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Making friends

Posted on 06/18/2021 @ 2:22pm by Sergeant Audie Fitch & Captain Brina Tracy-Hall

4,453 words; about a 22 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Location: Promenade
Timeline: Current

Brina had heard that they had another arrival to join the Marines, a Corporal Audie Fitch. She sought out the new arrival, curious to see what she was like. She walked to where Fitch might be at and looked in on her.

"Hello Corporal Fitch, I came to introduce myself to you, I'm the XO of the Kingsmen. Figured I'd introduce myself just in case the Major hadn't mentioned me." giving a bit of a smile, the tall red head leaning against the wall.

With all of her gear finally stored and organized, Audie decided that it was time to check out the mess, or maybe even see what sort of restaurants the station had to offer. Either way, she was hungry, and glad for something that didn't come from a replicator.

As she exited her room, the pesky one-eyed ginger cat trotted out ahead of her, pausing to gaze up at her expectantly.

"I don't know what you want," Audie declared, "but you ain't gettin' it go home!"

And then she saw the XO! Snapping to attention, she felt her cheeks go bright red. "I didn't mean you, sir! Sorry! And he did...'Free Bird' or something?"

Brina grinned, "Its Songbird, and nice cat you've got there. Is he yours or did he follow you here?" she crouched down to get a better look at the cat. "I had a cat once, her name was Milady. Was a really unusual feline. She had the coloration of a Russian Blue, really pretty. " looking up from the cat to Audie, "Relax if the cat has decided to adopt you, its okay."

"I think I'm his," Audie chuckled, crouching down as well to scratch the cat's ears. "Guess I should have him checked over to be sure he's healthy, since he doesn't seem to be going away."

Standing, she laughed. "I never thought I exuded that much sucker! It's good to meet you, I'm excited to be joining the team, I've heard good things."

"You know there should be a vet here to check him out, with a station this size there should be one or two. After all people do bring their various pets, and need a place to get them treated. The station I used to serve on, had a good vet." Brina reaching out to see if Buster was willing for her to make contact, holding her hand with palm downward, so he could take a sniff.

"I'll have to check, but I'm sure you're right..." Audie's nose wrinkled up as the cat sauntered over to the XO and pressed his face into her hand, then arched his back, using her fingers as a scratching post, then turning to go back for seconds.

"Traitor," Audie grumbled, then she quickly added, "Sorry, sir...just shows he has good taste!" Since it seemed the cat was going to be hers, she'd have to get him a few things, like food and facilities. "Guess I need to find a shop of some sort."

"Tell you what, lets get changed into Civvies and go explore, do some window shopping and some actual shopping. Sound good?" tilting her head to one side and also reaching out to pet the cat. "What are you going to name your cat?"

"Sounds good!" Audie smiled and nodded, glad to have a chance to get to know the XO in a casual setting, and happy for the chance to get a better tour of the station. "I think that cat told me more than once that his name is 'Buster', so I guess that's it!"

She laughed and shrugged, she really did believe that cats named themselves if you just gave them time. "Shouldn't take but a few minutes to get changed. I'll meet you back here?"

Audie was simple in her clothing options, so once she ducked into her quarters it only took a few minutes for her to shed her uniform and pull on some well-worn jeans and a loose-fitting shirt, then pull her hair out of the pesky ponytail that was starting to give her headache.

In short order, she was outside her quarters again, looking down at the silly cat. "If you insist on this, I'm gonna get you a collar with a tag. This is your last warning!"

Brina moved quickly to her own quarters, and quickly changed. She paused by a small desk where a picture in a frame stood. It was a family picture, she gently reached out and caressed everyone in the photograph. She certainly missed them. She disappeared into her bedroom area then reappeared a few minutes later dressed in black slacks, slip on shoes and a green tunic top. She rejoined Fitch,
"Okay let's go shopping and get something to eat, I am starving!"

"Now that you mention it..." Audie hadn't eaten in a few hours, not that she hadn't gone longer, but she had decided long ago that she wouldn't go hungry unless it was necessary, after all, you never knew when 'duty' would call and you could be stuck for hours, or even days, without a decent meal.

