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A man with two hats

Posted on 07/08/2021 @ 5:50am by Colonel Jack Patton & Lieutenant Kaylee Serra

3,075 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Location: The White Stag
Timeline: MD003 1330 hrs

With the crowd being taken care of and peacefully dispersed, Kaylee came up to Patton. "Hi thanks for coming to help out. So as you may well already know, I'm Lieutenant Kaylee Serra." giving a laugh and the dimples in her cheeks showing. "And I am sorry I've not made it to your office, well the office that isn't in Marine Country. I had been meaning to do so, just to get to know the command staff."

"No problem Lieutenant and as luck would have it you have been to my office. I was informed that you sparked an entire platoon to be put on readiness and scour the station for someone blue..." Jack's voice trailed off as he smirked, he wanted to convey that he intended a joke here. "However, I am glad to meet you and not have to hunt you."

She laughed, "Brina let me know that she recognized whom I was. Said I looked much better than without the glop on me. And I do apologize for the stir I caused. However I can see the humor in it too." then her eyes widening, "Wow, a whole platoon? Makes me feel rather important." her eyes filling with mirth. "How do you feel about wearing two hats and how are things going with your wedding plans?" Kaylee smiling. "Maybe we can take this discussion someplace else? If you have the time to do so."

Jack smiled a little diversion from the everyday work would be welcome. Jack pointed toward the White Stag. "Care for a drink? Wearing two hats as you put it helps bridge the gap between the Corps and the Fleet..." He thought about the question about his wedding and realized that for a big station the rumor mill was quite small. "The plans progress. I have the easy job just make sure the dress uniform fits and show up on time." He said with a chuckle.

"A drink sounds lovely." Kaylee responded, walking alongside Patton. When they got inside, and got their drinks at the table, Kaylee stated. "I do know that Liam is taking care of your details. And, "she gave a laugh. "I am helping Aer out, well not just me, but also Teena. Aer is such a lovely lady."

"She is not just a lovely lady, she is the loveliest" Jack said with a smile and then sipped his bee sting. "I am not exactly sure what everyone is going to cook up. But I am sure it will be one for the record books. You lot better not be planning anything too scandalous..." Jack said with a wink. "I hope you like our little corner of the galaxy."

"I do, I do and am enjoying meeting quite a lot of interesting people, from all walks of life. Some good, some not so good but hey it takes all sorts of people to weave the tapestry of life makes it colorful and not bland." She had ordered a long island ice tea. "and are you hinting that you want something scandalous? I shall have to message Liam about that. I m sure he can accommodate you on that request." giving Jack a teasing wink in return. Kaylee sipped at her tea, through a straw, then sat back in her chair. "How did you end up being the second officer of this station? I think it is pretty cool to be honest makes for a nice blend between Star Fleet and the marines."

"There is an old adage in the Corps. 'The job is yours until you die or someone better comes along.' That was pretty much how I got the job. Not too long after I came aboard then Captain Rice needed a second officer and wanted to shake things up so he appointed a Marine and here I am. Keeps me busy, although I could do without the dealing with civvies." Jack said. He had the feeling that he was being interviewed, but he knew that she just wanted to learn a little about him.

"Yes they can be just a bit, annoying to be honest. Like ones who just want to cause trouble." Giving a shrug. "Though dealing with civilians can be fun too." Stirring the ice in her cup with the straw, the ice making a clinking noise against the glass. She thought for a moment then Kaylee leaned forward. "Would it be okay if I come to one of your offices in an official aspect. Or would it be okay to talk shop right here. Never mind probably not a good idea." Her mind was going back over the explosion and she had questions about that. Now though wasn't a good time, anyway.

"Do you have anything you would like to ask me? " Kaylee was feeling like she was still in work mode.

"I will ask you the same question that I ask all the new recruits for my unit. Why did you join up? The life in the Fleet or the Corps is not as glamorous as some would have you believe. As for the talking shop I believe in never hiding the truth from anyone. So if you wanna talk shop right here than go for it. Whoever overhears so be it. I am sure Mick wouldn't mind." Jack said and then smiled toward the Scot behind the bar.

Kaylee smiled at that, giving a wave towards Mick, then turned her attention to Jack, "Well, one of the reasons was to follow in my dad's footsteps, another is I felt a strong draw to it. I wanted to help protect, to serve. And I wanted to be in a more active role to do so. I was being directed to being either a diplomat or a counselor but after I got to a certain age I let my mom know I didn't want to be a counselor or a diplomat. I didn't want to be a pampered princess who couldn't get dirty." Kaylee looked off into the distance, then shuddered at the last part. taking a quick drink then winced as she realized she had given herself brain freeze. She quickly placed her tongue against the roof of her mouth to stop the brain freeze. The pain receded, and Kaylee looked at Patton once more. "That is the reason why I joined Star Fleet."

