular talent for languages and interspecies communication. His talents eventually earned him a place at Starfleet Academy, where he pursued dual majors in Diplomacy and Command. He graduated in the top 5% of his class in 2368, earning commendations for his strategic thinking and negotiation skills.

Starfleet Career

2368-2373: Early Assignments
Walker began his Starfleet career as an Ensign aboard the USS Carpathia, an Ambassador-class starship. His initial role as a junior diplomatic officer saw him assisting in numerous first-contact missions and treaty negotiations. His ability to navigate complex political landscapes quickly earned him recognition.

2373-2379: Diplomatic Corps
With the onset of the Dominion War in 2373, Walker was reassigned to Starfleet's Diplomatic Corps. He served under Ambassador T’Pen on Vulcan, helping to secure crucial alliances. His work during the war was vital in maintaining the Federation's diplomatic channels with various species, ensuring support for the war effort.

2379-2385: USS Concordia
Post-war, Walker's career took a turn towards command and tactical operations. He served as the Executive Officer on the USS Concordia, a Sovereign-class starship. It here on the Concordia that he honed his leadership skills in various peacekeeping missions. Several successful operations against pirate factions and rogue elements within Federation space marked his tenure on the Concordia. While serving on the Concordia, Walker became friends with Lt Commander Thorrin, Chief of Science. Walker has maintained this friendships over the years keeping in contact with Thorrin as time allows.

2385-2387: Relief Efforts and Starfleet Command
In 2385, Walker was sent to Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards to help with relief efforts after the devastating synth attack. His leadership during this crisis was instrumental in the recovery efforts, and his dedication earned him widespread respect within Starfleet. In 2387 he was promoted to Captain and offered the position of his choice.

2387-2398: Senior Diplomatic Officer
As a newly promoted Captain, Walker returned to the Diplomatic Corps as a Senior Diplomatic Officer. He played a key role in the Romulan evacuation efforts following the Hobus supernova. His leadership and negotiation skills were critical in managing the complex political situation, earning him the Starfleet Medal of Commendation.

2398: Commanding Officer, Poseidon Station
In 2398, Captain Walker was promoted to Commodore and assigned as the Commanding Officer of Poseidon Station, a critical outpost located deep within the Aquil Sector, at the heart of the Carlson Rift, in the Gamma Quadrant. The previous commander, Captain Neil Harrington, was kidnapped by unknown assailants and deemed unfit to command following his traumatic experience. Walker's appointment came at a crucial time, as Poseidon Station played a vital role in monitoring the volatile region. It is Starfleet’s hope that Walker will be able to bridge the gap with the Mirror universe and open successful negotiations with their newly appointed Emperor.
Service Record 2368-2373: USS Carpathia (Ambassador-class starship)
Position: Junior Diplomatic Officer
Rank: Ensign

2373-2379: Diplomatic Corps, Vulcan
Position: Diplomatic Attaché
Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade

2379-2385: USS Concordia (Sovereign-class starship)
Position: Executive Officer
Rank: Lieutenant, followed by Lieutenant Commander

2385-2387: Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Position: Relief Efforts Coordinator
Rank: Commander

2387-2398: Diplomatic Corps
Position: Senior Diplomatic Officer
Rank: Captain

2398: Poseidon Station (Gamma Quadrant)
Position: Commanding Officer
Rank: Commodore
Medical Notes Medical Conditions:

Hypertension: Diagnosed at age 50, managed with medication and lifestyle modifications.
Minor Arthritis: Early signs of arthritis in hands and knees, typical for his age. Managed with physical therapy and occasional anti-inflammatory medication.
Old Injury: Sustained a shoulder injury during a diplomatic mission in 2382, resulting in occasional stiffness and pain. Managed with regular physiotherapy exercises.

Appendectomy: Underwent an emergency appendectomy at age 25 while serving on the USS Carpathia. No complications.

Mental Health:
Stress Management: Regularly practices mindfulness and meditation to manage the stresses of command. No history of mental health disorders.
Counseling: Attends periodic counseling sessions to maintain mental well-being, particularly after high-stress missions.

Diet: Follows a balanced diet with a focus on heart-healthy foods to manage hypertension.
Exercise: Engages in regular physical activity, including running, swimming, and holodeck simulations to maintain physical fitness.
Sleep: Maintains a consistent sleep schedule, though occasionally disrupted by duty demands.
Allergies: None Known

Immunizations: Up-to-date with all Starfleet-required immunizations and boosters.

Physician’s Notes: Commodore Walker is in good overall health, with minor conditions typical for someone of his age and career. He manages his hypertension and arthritis effectively through medication, lifestyle choices, and regular physical activity. His shoulder injury, a remnant of his earlier career, is kept under control with physiotherapy.

Walker demonstrates a proactive approach to his health, regularly attending medical check-ups and counseling sessions. His commitment to mindfulness and meditation aids in stress management, crucial for his high-responsibility position. He remains physically active, contributing to his ability to perform his duties efficiently. Regular monitoring and adherence to medical advice will help maintain his health and readiness for command. Lt Commander Allen Smith, Starfleet Command

Psychological Profile: Captain Walker is highly regarded for his mental fortitude. He is described as a patient and thoughtful leader, capable of making difficult decisions under pressure while maintaining a focus on diplomacy and peaceful resolution. ~Commander Deborah Obeta, Starfleet Command