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A New Doctor

Posted on 02/17/2022 @ 7:50pm by Commander Kodre Vedan & Captain Cornelius Harrington

874 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Location: Ready Room, Poseidon Station
Timeline: MD 1: 1200

Kodre tugged on the collar of his uniform and leaned bit closer to the mirror, touching the corner of his lips and giving his eyes and hair a critical look. He made a face and moved his finger through one of the curls landing on his forehead, making it a more solid ringlet. Even after all this time, primping was a habit he could not shake. He always had to look his best.

Satisfied with his appearance he practiced a smile in the mirror before rolling his eye at himself. "Ya'll need to stop. I'm a good-looking man and I don't need to practice my smile," he said with a grunt before he turned from the mirror and left his new quarters.

It took a bit to get to the Captain's office, but he arrived three minutes late. He hit the chime and cleared his throat as he waited to be summoned.

Neil looked up at the door, "enter," he called out as the Doctor walked into the room, "Commander Vedan," he greeted the man. "Welcome to our slice of the galaxy," he smiled. "I trust you are getting settled in ok?" Neil didn't know who was replacing his CMO, he'd only just received word that Doctor Fallon had been recalled to Earth, so a replacement wasn't expected so soon. However, he wasn't going to complain.

"Eh... Doctor Vedan or Doctor Kodre will be just fine Captain..." he said as the man came in to view. He offered him a charming smile as he gave the man a once over. Realizing the way he was looking at the good-looking man he cleared his throat and stood straighter, squaring his shoulders. "Settling in well I think. I'm going to be taking a tour of all the medical bays and the hospital later today," he said with a notably deeper voice.

Neil gestured to a large window with a sitting area that looked out over the stars and the planet below, "It's no secret our medical department has been lacking for some time," the Captain added, "staffing has been an issue and keeping staff another. So I am looking forward to a solid department under your command."

Kodre nodded, "Yeah, I read up on it. Seems like a real mess you've had. From what I've seen there is a good group of MD's and NP's which have been keeping the access clinics running. The hospital has had some issues though, that will take me a while to sort out. I'll be appointing a new hospital administrator to handle that. I suspect that I'll be able get it sorted with in a few weeks." he nodded. "Give me a few days and I'll submit a staffing requisition on your desk with the transfers I'll be needing."

"Whatever you need," Neil replied, "things haven't been running all that great, so I imagine it will take some work getting it all sorted out. But, you have a good staff down there. We will get things back to fully operational and running smooth." He looked at Kodre, "I word of caution, however, both of our last Chief Medical Officer left rather suddenly and without warning. Do not be surprised if you are met with a bit more reservation than normal."

Kodre grunted, "Oh sounds par for the course in my life these days." he chuckled. "At least people will be learning who I am now, and not know who I was before and who I am now," he said. "I'll muddle through, I've already got some ideas."

"Good," Neil replied, "and like I said whatever you need to get that place back in operational status just let me," he paused, "well Commander Letsul now. I will be heading out for a bit on a special assignment for Starfleet."

The doctor scoffed, "Good luck with that. Special assignments typically aren't fun. Glad You're not dragging me along on it... I mean, not that I'd mind going with you.. I mean." his face grew red, and he let out a breath and cleared his throat, aware his chest was puffing out a little, trying to look more masculine. He was going to need to take out his annoyance out on a punching bag later.

"Doctor, I rather not drag any one I myself don't even want to be doing this," he laughed.

Kodre huffed, "Well.. I'd offer to help, but I get the feeling its all sorts of classified and if you told me you'd have to kill me. I've died enough times for a while I think." His last death was fairly gruesome, he still had nightmares about it. He wished that Ho'ax didn't remember it.

Neil laughed, "something like that," the Captain nodded, "sadly however my time is limited we leave soon and I still have a ton of things to take care of." He offered a hand to the newest arrival, "it was good to meet you Doctor, and I hope your time here is meaningful and adventurous." He smiled.

"Oh I am sure it would be." Kodre said as he took the Captains hand. "I'm sure it will be. Thank you." he said nodding, then releasing his hand. He stepped back and headed out of the office.



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