"I'm interested to see what the station has to offer. I've passed through stations before, of course, but never actually been assigned to one." Probably not much different than a starship, just more people, more civilians, same star field every day...and cats!

"Well definitely looks like we will have our own expedition, to seek out a new horizon, to boldly go where we've not gone before. Or something like that." chuckling. "And it will be a lot easier than a person I met having her first 'tour' of the station. She got caught up in a bit of a mess. Oh don't worry, she's all right but that experience she had." pursing her lips together giving a whistle of disbelief.

"Hmm...never was one to turn down a little excitement," Audie mused, "but I'd rather wait a day or so."

As they started for the lift, Buster padded alongside them with that kitty-confidence that said that this was his home, and there were no mysteries to him.

"So, if you don't mind," Audie continued, "I'd like to get updated on the station...any recent excitement, individual troublemakers I need to know about?" She grinned. "Stray cats don't count!"

"Well this station was invaded by Nanites which caused quite a bit of trouble. One of the recipients of the nanite trouble was the Chief Counselor's girl friend. She apparently was in the shower when she was covered in syrupy grape jelly down and some cottony stuff. It caked on her rather thickly. Poor gal was bounced to various places, naked except for the towel she managed to grab before she was transported. She wound up in our meeting area, right during briefing. I think she was trying to get some help when she got transported once more. Who knows how many other places she was bounced to. Long story short, she's safe and no longer covered in that mess. She is in security, her name is Lieutenant Kaylee Serra." Brina informed Audie.

"Troublemakers, haven't heard too much scuttlebutt about them, you may have to talk to security to see if they have a list of troublemakers."

Audie raised an eyebrow at the story of the hapless young woman, and while she was inclined to laugh at the situation, there was more sympathy, thinking that she would have apoplexy if something like that happened to her! "Poor girl, I can't imagine!" She shook her head. "So, test the shower before hopping in?"

The lift stopped and they stepped out, and for a moment, Audie just looked around, grinning. "This is really nice, almost like being planetside. Guess it's close to the same, only more compact...and limited escape routes!"

"Well after I heard that story I do check my shower. Though she did say it was more due to the nanites that infested the station. And I have heard tales of pranksters reprogramming the showers just to play a joke." giving a laugh and looked around. "Yup, very much like that. This place is nice. Okay food first then shopping?" then she looked down at Buster. "Or Vet, shopping, a collar then food." looking back at Audie.

"Well, if the vet is close to the food, let's just drop o'l Buster off and leave him to be checked over and um..." Audie lowered her tone to a whisper, "have his balls chopped off?" She knew it was healthier for the animal, he really had no use for them, and it would temper his behavior to be more amenable. "Just don't let him know what we're up to!" The cat seemed content just to follow them, so it shouldn't be hard to lure him to the vets!

Brina nodded, "Good plan let's do just that." she pulled up her padd and located a vet, which wasn't too far from an eatery. "Dr. Dolittle?" she glanced at Audie. "Why does that name seem familiar." then her eyes lit up, "I wonder. It can't be. There is no way he could be out here. And after all these years." she hmmns then looked at Audie. "Want to go to that one, Doctor Dolittle?"

"Doolittle...that has a ring to it..." Frowning, Audie thought for a moment, then grinning and nodded. "Got it! Jimmy Doolittle, he was a crack pilot back in the day, one of the pioneers!" Her dad had regaled her with just about the complete history of aviation when other kids were learning nursery rhymes. "He was instrumental in...well, instrumental flight, aviation fuel, he set a speed record in the nineteen-thirties...but I don't think the doctor would be related."

Scooping Buster up, she gave him a hug, then frowned again. "Man, you stink! I think I need to add a bath onto the list of services he needs!"

"Nope, not same spelling but I know of Jimmy Doolittle." Brina responded, "I used to be a pilot myself. Was the Squadron Leaders of the Sirens, a fighter squad. And Doolittle was a great example to follow."

As the two women, and cat walked into the office, they were greeted by one of the assistants, "Hello welcome, what can i do for you?" she queried.

While the assistant was greeting them, Brina looked at the picture of the vets there, and her eyes went wide. "Oh.. it is him, much older but it is him!" she gasped out. "Doctor Jonathan Dolittle."

