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Posted on 06/17/2021 @ 3:44am by

1,298 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Location: Empires palace and citydel
Timeline: During wedding


Niska had pretty much had enough, after another morning of attending to that hussy of an El Aurian. Dressing her along with several other of her girls in her wedding dress non the less, there had been an idea forming in her brain for weeks now as she endured this humiliation.

She wasn’t getting away from the bitch. She had tried to poison her but apparently her physiology was far stronger than she gave them credit for. Clearly the Emperor didn’t care, making her have to attend to this woman. She had devoted years of her life to him and his predecessor. Neither realising just how wonderful a prize she actually was.

So now was the appropriate time to slip away and pledge her allegiance with others who hopefully would see her worth more. The resistance were content on bringing down the Emperor and what more could she ask now she was treated so?

She could be a useful asset in return for protection. She was of no illusion she could slip away and live out safely in hiding. Okay his twin had managed so far but she suspected Liam was allowing it. He would not her that she did know.

While everyone’s eyes were on the youthful El Aurian princess and the Emperors wedding – this was her opportunity. She had for years had the foresight to send credits into safekeeping in case this day ever arose. She changed into a more exotic dancer type dress than she would normally wear in public. Allowing more skin. So she looked like and would pass as a regular Orion woman.

And she needed to get the boy. The one thing that did pain Niska was him being cast aside by Liam once he had determined the truth of his parentage. Before that she had overseen his education, provided some support when Liam had decided that his mother needed to be parted from her own head for her betrayal.

How the Baku had thought she could have fooled the man long term she would never know. And the Emperor did not take kindly to finding out that his Prime universe counterpart was in fact the father.

But she had grown fond of the boy and if she sought shelter with these people the least she could do is get him to safety too or else his whole life would be in captivity and she was the only one who had been secretly seeing him. A weekly sexual arrangement with one of his guards had allowed it so.

As the El Aurian bitch had come on the scene, Liam had visited her less and less and shown no interest bar the new Alcaren slave in the rest of them.

And that Valentine who she initially had hopes for, had fizzled into nothing exciting. She had only been interested in keeping her sweet so not to harm her child even if she was attracted as hell to her.

She could have used her pheromones in both situations more but the guard was actually good looking, and she had enjoyed herself very much. Valentine could have enjoyed the same if she had played the game better.

It was a shame however she was now going to have to do what she was going too. She couldn't trust him. Or ask him to come with them. No she couldn't trust anyone now.

The universe was full of new potential lovers anyway ...

“Hey baby,” she flashed a smile entering the first room.

“Niska its not Wednesday,” he said surprised. "And you don't normally wear that ..."

Both guards drooled their jaws dropping.

“I know sugar," she said coming up close placing her arms around his neck, ensuring the other one got a good view of her waist and legs, "but there’s so much love around today I just wanted to screw you again,” she stated.

His partner the other guard looked on in amusement.

"I have too," she said hungrily fluffing his ego.

“Why don’t you go watch the wedding for a little while?” he said to his friend. No one ever came down here anyway. Only a handful of people knew who was in the room behind this one.

“I can’t blame you,” the other guard said not taking his eyes off her until he was out the room. "Why couldn't you have picked me beautiful?"

Niska laughed as he exited then launched herself on the one she was wrapped round and they did make love.

One last hoorah and for the road before making this run she rationalised with herself. Then she knocked him out with a well placed high kick and exchanged him into the cell indicating Cade follow her out.

“Nis what’s happening?” the boys said clearly confused and frightened. This was not normal.

Tossing the guards uniform inside behind him, she couldn’t be that mean to leave the guard naked in there, she locked up the cell again and broke the circuitry into a hard lock for good measure and faced the boy.

“We gotta go Cade. I need you to come with me now and I have a friend on one of the vessels here for the wedding celebrations who is going to sneak us out and on to somewhere we can lie low and start looking for some more people who can take us in."

The young bot nodded and grabbed her hand. He knew if he stayed, he could still get killed like his mother had. Although only 6 he knew that the bad version of his father was only keeping him in case he needed leverage over his actual father.

Niska knew this palace like the back of her hand. In fact she knew all the secret routes in the palace. Getting out and into the more public sphere was easy. At one point she did panic sensing and hearing some other people in the vents which she chose to use for the final leg of their journey.

Perhaps it was engineers she shrugged off. No one had seen them, so she wasn’t going to worry.

Once outside, headscarf covering most of her hair and Cade in different attire she had left ready at an intersection, they looked like mother and son weaving through the crowd.

It was then she spotted the other group. Another woman deliberately hidden in robes, the other party moving her. And infantry following them she noticed. She pulled the headscarf further over her face so not to be recognised and Cade closer to her his face aimed away.

She also sensed a familiar presence. Her eyes looked up and widened when she realised it was Valentine. So, her friends were making an attempt to get her then.'

“Good luck,” she murmured and turned to move but then spotted him. Dark skin and dark eyes. A Terran. Handsome, clearly the leader extracting Valentine.

Did he know who she was? Was he concerned she would raise the alarm?

Their gaze connected for a long moment and she realised he was appreciating her body in the dress with plenty of cut outs. The slight O of his lips betrayed him. He was really checking her out.

Then he pulled himself together, clearly determining she wasn't a threat or having run out of time for sightseeing and muttered something into a hand device and the party disappeared into a transporter beam.

She could hear the soldiers swearing as they realised, they had got away. Niska ushered Cade in the other direction and they continued ready to board and hide in the ship that had travelled with well-wishers. And finally be free of this place.


MU Niska
Deflector and prior manager of the Harem and Empires court


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