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Out of the Blue

Posted on 05/02/2021 @ 11:25am by Petty Officer 1st Class Maisy Shields

941 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 21: The Trouble with Technology
Location: Counselling Offices
Timeline: during conference


Maisy had been sent on an errand for the good Captain. She of course dragged her heels about it as it truly made her feel like an errand girl... which she thought she probably was.

She entered the counselling offices and a shiver went down her spine. She had to go for mandated counselling as part of her probation. Gave her the chills... and she always felt uncomfortable there.

"Hello?" She called out towards the reception desk. No one seemed to be manning it and she looked around to see if anyone was around.

"Can I help you?" The blond muscular man just seemed to pop up from around an alcove, cup in his hand.

'Jesus dude! Really?" She said in a raised tone due to the fright she had gotten. Then she got lost in his eyes, hers drifted around his body before she snapped back. "Sorry but what did you ask?"

Kevin smiled. She was not the first woman to utter the word "Jesus" in his presence. And she had made a terrible job of trying not to be obvious checking him out. "I said can I help you? You're in reception. I am the receptionist," he indicated the desk walking over to her. "I'm sorry I took a moment away to get coffee."

"That's fine about getting coffee but you need to be a little gentler when you announce you're back. You gave me a fright." She admitted. "Captain Harrington has asked me to pass this on to Lt. Commander Reynolds. Now he is back he'll be arranging a staff meeting and since comms are on the fritz I get the pleasure of getting my steps up." She said passing a PADD over.

"Gentler. You called out Hello. Did you not expect someone to respond?" he asked.

"Not from out of a hidey hole behind me no." Maisy said with a little attitude. Almost like it was an obvious statement. Sometimes Maisys no nonsense attitude came out if she had been startled. It was a form of a defence mechanism.

"Here," he passed the coffee cup over to her amused. "If your yo yo'ing to all the senior crew you need to keep your energy up. And if I scared you that badly I need to right that wrong. Any ideas there?"

"Yo yo'ing?" She said confused as she hesitantly took the coffee. "Thanks..."

The coffee was warm in her hands, the smell made her smile... maybe it was withdrawal from her caffeine fix a few hours ago.

"I don't know?" Maisy said as she opened her eyes. The man truly was a vision of perfection but she wouldn't let him know that. "What've you got? I'm sure you're full of ideas."

"Maybe I should take you back to the hidey hole as you call it and if your brave enough and offer you a cookie from the coffee area," Kevin said. "If that's not good enough maybe I need to bump it up to dinner somewhere less scary," he added very casually.

"I think we should stop calling it a hidey hole first." Maisy said as she furrowed her brow a little and with a brief look to the side looked back at him. "I mean that in itself makes it sound weird considering I don't even know your name..." she admitted.

"Wait, did you just ask me out?" she almost skipped over that part as her mind played catch up.

"Is that a problem?" Kevin asked as he pointed to his name badge stating my name is Kevin in blue.

"Well, no." she said as she noticed the name badge now. It was strange as it seemed quite an old fashioned style of identification. Honestly she was having a hard time trying not to stare at his chest, or arms, hair, face. Everything really.

"Well that's good then. How about dinner? When you get off running round with personal messages for the senior staff?" he smiled at her.

"Yeah, dinner sounds good." She replied with an unsure smile. She had been there less than 5 minutes and she'd shouted at him, got lost in him and then now had a date with him. This would either be really good, or really bad. She at least hoped he worked there and wasn't just a passer by.

"Okay so... erm what's your name?" he asked.

"Oh, sorry. It's Maisy." she said with a light Scottish lilt to her tone.

"And when would be convenient?"

"I finish my shift at 1600, so I guess if you want to tonight? I mean it's no hassle if you're busy later?" Maisy asked.

“No time like the present,” he grinned. “Ok Maisy how’s about I meet you at the Neptunes Folly at 5.30?"

"Sure." Maisy replied. "I've heard some interesting things about that place." She said with no real intent.

"I haven't. All I know is Liam's ho .. ... Liam's cousin owns it," Kevin said. "And the cocktails are apparently good. And I recon after a day of yo yoing you probably need a cocktail."

Maisy did notice the quick change in how he spoke of Liam's cousin but she did not care enough to ask why, not yet. "Yes... yo yoing is probably a good name for it. I'll definitely need more than one." she thought to herself as a smile creeped across her face. "I'll see you at Neptunes Folly at half five." she said as she moved to leave.

Kevin cocked an eye watching her leave. Perhaps he ought to wear a shirt he mused.

Petty Officer First Class Maisy Shields (PNPC Feshau)
Captains Yeowoman
Poseidon Station

NPC Liam


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