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So Much For Passing Through

Posted on 06/29/2021 @ 10:03pm by

1,184 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Location: Promenade

It had been a week since Amarylis first arrived on Starbase 50. The week had served as a breath of fresh air to the veteran marine as she had not had a shore leave as uplifting as her recent experience in likely all of her career. Her blissful adventure was largely in part to Amy, the beautiful southern barkeep she had met at the late night pub on her first night.

Amarylis was no stranger to short-term flings or even one-nighters. Sometimes, she enjoyed being able to cut loose and enjoy a temporary reprieve from the reality and stressors of her life. She understood the duration and effects were only temporary and so did those she spent her time with, but none of that mattered to her, at least it didn’t until recently.

That was until she ran unexpectedly into the redhead. Her time with Amy was more enduring and fulfilling then her recent encounters. Normally, she had her fun and moved on like some nomad, always seeking a home, but living for the journey.

A week had been the longest Amarylis had remained in one place in recent months, and despite this she had no compulsion to actually leave.

She had gotten into the routine of visiting the pub at dinner time to take in some of the home-cooked food. She wondered if perhaps the semblance to the cuisine at home is what drew her to the pub, maybe she was homesick? As she continued to ponder the question, she found herself once again walking into the homely den.

She took her usual seat at the bar and waited for Amy to emerge from the back.

Amy pushed through the large swinging doors a few moments later. The aroma of fresh steak followed her out and gracefully danced towards Amarylis’ senses. She smiled at both the smell of the steak and the sight of Amy.

“Well, if someone isn’t back there making the finest smelling cut of meat I have ever had the pleasure of smellin’” Amarylis commented.

Amy turned, her face lighting up at the sight of her new favourite customer. “Ah there ya are lil’ miss Georgia Peach! You’re just in time too, Clyde wanted to talk to you about somethin’ important. Let me go get him, I’ll be back in a jiff.” She said raising her index finger as she rushed to the back.

A few moments later, the redhead returned with a large burly man. He wiped his glistening face off with a rag he retrieved from his white grease stained apron that was tightly wrapped around his portly frame. He briefly scratched at the black stubble on his cheek, the colour which matched his short jet black hair.

“So this is the peach girl?” Clyde asked Amy.

“Isn’t she?” Amy remarked, winking at Amarylis.

“Funny, I used to be known as poison flower, but I suppose peach sounds more pleasant on the tongue.” Amarylis replied.

“Now why in the heavens would anyone go and name a sweet thing like you poison?” Clive asked astonished, placing his hands on his hips as if disappointed by the revelation.

“Name’s Amarylis, the actual flower is toxic, but beautiful to look at.” She mentioned.

Clyde pressed his lips together. “From what Amy tells me, the name don’t suit you. Peach is better. I’m Clyde.” He said extending his hand out to Amarylis. “Pleasure to meet you.”

Amarylis returned his gesture with a firm grip. “Pleasure is all mine. Great service and great food, what more could a girl ask for?”

Clyde chuckled. “I agree. A woman that appreciates the little things, I like that. In fact, I was hoping to bump into you today, Amy and I wanted to talk to you about somethin’”.

“So Peach, I’ve really enjoyed our time this past week and I have enjoyed our talks. Truth be told, before you came along, Clyde and I were talking about doing some travelling and such, problem was we couldn’t just go and leave the bar unattended.” Amy began.

“Then you came along, and Amy and I thought to ourselves, maybe this is our chance. Not everyday you meet a person you just mesh with you know? Amy and I were in the business for years before we bumped into each other, so we got to thinkin’”. Clyde continued.

“Amarylis, we would both really like it if you would take over our bar. After all our talks and you saying you were just travelling around with no purpose, what better home then here?” Amy exclaimed.

Amarylis placed her hand on the bar as she nearly fell off her stool. The offer was extremely generous and especially coming from people she had only just met. Amarylis drew in a deep breath and exhaled as she processed the request. “Well that’s a mighty generous offer, but you sure you want to give everything you built to some stranger?” She asked.

Clyde batted his hand at Amarylis. “We started from nothin’ and I can tell you are a good-hearted soul. Sometimes, you just gotta follow your gut and my gut says your the gal this bar needs.”

“And besides, you said you wanted to open a bar right? You were gonna call it uh.....”

“The Sniper’s Nest.” Amarylis interjected.

Clyde’s bottom lip slid out as he nodded approvingly. “This place needs a facelift. I think you can do it some Justice and keep the ole southern charm. She’s yours if you’ll take her.” Clyde offered.

Amy walked towards Amarylis gripped her hand between her own hands. “Please Peach.” She pleaded. “I want to see the universe! Do this girl a solid.”

Amarylis took a moment to think about it. She had always wanted a little corner to call her own and the constant travel was wearing on her. She would most likely never get an offer like this again. “If this is what you really want, how could I say no?” She responded.

“YEEEAHHHH!” Amy shouted out as she jumped up and down.

A smile grew on Clyde’s face. “Great! I’ll go talk with the civilian affairs folk and get all the details sorted. Congratulations girl, you are the proud owner of The Sniper’s Nest! Do us proud.”

A brief pause.

“Just be sure if we ever come back, you leave an opening for a cook and a barkeep.” He commented.

Amarylis perked a brow “Of course, this place will always be home to you. You don’t even have to knock.” She replied graciously.

“Great! Now I hate to cut this celebration short, but if I don’t grab those steaks soon, I’ll be using them as charcoal, excuse me.” He said as he lumbered back into the kitchen.

Amarylis watched as the man disappeared behind the doors before returning her focus to Amy. Amy’s face beamed with excitement. “How bout we celebrate with some peach whiskeys on the house?”

Amarylis smirked. “I’m gonna go broke before I even open.” She joked.


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