"Why, do you know him?" the attendant asked before she turned back to Audie.

Brina nodded but didn't go into detail.

"So tell me about this fine animal." looking at Buster then at Audie.

Brina went over and sat down in one of the chairs, while Audie conversed with the assistant.

Audie felt reassured that Brina knew the vet and apparently had a good opinion of him, and she picked the cat up and set him on the counter. "This is Buster, and he needs a check-up, whatever vaccinations are necessary and a good bath." She explained that he had followed her from one of the lower decks, and that he also needed a chip, since he now had a formal butler!

"All right, then," she said to Brina as they headed out, "we can pick him up later..." A wild, angry yowling was accompanied by nasty hissing, and Audie quickly linked arms with Brina and hurried her out the door. "Let's go, before they give him back too soon!"

Brina laughed quietly and allowed herself to be pulled out of the vet's office.

"Buster isn't going to be too happy with you at first." she commented, "But he's getting the best of care. Okay food now? What are you in the mood for? They've got all sorts of places to eat here."

Pulling out her Padd, "I'm sure we can find something."

Laughing, Audie shrugged. "Something that isn't replicated, something different and something that isn't still alive. Not sure what they have here, so I'll let you pick something. I'm pretty flexible." Even so, she repeated, "Just so it isn't trying to escape while we're eating it!"

"I know just the place, its called the Admiralty Bar and Grill. The food is freshly made, nothing replicated. I've been hearing some rave reviews of it. Especially due to the nanite problem. Lets go there then we can come back for Buster."

"Hopefully he'll be in a better mood!" Audie laughed. "Or sedated. Poor boy, wait until he wakes up without his jewels!" For his own good, of course!

As they made their way to the restaurant, she paid attention to the shops and cafes, pleased that there seemed to be plenty to keep her occupied for a while, and surprised at the variety the station had to offer.

"This is pretty nice, not exactly what I was expecting. Can't wait to see what's on the nanites, I hope!"

"That is why he is popular especially during the nanite problem. He doesn't use replicators at all. No worries about nanites there. And he's got the real stuff when it comes to drinks too." Brina stated.

When they arrived there, they were seated by the staff. And a menu was brought over. Brina chose fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy plus a salad. For a drink she requested a lemonade.

Grinning, Audie looked over the menu, shaking her head. "Man, there's so many great choices, I have a feeling I'll be back!" For now, she ordered a cheese burger, sweet potato fries and a soda. "This is nice, something to look forward to as a treat. And she desserts look incredible. I can't remember the last time I had real ice cream, much the less a sundae!"

Brina nodded. "That sounds really good. Though I won't tell you the last time I had ice cream. You'd probably hurt me." laughter in her eyes and scrunching up her nose. "I'll tell you anyway, it was two weeks back. With my boys." grinning.

The waitress took the order and left.

Brina looked at Audie. "Okay what do you like to do on your off hours?"

"Boys? As in children?" Of course, 'boys' could just be a generic term for something like this, with others from her Marine group. "I try to get time in the holodeck, running different piloting programs...not the big ships, of course, but little, fast ones, shuttled, freighters and whatnot that can do loop-de-loops and barrel rolls, even if they weren't meant to!" She laughed. "I like to practice in vintage planes, too, back to the old barn-storming days."

Pausing for a few seconds, she thought, then added, "I do like juggling, dazzling kids with cheesy magic and sketching, which is really a way to hide that you are people watching! What about you?"

Brina smiled as she listened to what Audie liked to do.

"Well.. I do love flying fast ships and not the big ships either. I used to be in command of a squadron of fighters named the Sirens. That was glorious. We'll have to schedule some time together and maybe get in a couple of dogfights either against each other or computer opponents. I love sketching and I work with metal. I am into Rugby, acrobatics, to name a few. Ah barnstorming, and vintage planes those are a thing of beauty." she settled back into her chair.

"And yes the boys are referring to my children and my husband." Brina added.

"I'd love having someone to dogfight with who really knows what they are doing!" Audie grinned widely. "There really aren't that many true aficionados of vintage aircraft who appreciated truly pushing them to their limits." Most people she ran into could 'fly' vintage planes, but had little skill when it came to more than level, boring flight.

