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Slave approval

Posted on 06/27/2021 @ 1:08am by

1,128 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Location: Emperor's domain
Timeline: Following "slave Inspection"


Having changed, Lyras made his way back to the Emperor's domain. He couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive about it, still feeling a little flushed at what he'd just gone through.

"Emperor..." He said, approaching the powerful Betazoid with caution. "I have examined the woman..."

"Tell me everything," Liam said indicating a seat.

A little nervous, Lyras sat as indicated. "She is of a telepathic species and she is healthy. She has also indicated that she is of childbearing age. I assume you would want to breed them to keep the women in your harem. Her species have unusual silver eyes and this particular specimen is very skilled in the power of ah... suggestion."

He looked up, looking the Betazoid square in the eyes. "Dangerous, but also useful."

"Yes and not to be trusted. But breeding with her will ensure leverage if she tries to use any unusual skills in another way.

But there's the little problem of them bonding," Liam said. "I certainly do not wish anyone bonding at this time. So we are going to do it the science way. I need you to get samples of her biological cells and create an embryo. It will be unethical but that's my orders. Try get me a viable embryo."

"Embryo?" Lyras blinked at that. "Are you suggesting that I have to create a living organism outside of the female body? And whose paternal genetic material am I to use?" He frowned. "I'm not sure if I even can..." He was sure that Iy'dan couldn't be without him for that long. "I need geneticists... scientists...I'm a simple healer, what you ask is beyond my capabilities..."

"No not outside. Inside her. She's going to carry it. She needs to bond with that baby. She needs a reason here to stay alive. To not decide to try commit suicide. And its going to be my DNA. I have plans there, and I'm not saying anything further," Liam told him.

"I still don't know how," Lyras protested, "what if you aren't compatible?" He shifted uncomfortably, really wanting to get out of the room. He was just a healer, he patched up simple injuries. What did he know about genetics, or even pregnancies. He'd never even been allowed near a pregnant slave, those were for the master's trained doctors. The ones that weren't slaves.

Liam looked inside the mans head. He was telling the truth. And also had experienced the "power of suggestion" which was causing a little confliction.

"Then I will get you a geneticist to work with Doctor," Liam said. "And I see yes she is very skilled in the power of suggestion as you say. Do not worry. I will not speak of it to Brell. He will be happier there being in the dark."

Relief flooded the young man's face, but doubt cast a shadow over it. "He'll know anyway," he whispered, "I'm instilled with need... I'm confused and..." He hesitated, looking away. "And needy...and I doubt he'll let me be with anyone." He paused, another feeling of fear washing over him. "I don't think I can do this. I can scan your new acquisitions for health, but I'm more a guard than a healer, and Brell needs me. Someone tried to kill him, and me.." his hand went up to his left side, where a still fresh scar under his leather tunic was proof of a recent attack.

"You are his body guard are you not?" Liam said, "So I would have thought that a professional downfall of the job. I do not care of your relationship troubles. I will not tell him as I need him focused on his next job but I am not a sounding board. Take your internal struggles to someone else. Perhaps Niska may care,"

"The geneticist will arrive overnight so in the morning get on the job," the Emperor informed him. "And sort yourself out, your all flushed. Its not a good look."

Lyras sat in silence for a few seconds before casting defiant and fiery eyes on the emperor. "I'm his bodyguard and his personal healer. My primary service is to him. I need to see to his needs and safety first before coming here." He gave a scoffing laugh. "I doubt Niska will care, she's got other concerns."

"Your primary service is to Me and the Empire," Liam told him. "As is Brell's. He understands that well enough and he has told you to as well. So if your truly obey your master you will not force me to make an example of you. Perhaps he allows you to question him but I do not accept that behaviour.

My fondness for Brell wanes when his slaves do not know their place. You are capable of doing a job are you not? I have just given you tools for the means. The geneticist arrives tomorow. You will work with him. Once I have a viable embryo and its in that slave then you may return to your master. Continue to try be defiant and you will just not return. That would however end all your relationship wobbles. Perhaps I would be doing you a kindness. Which is it?" Liam stated firmly.

"I'm not a slave," Lyras replied defiantly, his eyes blazing. Brell had said so himself, he wasn't a slave. But he needed his charge to be safe, he wouldn't be the cause of his fall from favour. He swallowed a few times to try and reign himself in, before nodding slowly. "I need to make arrangements," he finally said, "I will return in the morning..."

Liam actually rolled his eyes. "Whatever you need to tell yourself internally doctor but that was a better decision. A smarter one. Yes you will report back tomorrow. I care about results. So bring me results I'm happy. Do not bring them we have a problem. Like I said your internal struggles around whether you love my Lieutenant or not are of no care to me. But I suggest you delve into it if its making you talk back to the most dangerous man in this citadel. My patience with you is smaller that my patience with Brell. Unless you bring me results. Remember that. You can go now. The door is there."

He opened it with his mind to make a point.

Lyras did marvel at that level of skill, a level he would never possess, and could only dream of. And it reminded him of being thrown across the room like a mere puppet. He swallowed again as he stood and nodded slowly. "I will," he said as he started to back out of the room.


MU Liam Reynolds
NPC Liam

Brell's bodyguard
pnpc Seklar


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