Jack nodded his acknowledgement of what she said as he sipped his drink. "Now tell me what shop talk you would have." He put his mug down and tucked his beret under the epaulet of his uniform. Ever the officer who wants to keep his finger on the pulse of those under him. Jack was curious what the woman had to say.

"I had talked to Yoshida about my thoughts of the nanites, wondering if they were receiving radio signals from someone outside of the station. This was before the explosion at the airlock. Now I am wondering if that was connected to the nanites. I had also gone and talked with Aer to see if she had found out anything. She found some coding that was put in place a month before the murder of the doctor. Now this leads me to the explosion, what caused it, what sort of explosives did they use? I know I am not an explosive expert on any level but, I am interested to know just what did it. And are there any leads we could chase down?" Kaylee just diving in like she normally seems to do.

Jack thought for a moment before he answered. He had to decide exactly how much he wanted to tell the Security Officer. He decided that any information about time should be left out of the conversation for now, at least until Hiro, Sparks, and Spitfire get done with their investigation. "As to what caused it. Well that is simple it was a complex explosive device built and designed by someone with extensive training but with access to only minor at best supplies. In fact there were two devices. One detonated and the other was removed by my team as they went EVA. The removed and diffused device is in the possession of Lieutenant Yoshida as we try to figure out who put it there. I for one do not believe this connected to the nanites. However, I do believe that the doctor's death is somehow connected. Everything seems to be to damned convenient if you ask me. All these things happen at once, and add to that this new science vessel that is garrisoned to the station. It just smells of conspiracy..." Jack paused and sipped his drink for effect. "...Off the record of course." He smirked.

"Of course it is off the record." Kaylee stated, then took a drink of her tea, then studied it for a moment before looking back at Patton. "It has been screaming in my brain for sometime now, that this whole thing where the Doctor is concerned has been a conspiracy. Too many coincidences, clicking together." she moved to take another sip when Kaylee realized he had said something about another device being removed. "Another device? I am glad its been taken care of." her face going pale. "Where was it and what sort of damage would it have caused?" setting her drink back down on the table. "And a new ship has been docked to the station? What is the name of it?"

"The device was almost exactly like the first one. Save this one was attached to the auxiliary airlock. It did not detonate because faulty parts were used in its construction. If it had the damage would have been extensive and we most likely would have had to abandon the station." Jack signaled a server and ordered a plated of Scotch Eggs. They were a specialty of the house and one of Jack's favorites. Mickey gave him a wink from behind the bar indicating that it was on him.

Patton smiled as he turned back to Kaylee. "The ship is the USS Herodotus, Merian Class Science vessel. Probably a coincidence that she arrived just before all this hub bub. But then again in my experience there is no such thing as coincidence."

"Those look good, would he mind making me some of those too?" Kaylee looking at Patton then over to Mickey then back to Patton. "As for the Herodotus If they allow visitors, I'd be interested in taking a look at it. Well, not the bridge though." giving a slight shudder. "I haven't seen a counselor about that little problem, yet. And I am quite glad you found the device. Would hate to lose another place I could call home. I think, losing one is quite enough thank you." Kaylee said decisively, before taking a drink.

Jack signaled for two plates and scratched his head in thought for a moment. "You see that is just what is bothering me about the Herodotus. No crew has disembarked save for her Captain and no one is allowed aboard. No exceptions. I had the pleasure of meeting the Captain and let me tell you for a listener he is none too friendly." Jack realized that he was gossiping. Then he realized something else, this was something that he had promised himself that he would not do. Perhaps Meatball was right, perhaps he was getting soft.

Raising an eyebrow at that, Kaylee stared at Patton for a long moment before speaking. "Seriously? No crew has left and come to the station, except for the Captain. That is so strange, if they are a science vessel, wouldn't they be meeting with our science department and exchanging information and making contact or connections? Unless they are a top secret science department, but it wouldn't make sense for them to be here if they were to secret. Unless there is something wrong with the ship itself!" her eyes widened at that thought. "I can't believe that there would be any other explanation for them to be here. Or maybe there is more than meets the eye."

