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A Refill

Posted on 02/24/2022 @ 6:21pm by Commander Kodre Vedan & Commander Aer Feshau-Patton

1,418 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Medical Bay, Poseidon Station
Timeline: MD002 - 0930 Hours

Aer had been taking her Loralsonal a bit more regularly recently than she was willing to admit. There had been a niggling at the back of her head, usually this indicated the onset of a temporal migraine.

As such her medicine was running low and she was in need of a refill. It had been a while since she visited the medical bay, thankfully, but she had heard there was someone new in charge and a Trill at that. This definitely peaked her interest as she always enjoyed new people.

Entering the medical bay she asked the nurse if she could fill her prescription but due to the nature of it, the Loralsonal being an uncommon medication, she needed to see the Chief Medical Officer first.

Kodre finished up his last appointment and came out of the room, pausing as she saw a new woman talking to his nurse, who waved him over. "Ladies." he said with a bit of a grunt to his voice. "What can I do for you?"

"Hi, I'm Aer Feshau. I'm just coming in to get a refill of my Loralsonal please?" she asked the good looking Doctor. "And welcome on board Doctor Vedan. I hope you are settling in alright."

Kodre offered her a charming smile, "Nice to meet you Aer, and yes I think I am." He motioned his hand towards an exam room, "Caught me at a good moment. Lets go over your symptoms." he said as the door closed behind them, affording them privacy. "How long have you been on Loralsonal?"

"Good. We can't have you feeling left out, or out of place here. We are all a nice group of people, well most of us." Aer replied as she moved to a different room as he asked more in depth about her medication.

"I've been on Loralsonal for 60 years, so around the time of 14 when I was diagnosed with Temporal Migraines. It is quite rare, but the Gods gracefully decided I have to live a life with limits." She joked. "As you know El Aurians have a perception of time and space that others do not so it can affect us all differently. I feel a tickle, like a pinching maybe in the back of my mind that tells me of temporal events, usually small ones otherwise it's not just a niggle, so I take a shot and it goes away." Aer explained. "If a moderate to major event happens and I don't have any Loralsonal then think of a headache but multiplied exponentially. My head feels like it would burst, I bleed from my nose, ears and sometimes my eyes. My eyesight shifts and I see patterns, different time streams merging together and moving apart down different routes at the same time. I find it hard to concentrate and my body weakens... it can be quite unpleasant." She said understating it for effect and a little joke.

"Oh honey, that sounds rough." he said with some deep compassion in his voice. He cleared his throat, "And the Loralsonal has been helping well? Same dosage?" he asked. He didn't want to take away the compassion, but he also realized he called the woman honey. Damn it Wilha... the intense motherly instinct from a few hosts ago was rising up.

Aer would be the first to admit that the term 'honey' was more of a Human term of comfort or affection more than a Trill one. She found it a bit odd that it came from him but it wasn't enough to make her comment.

"I was thinking maybe a little higher dose?" she half asked. "I feel like I've been taking it more regularly than I should, maybe if it was stronger then I could take less." she smiled a little softly. In her mind she sounded a bit like a drug addict asking for something stronger.

Kodre licked his lips as he considered. "I'd like to do a bit of research in to your file, and the history of the drug before I approve that. I think we'd want to titrate up to a higher dose, under observation, if its going to actually help you. You got enough on hand to last you a day or two?" he asked as she pulled up her file and made some notes.

"Oh okay." Aer said a bit taken aback with the need for research and such. Usually she'd just get a nod and off she'd go. "I think I have enough for two days, should I need it. I usually only take it when I feel signs of my migraines. What do you need to observe, if you don't mind me asking?" She was interested in knowing his thoughts.

Kodre leaned forward a bit, in a relaxed stance to seem less threatening. "To my basic knowledge of Temporal Migraines You are one of the higher does therapies for Loralsonal. There are risks when adding more, and if the medication is starting to not work for you at this level, then we need to be open for other treatment options. Increasing isn't always the automatic answer. If I increase you, and you don't respond well to it quickly, then we're just flooding your body with more medication than you need." he explained. "Temporal Migraines are nothing to take lightly, but neither are the risks of long term use of such medications. Its a balance. Perhaps we need to look in to what may be triggering the headaches, and work on some practical methods to reduce them being triggered, so that the medication is more effective... does this make sense?"

"It does." Aer said taking in all the information Kordre had given her. "I had heard someone talk of a temporal shielded bracelet. Apparently it is supposed to place temporal shield of sorts around the body, but I don't know how safe that is, or how far they got in its development. Doesn't sound too good to me." she said with a shrug.

Kodre tapped his chin, "Hmm, I mean, it may be safer in the long run than medication. I'd recommend looking in to it. If you find any information forward it to me and maybe we can trial a low level shield in order to reduce reliance on medication." he said.

"I'll try to find out more but..." she paused to find the best way to word this next part. "the doctor who made it is still missing. He tested the bracelet on himself and for what I believe the bracelets shielding phased him out of this timeline." Aer shrugged. "At this point reliance on medication is safer, even if I do have to wean myself off it a bit."

Kodre blinked, "Well Damn. Then there is no way we're going to be experimenting with that!" he scoffed. "Forget it! I don't need no damn time ghost messing with me because I let her play with phasing." he said shaking his head. "I'll have the meds ready for you." he promised, "And by the time you pick it up I'll have updated your profile with a titrate plan and instructions on what I need reported to move forward. Sound good?" he asked.

"No." Aer laughed. "I frown on time ghosts too. Terribly unpunctual creatures." she joked. "I'd be a nice ghost though, I mean I don't think I'm very haunting and the idea of being able to go through walls." she added with a mischievous grin.

"I've always wondered about that. If you go through walls, why not floors? You could end up just floating in the nethers of space with no place. And then a ship might run in to you and you'd phase right through the ship. BOOM." Kodre laughed.

"Oh I don't think I'd like that. Floating around, unable to move around." Aer said scrunching her little nose up in thought. "Nope, I think I'll say El Aurian thanks. No time ghosting."

"Agreed. No ghosting." he agreed. "Alright. It was nice to meet you. And I'm sure we'll talk again soon." Kodre said as he held out his hand to shake the El Aurian's hand.

"Kicking me out eh?" she asked rhetorically taking the mans hand. Aer wasn't going to lie in the fact she melted a little at the contact from the handsome man in front of her. "I look forward to when we do Doctor." she smiled and skipped off out of the room.

Lt. Commander Aer Feshau
Chief Intelligence Officer
Poseidon Station


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