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Slave Inspection

Posted on 06/26/2021 @ 12:21am by Lieutenant Commander Junipyr Danae

2,315 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Timeline: After "A Trill's Gambit"

Reluctantly, Lyras left Brell behind with the Emperor. He was desperate to get back to him sooner rather than later, so he hurried to where he'd been directed.

Of course, he had seen a harem before, just not a royal one. The Romulan guard looked around, his left hand resting on the handle of his knife, ready to draw it if he needed to. "I am here to inspect the new slaves," he announced, "I'm to ensure their health."

"You are the doctor my lord send word of," a green alien woman said, walking towards him. She was beautiful and exotic. Clearly high in status. And even though she was barely using her abilities this one was sensitive.

"I am Niska. I manage things here. Come I will take you to her. She is referred to as Kenya."

She gave his ears a look in fascination. Part of her wanting to reach out and touch them. Caress them. It had been a long time since she had seen pointed ears. She too could sense his duality but kept her mouth shut. For her lord to allow one with Vulcan blood to be in the citadel he had his reasons.

"You are to run full biological scans. Our lord wishes to understand these people. And their abilities," she told him. "You are to determine their safety to be within a Harem. He has more to come join us if you give a green light ... Doctor ....." she found herself saying seductively. There was something about scientists in general. Although he had an edge of danger. Maybe that was more attractive.

Lyras shook his head, feeling as if his senses were being clouded. "Doctor is a strong word," he answered, "and I'll need equipment. When I and my Lord arrived I didn't know I was to be inspecting slaves. Tell me about this species." His blue eyes followed her, acknowledged her beauty but just knew Brell would not appreciate it if he were to engage in anything without his approval.

Kenya sat on a bench, her back to a wall, trembling in nervousness. She could no longer sense her other Alcaren companions, which meant they were beyond the palace, maybe even off the planet. She was alone for the first time since she'd been kidnapped from her home. She glanced up as two people approached her, she looked down again and opened her mind, wanting to hear their thoughts as they were essentially broadcasted out. Most people had no idea how to control their minds, and their thoughts were very much like people chatting in a busy room. She could hear the noise of it all, but she'd need to focus on a person to hear specifics.

Not knowing the species to be telepathic, Lyras saw no need to shield his thoughts. He wasn't even very good at it, even though he learned how at a very young age. "I'm Healer Lyras," he said as he approached the woman. "What species are you? Do you have special abilities?" He studied her. "Lying will do you no good, the truth will come out especially if you are brought before the emperor. Better to speak true now, and preserve your life."

Kenya scoffed a little remembering Kloae who's breath had not been gone for more than hours. "I have no cause to lie, and no wish to die." she said softly, grief filling her emotions. She didn't control them well and they boiled out, likely touching the other minds around her. It was likely any unshielded mind would feel intense sadness for a moment. "I am Alcaren." she said, "We are telepathic." she said, not know what other special things he'd want to know.

Briefly overwhelmed by a strong sense of sadness, Lyras instantly pulled up his fragile mental walls upon her admission. He snapped his fingers, needing some scanning tools and hoping some slave would provide them. "Are you a healthy specimen?" He continued, "what is your age? Are you able to bear children should the emperor desire it?"

Had Kenya been drinking anything she'd have spit it out at that question. "Uh... I mean... I will be of child bearing age for at least 50 more years... I'm 22 years old." she said. "But to do that he would have to bond me... He said he didn't want that, and I refuse to bond to him..." she said feeling a sense of panic at the idea of being forced in to a bond and for her children to be half that monster.

"I'm afraid that you won't have any say in what you want dear," Lyras answered, almost sympathetically. "You're his property now, and you'll do as you're told when he tells you. Trust me, you don't want to defy him. I've seen what he can do with a mere thought. He flung my Lord and myself across the room in opposite directions, without so much as the flick of a hand. If you value your life, you'll do as you're told." He gestured to Niska. "Won't she?"

"If you are loyal he treats you well," Niska said. "He had to make an example of your friend. She overtly defied him. That cannot be allowed.

He will not wish children with you as he is to be wed and he wants a royal heir," she said. There was a hint of sadness and anger in her. She could sense her mourning also. "Nor do I believe he would wish to bond with you Kenya," she said simply. "I feel he is more interested in your species than you as a person. He met one. She was involved in his death when he was sick. Before his resurrection. He wishes to understand how and is curious. Another culture, another people. Perhaps even another world to conquer.

"My world is a long way way... I don't even think you can get there." she said. "That isn't pride speaking, its reality." she said. "I will share what I know of my world... there is no harm in it as you can not get there to hurt my people any way."

"She can project," Niska told Lyras turning to him suddenly. "The Illusion of sex, my lord informs me. He wishes a demonstration," Niska stated.

"You need to strip down so the doctor here can examine you properly. Gently," she told the hybrid firmly.

Kenya looked at the other woman with sudden horror at the command. She took a moment and swallowed, telling herself it was just a medical exam. She had been exposed before doctors before, it was normal. But was it? Rather than respectfully seeking issues to her health this so called Doctor was seeking imperfections. It wasn't the same, and it made her suddenly extremely self conscience.