"Who knows? I mean with the fleet acting the way it has been lately. A distinct pull back from exploration and redeployment of assets closer to home. In my experience moves like that can only mean one thing. That a government and a people are becoming more isolationist and withdrawn. If I am right then we may all be in for it. Furthermore if I am right then they are capable of anything including a top secret ship in front of our noses." Jack replied. As he spoke the scotch eggs were placed in front of them. The food came quicker than normal and that was something that Jack could appreciate.

"Thank you." Kaylee says to the person who brought the food, then taking a forkful of food while she contemplated over what Patton said. She paused in her musings and stared at the eggs. "Oh these are good!" looking back at Patton. "okay back to the other subject. The USS Herodotus is a Federation ship, and yet it doesn't have the numbers on it. And things are happening where StarFleet is pulling ships back towards home base. What is going on there? I am worried about that, if we are no longer going to be exploring. What's going to happen to our thirst for exploring." then something came to mind, her face going pale. "Are we dealing with another possible uprising by the.." she whispers "blue gills?" an expression of worry in her eyes.

"I don't think it is that. There has been some changes in the fleet since the attack on Mars. I think there are some who want to make sure something like that never happens again. As to what happens to the thirst. Well I think that is up to folks like you to keep it alive no matter what..." Jack's voice trailed off as he thought about the Herodotus again. There was definitely something going on with that ship. He took a bite of his eggs to cover the silence. "I guess we should be happy that we have Aquil to explore while the rest of the fleet gets pulled back."

"Well there is so much out here to explore, that I'm sure there will be other ships that will continue to explore despite StarFleet calling other ships back. Like the ships that helped to bring us all off the USS Europa, before the Europa was used to stop a planet killer. That was...rather frightening to behold. I don't know if you've looked down the mouth of a planet killer." she shuddered. "I can truly understand the terror a person can feel when facing you possible doom. Gives a person, a unique perception." she takes a deep breath and pushed forward in the conversation. "One thing I will say, not one, not one person was left behind, no lives lost." her slight frown disappeared to a brilliant smile. The ships that were involved besides the USS Europa were the USS Andromeda and the USS Merlin." she took a couple more bites of her food. "I feel it would be stupid to stop our exploration on other planets, it wouldn't be prudent to do so. If we do not have knowledge of other species and races. How will we continue to protect us and others."

"That is just it. The powers that be currently believe that we should be protecting ourselves and not others. I dunno... I tend to leave the politics to those who know how to do it. I am a soldier and as such do the bidding of the politicians...." Jack paused to eat some more of his eggs. When he swallowed he smiled. "But onto better and happier topics. I know that you are relatively new to Poseidon. How are you settling in?"

"Well, I think I am settling in well enough. I do know you and Liam are really good friends. Perhaps he's talked to you about me. Did he tell you that he and I met 20 years ago?" Kaylee smiled her dimples showing. "We discovered that a little while ago, he had been dared by my brothers and his brother to kiss me. Well he did, on my cheek, he was such a gentleman. I think something happened back then, that may have affected us in the here and now. I will say as a result of that, I am definitely settling in rather well." her cheeks taking on a dark pink hue.

"Ah yes... you are the lady that has our beloved Counselor over the moon. Well I am glad that Liam has found a woman as sweet as yourself. And to reunite after so much time, definitely a romance story for the ages. Perhaps fate..." Jack said with a boyish smirk.

"Who is to say, Fate, the Goddesses. Either way, we are together now and that is what is important." Kaylee then finished the last two bites of her eggs. She settled back into her chair. "That was good, thank you." Kaylee said with a smile. "And I probably should get back to work, I still need to go chase down some sort of clue as to who killed Doctor Salar. I feel like there may be more of a mess than just, a murder. Connections that sort of thing, tie in to his research. However I don't have too many connections or someone who can be the little bird who can toss a hint or two about it. I will have to keep digging."

"Keep at it I am sure that you will solve the case. If there is any assistance that my people can offer feel free to borrow them. You have my authority in that should they grumble." Jack chuckled and then finished his eggs, then he added. "Officially I have to warn you Lieutenant to stay away from the Herodotus." Jack used the tone of voice that bilked no argument. However, the wink and twinkle in his eye said otherwise. "Happy hunting Kaylee..."

Kaylee rose from the table, "Thanks, and I will definitely be asking for help when needed. You have a great day." she gave an answering wink and a smile towards his 'official' warning about the Herodotus. Another wave and she leaves.

Major Jack Patton
CO The Kingsmen
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
Second Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Kaylee Serra
Poseidon Station


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