"Sons? They must be really young!" Maybe a veiled compliment, but more just teasing. "How many? They must keep you pretty busy, how do you find time for everything?"

Brina picked up on the compliment. "Thank you" giving a nod. then continued. "All three of them are 9. And they have kept me busy. Nicholas has them now, on Earth for the time being while I get settled here on the station. And he has many a hand to help with them. My clan." she laughed. "He and I discussed them staying in Ireland with him, whilst I am here, for a little bit. Then, they will be coming to join me." she paused and looked at Audie. "My boys are triplets."

Audie nodded understanding, not expressing that she thought it must be hard not to have your kids there with you, even with the communications available. Of course, Brina knew that and didn't need to be reminded.

"Never been to Ireland, but I hear it's beautiful...well, the pictures are beautiful. I'd say that it's on my 'bucket list' of places to go, but that's so long it'd take me three lifetimes to get to all the places, and that's without work getting in the way!"

The food arrived, and she thanked the waitress, then grinned. "Man, this looks good! And now that it's here, I really am famished!"

"My mouth is watering as well." Brina stated, "let's dig in." and proceeding to do so, as she was starved! The one thing about the Marine XO when it came to eating, once her meal was in front of her, that is what she concentrated on. It was a habit she acquired when she began her career as a Marine. You had to eat, also when it came to growing boys, you also had to eat your meal just in case their little fingers decided to steal food from your plate. Brina grinned at that thought, then looked up from her plate to Audie. Her mouth emptied, her plate half empty she gave a shrug and laughed softly.

"Sorry guess tonight I am not much of a conversationalist. Well, when I am eating that is."

"Oh, that's all right." Audie was already mostly through her meal as well, a habit that anyone in an emergency-related field had ingrained in ate when the opportunity presented, and didn't loiter. Still, she did try to slow herself when there was little chance to get called away.

"Guess we all get in this habit, huh? I have to force myself to appreciate a meal when I can." She grinned and resumed eating, content to finish the meal in silence.

When the two women were finished with their main meal, the waitress came over. "Would you two like some dessert?"

Brina looked at Audie, raising an eyebrow at her with a querying look. Then turned and said,

"I'd like a slice of mixed berry pie with ice cream on the top."

It was now Audie's turn to order a dessert or not.

"Special occasion, right?" Audie shrugged. "New station, new places, new friends, calls for celebration! I'll have the Cookies and Cream cheesecake, please, and coffee."

Then she glanced back at Brina. "I'm going to have to do some extra rounds on the course tomorrow to work all this off, but it's worth it!"

Brina laughed. "Oh you won't have to do extra rounds. Patton can be a slave driver." giving a wink. "And then there is me. I am a taskmaster too." grinning. "I burn calories working on armor. Or playing Rugby. Or put myself in rigorous workouts." giving a shrug.

The waitress went to put in their order after taking their empty plates.

"And I will have to agree, this is a day of celebration. I'm getting to know another Marine, and meet her owner." referring to Buster. "I used to have an owner, but she had to go back to her people. It was a bit of a trying experience but one can not really own a sentient being." Brina stated.

"True, after all, I'm sure I'm not the first person to cross Buster's path." Audie chuckled, "Guess I can just lure him with plenty of good treats." But it was true, he was a free spirit, and one day he may decide to wander on his way.

Their desserts were set out for them, and after they thanked the waitress again, Audie grinned widely. "Oh, this is going to be good!" Then she took a forkful of cheesecake and slowly savored it, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, man, lots of extra workouts!" Then she asked, "What's the basic routine like anyway, when there isn't something specific going on?"

"Calisthenics, he puts us through drills and runs us in some hologram programs just to make certain we're ready and not caught by surprise. And when he is at his other job, I do the same thing. He is second officer of this station. We also get time to roam the station when we are not on duty. That's basically how things work."

Digging into her own dessert, "Like I said, that is what goes on. And you won't need to worry about burning those calories as they will be burned for you." Brina's eyes crinkling up with mirth. And resumed eating her dessert.

"Capital!" Audie laughed. "That means more reason to chow down on good food!" Of course, she knew this wasn't all fun and games, and she had no intention of eating like this on a regular basis...but once a week or so couldn't cause any harm.

