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07/26/2024 @ 3:32pm

Civilian Laura Walker

Name Laura Jane Walker

Position Crew Family

Rank Civilian

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 51
Date of Birth October 9, 2347
Place of Birth Charleston, South Carolina, Earth

Starfleet Identification

Data Access Level Level 1
Security Access Level 10
Duty Shift Alpha Shift

Station Assignments


Relationship Status Married
Partner Commodore Reginald Walker, 52, Poseidon Station
Children Son:
Name: Lt JG Michael Walker, 24
Date of Birth: 2380-05-12
Occupation: Starfleet Engineer, USS Toyko

Name: Ens. Emily Walker, 22
Date of Birth: 2382-09-24
Occupation: Starfleet Medical Officer, USS Dragonfly

Name: Cadet Sophia Walker
Date of Birth: 2386-02-08, 18
Occupation: Student at Starfleet Academy: Diplomacy

Physical Appearance

Personality & Traits

General Overview Laura Thompson Walker is a warm, compassionate, and intellectually curious individual. Her Southern charm and hospitality make her a natural at fostering connections and creating a welcoming environment wherever she goes. She is dedicated to her work as a xenobiologist, always eager to learn and explore new frontiers. Laura balances her professional life with a nurturing demeanor, often acting as a confidante and supporter to her friends and colleagues. Her passion for discovery is matched by her love for home and family, and she effortlessly blends these aspects of her life with grace and poise. Laura's strength lies in her ability to remain calm and collected, even in the face of challenges, making her a beloved and respected figure both personally and professionally.
Hobbies & Interests Gardening: Laura enjoys tending to a variety of plants, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial, finding peace and satisfaction in nurturing life.

Cooking: She loves preparing traditional Southern dishes, often hosting dinner parties for friends and colleagues to share her culinary creations.

Crafting: Engaging in various crafts, such as knitting and quilting, allows her to express her creativity and unwind from the rigors of her scientific work.
Orientation Straight
Language(s) Spoken Federation Standard


Personal History Background:

Laura Thompson Walker was born and raised in Charleston, South Carolina, a place rich with history and Southern charm. Growing up in a family deeply rooted in the traditions and hospitality of the South, Laura embraced her heritage with grace and poise. Her early life was filled with the joys of southern living, from grand family gatherings to learning the intricacies of Southern cuisine and culture.

Education and Career:

Driven by a deep curiosity about the natural world, Laura pursued a degree in biology at the University of Georgia, where she excelled in her studies. Her fascination with alien life forms led her to specialize in xenobiology, a field that explores the biology of extraterrestrial organisms. After completing her doctoral studies, Laura became a xenobiologist.

Personal Life:

Laura met RJ Walker, a Starfleet officer, at an interstellar conference on xenobiology and diplomacy. Their shared passion for exploration and discovery brought them together, and they soon married. Despite the challenges of a life intertwined with Starfleet duties, Laura maintained her civilian career, contributing significantly to scientific missions and research projects.

Laura is known for her warm, welcoming demeanor and her ability to make everyone feel at home. Her Southern hospitality extends to her professional life, where she fosters a collaborative and supportive environment. She is a dedicated scientist, a loving wife, and a cherished friend to many. In her spare time, Laura enjoys gardening, cooking traditional Southern dishes.