Lyras waited for the woman to undress, remembering the humiliation of being subjected to a doctor's scrutiny all too vividly. "I'm not a monster," he told them both, "I'm only doing as I'm told too... I too don't want to die." When he walked around her, he noticed she had the most unusual eyes. He stopped, cupped her chin between his fingers and turned her head this way and that. "These silver eyes, are they common among your kind?" he asked before turning his head, remembering a statement the green-skinned woman had made. "He wants a demonstration of what? Her projection skills?"

Kenya could feel the mind of the man walking around her, and it was a minor comfort, but one non the less that he seemed to understand her. She took a few deep breaths, forcing herself to calm down as he looked her over. "Yes, All of my people have silver eyes. Most also have red hair. There are other shades, but red is always present some how." she said.

She lowered her eyes at the mention of the projection skills. "I will need to touch your mind to show you what they mean." she glanced up, "I require your consent. We are strict on our laws about such things." she didn't continue the thought, she knew that with out the laws there were those among her people who could pose a danger to the less strong of mind. Some among her people could manipulate thoughts. Even she could influence fight or flight instincts as that was a fairly basic skill.

Lyras nodded hesitantly. "As long as it poses no threat to me or my own lord."

"No harm." she said, her hands moving to try and cover herself a little. She closed her eyes, unable to look at the man while she did this. She reached in to his mind, touching it gently. It felt strange, clearly an incompatible mind. While they could bond with any one some minds were far more comfortable than others. Alcaren would seek those sorts of naturally fitting minds for their mates. She let out a breath as she found the points of his mind where sensation was controlled. She gave a flitting touch over it, nothing too strong, and certainly not to her full power.

The sensation elicited a sharp gasp from the young man. It felt as if he was being touched all over, as if someone was setting him on fire but in a good way. "Stop," he managed as he looked at her. "Enough. I think the emperor will be pleased with this skill. Is this all you can do?"

"I can do more, I will need to touch your mind again to show you." She pulled back her mental touch and focused herself before she reach back out, touching his mind. She took a peek at his memories. She was looking for something specific to make this easier, and soon she found it. A moment of desire.

While what she found surprised her, she wasn't used to such partnering's, but it was still useful. All she needed was to stir up his feelings of desire to simulate the situation. She replaced an imagining of herself in to the situation, rather than his actual lover, and then recalled the very room they were in.

She stirred the emotional aspect of his personal memory, and mixed it with an imagining of him picking her up and pressing her to the wall, kissing her with passion. Skin on skin, with desire stoked and need growing with intensity. Kenya touched upon the pleasure center again, as she stirred aspects of the memories with her own imaginings. Because she was in his mind, the pleasure echoed back on her, and caused her own heart rate to rise, and a basic need to grow in her as well.

She pulled back after a moment, knowing that to him he would question his own reality and if he had actually just been intimate with her. Maybe it was cruel to stop stimulating a man in the middle of such a simulation, she wondered if his physical body was reacting or not. From what she understood of the Alcaren who did this often, he would likely feel as if he had just been with her. When his mind would focus again and saw himself still fully clothed, standing in front of her, no where near the wall she had just implanted in his mind, he may be confused.

"You never touched me. Your mind thinks you did..." she said gently as she glanced him over.

He was feeling sweaty and he tugged at the collar of his shirt, his mind feeling. He could've sworn he'd just done all that. He could still feel the kiss on his lips. His breath was elevated, his face flushed. "This is a dangerous gift to have, but also a useful one. Are all Alcaren like you?" He focused his eyes on her, taking a step back in the hope some distance between them would cease the strange feelings he experienced. He shook his head, almost losing his balance. "Are you sure?" He looked to Niska for confirmation.

"I don't know a full blooded Alcaren who can not." Kenya admitted. She glanced at Niska, "He now has a memory and has experienced the neurological effects of being intimate with me. But you can confirm, he never touched me." she said. She rubbed her arms, wanting to be dressed, She felt disgusting after having done that.

“Seems to have a few physical effects too. You have a little wet spot on your trousers there doctor,” the green alien grinned.

“Don’t worry we won’t tell your lord,” she said circling Kenya.

“My turn. Let’s see if it’s as effective on women,” she grinned.

Kenya blinked quickly, "you... Your turn?" she stammered. "Oh I... I don't know how that would. I'm not sure I can." She blushed deeply. Her people focused heavily on seeking bondmates, and instinct drove them to seek certain compatibilities. Imagining these acts with any one was uncomfortable enough, but with a woman, she wasn't even sure where to start. Or if she wanted to. Hoping to get out of it, "I think you would need a male for that to happen properly... and well... the Emperor sent them all way." she said nervously.

"The emperor will know regardless of whether I tell him or not," Lyras said, still feeling quite unsteady on his feet. "And if he is not to be alerted...someone better find me replacement clothes. Fast." He looked to the Alcaren woman. "Try it with her," he said, "what you did with me, do it with her. She could compel you to, if needed."

“Doctor go see my girls outside. They will sort you out,” Niska said simply ushering him to the door. “Clinic is over for ten mins. It looks like I’ve some schooling to do.”


Brell's Guard
Former Slave
pnpc Seklar

Mu Niska
Npc Liam

NPC Adira/Adam/Danae


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