"So, do we assist station security at all?" As military, they were a para-enforcement group, so it made sense that they'd help now and again, but was that only for major incidents, or as fill-in?

"Well, we do help out when it is an all hands on deck sort of thing. Like when that saboteur took out the space dock six. That was a mess. Still sorting that out. With Patton being the 2nd officer of the station it supposed to be a a cooperative effort. Mostly though, fleet security takes care of things. I do feel at times that there are some, competitive feelings between the department. And in truth there shouldn't be." Brina giving a sigh. "But that is how things are and develop even though there shouldn't be. Heck, with my being a Marine and Nicholas being StarFleet, we managed to work together. We deemed that there could be a happy union with both groups. There is plenty of things and enough worry to share where we lived. And the same here too. It's an indication to me if both groups need to work together then, something bad is a foot." Brina took up a spoon to get the last morsel of her dessert.

"Makes sense," Audie agreed, "I mean, it has to be a sense of pride for Security that they can handle most of the domestic things, and then if the Marines have to step in, there can be a conflict of command." She frowned. "That shouldn't be a problem, though, with Patton."

After another bite of cheesecake, she continued, "I'll do my best to work with Security and make friends, so long as they don't give me any lip." She grinned. "Maybe I can do some training with one or two of them, extend a hand of friendship."

She didn't believe in superior abilities so much as different skill sets and tasks.

"Well there is one, I can say you'd get along with, that is Lieutenant Kaylee Serra. She's the one who dropped in the middle of my briefing with our marines. She seems to not have any trouble sharing the workload with the marines. Who knows she may have to be the ambassador between us and Security. Also Samson, who is the Chief of Security he's not a bad guy from what I can tell. I've not spoken to him personally maybe I should just to get to know him, too. So he can realize that StarFleet Security and the Marines can get along."

"It's the egos that can't," Audie observed, "and law enforcing kind of people tend to have big ones!" She laughed. "Maybe we should challenge them to something? Some sort of contact sport? Keep the competition on the field?"

"Are you talking about Rugby?" Brina asked getting interested in this. "Or something else, maybe a field and track day? What would be your ideas?" grinning. She was certainly enjoying this, getting to know Audie Fitch.

"Rugby, sure." Audie nodded, then grinned, "but I was thinking more along the lines of Shinty...the Highlands kind, sort of...flexible rules? Might be a few bruises and cuts, but nothing lethal, and that's half the fun, right?"

Brina's eyes lit up. "I will confess I've not played that much. However it does sound like fun and the security might actually survive it?" she chuckled. "We'll have to get that figured out. Or even baseball."

"Oh, I didn't realize Security surviving was a goal!" Audie laughed then shrugged. "Baseball, sure, just physical competition that we keep fun and friendly, kinda let the different sides become friends on the playing field so we can work together professionally. Of course, that hinges on upper command."

If the officers were petty and belittled the other discipline, that would trickle down to the grunts, and there would be problems, but if they got along, the troops would follow suit.

Brina nodded, "Hopefully they are willing to do so. Either way, we'll make the plans and see if it comes to fruition. " Looking at her now empty dessert plate, she gave a sigh, "Well that was delicious, I think we may need to pick up your owner, and get him settled down." giving a grin.

"Hopefully, his mood has mellowed some." Audie laughed and patted her (very) full stomach. "I'm more in a mood to nap than fight!"

Then she had an idea, and ordered a beef patty to go. "This should placate him," she declared, "and take care of any incriminating aromas I may have taken on!" She laughed, happy to have found a good friend so soon after arriving!

Brina chuckled, "Indeed I find that a really good bribe." getting up she looked at Audie, "Lets go, and we've got to do this again." Brina was really glad to find another friend in this vast station.

Audie nodded. "Well, except maybe for the poor cat getting his balls chopped off part, but he'll blame the vet for that!"

Laughing, she gathered the 'doggy bag' and headed for the door.


Marine Captain Brina Tracy-Hall
Marine XO
The Kingsman
Poseidon Station

Cpl Audie Fitch
Marine Corpsman
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station
and Buster, the One Eyed Cat


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