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Turnabout is Fairplay

Posted on 10/05/2022 @ 1:59am by MU Counterparts Al Shaytan & Adira Toril-Harrington & MU Rebellion Cornelius Harrington II

1,961 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 22: The Other Side of the Mirror
Location: Rebellion Ship
Timeline: MD004 1115 hrs

Al Shaytan stood next to Harrington. Wu as he was known to only the closest of friends stood there wearing a well tailored three piece suit. His face did not show the excitement that welled within him. Within moments he would have Adira Toril and then later enough money to just about retire on. "Should be any minute now I'll warrant"

"Good, honestly the sooner we get this over the better," Cornelius replied.

"Gentlemen it seems the Herodotus has energized their transporters. I found Toril's pattern and I am hijacking it now. All I need now is your order to materialize her." The young man who worked the transporter spoke up. While he informed the two men of what had occurred his voice had reverence, and perhaps a touch of fear for the two men.

Cornelius didn't look up just simply nodded his head, "do it," he sighed. This was needed but he just wanted it over. Adira would pay, and he would be able to move on.

In a whirl of molecules and the transporter effect Adira Toril Harrington materialized not where she intended. Instead of being aboard the SS Blue Cross, she was on a covert ship and stood before two men who at best did not like her, and at worst wanted her dead.

Adira felt her eyes come into focus, and a wave of confusion hit her. Something was wrong. Vastly wrong. She was not surrounded by her crew mates, nor was she standing where she expected to be on a ship she had recently seen on a view screen. She furrowed her brow as she looked around, her eyes landing on a pair of elder men. The moment she realized who they were she felt a pit grow in her stomach.

Neil and Thorrin HAD colluded to abandon her here! Those Bastards! It was the only answer, How else could these men have picked out her specific transport beam from a group of others. She knew her chances of seeing her family again was dropping by the second, but she did her best to appear fearless.

"Al Shaytan, we meet again, sooner than I expected." She said boldly, but with a sweet smile, before her eyes moved to the other man. "And Cornelius Harrington. I am sad we had not met before. I know your face, but not you I am afraid. Something I have often regretted." she admitted. When she birthed his grandchildren she had wanted to try and find a way to help 'her' Neil find a path back to his father. Adira was a strong supporter of the Rebellion, and at the time Neils father was a high ranking man among the group. Adira had always wanted to meet him.

"I wish I could say the same thing," the man replied the hatred in his eyes very noticeable. "Adira, you ruined my family and now you will..." he stepped to her, "answer for what you did." He turned facing one of the nearby Officers, "set course for our destination. Make sure your contact in the Empire is ready."

He looked at her, "you should have never come back here."

Al Shaytan stood with a smug smile on his face. The woman before represented nothing save for a large payout as far as he was concerned. "We do indeed meet again Adira. Our previous deal expired the moment you left our club. That said I am a business man and business is as they say business. I am sorry that your life has to end in this manner. I assure your stay on this ship will be as comfortable as possible until the time comes. As of right now you are property of the Terran Empire." He turned away from her and to speak with Harrington. "The contact will be ready. However, I am still not sure if they want her alive or dead. So we should keep her somewhat comfortable as if they want her alive they would want her unharmed. I have dealt with the Empire in manners such as this and they usually like to do the harming themselves."

Adira felt her stomach tighten at their words. Indeed the Empire liked to do the harming themselves. Last time she had been sentenced to death by candle, which meant she was to be the candle. It was an ancient and barbarous death that the Empire had brought back because it was apparently entertaining, and terrifying. If Al Shaytan wanted her alive until they reached wherever they were going she had a chance. She touched her hair pulling a small petal from her flower clip as she reached for the guard that approached her, grabbing her other arm. "Do not touch me." she said closing her hand around his wrist. With her movements the petal was pressed in to his skin, and he would be violently ill with in about 10 seconds.

She ripped her hand away and moved forward, "I paid you Al Shaytan, this is dishonorable! I came to you in good faith! And Mr. Harrington! How did I ruin your family?! I loved your son, and our children, You were my hero! Still are." she added. "Is the bounty from the Empire who is an enemy to you really that worth it? You sheltered enemies of the Empire for years!" she pleaded.

"This isn't about the Rebellion or the Empire," Cornelius hissed. "My son had a family, he had a life, and he had a future. Then he met you. He lost his family, he lost his life, and he lost his future. You are the only common thread. You ruin the lives of everyone you touch. Adam Banner, Neil Harrington... and the other Neil looks to be about as messed up as possible."

"A far cry from that Admiral who came here two years ago. I'm doing everyone a favor, if you ask me." He looked at her with empty eyes, "my Neil deserved better."

Al Shaytan turned toward Adira with anger in his eyes. "How dare you speak of dishonor. You paid me for safe passage through my club, and a lack of reporting so long as you were in the club. All of that was held up. Now you are no longer in the club and Mr Harrington has presented the better deal. As to what you just did to the Gatekeeper we want to thank you. I suspected you to have concealed weapons and now I have that confirmed and exactly where they are. Do not worry if the Empire wishes you dead I will make sure you are killed from a distance and I will make it as painful as possible." Wu stood for a moment in contemplation. "I agree you do ruin everything you touch. Now I am going to have to keep a sharp eye on Captain Patton and his crew all because they had dealings with you."

"They are not the only ones," Corneilus admitted, "Patton is dealing with players from an alternate reality." He looked to Adira, "that is why she is back, to fix a mistake of theirs. No doubt if you follow Patton, that will lead you to weapons and resources. As to my former daughter-in-law, I would suggest dispatching her before you reach the Empire. Neither one of us needs the Empire finding out about these visitors."

"Her friends from the other side did plenty of damage last time they were here," the man added, "I can't allow them to continue to affect our reality. The Empire is so close to falling apart, and they could ruin it all."

Al Shaytan was surprised that for the second time in as many days he agreed with Harrington. "Yes they must be stopped. The Empire has hindered my business for far to long so I would relish watching them implode. We can deal with them once this one is turned over. I happen to know their mission is to rescue one they call Valentine. From what my informants tell me she is valuable to them. So, I doubt they would risk it all to save this one." The more he spoke of Adira the more Al Shaytan began to address her as a thing, no longer a person, merely property with value.

'I met with one of them, trust me their focus is all on this missing person," Cornelius replied, "even he didn't seem to miss this one."

Adiras jaw set hard, "You met with Neil. You took him." she said tightly. It was the only thing that made sense, "Did he give you access to my bio signature so you could pick me out of the transport cluster?" she grumbled. "Our mission is to get Valentine and stop the hindrance and damage to this universe." she said looking at the Al Shaytan, "We get her, we disappear and close the hole. And you can take down the empire all you wish. You want the empire to fall apart, and yet you want to give me to them? You know that that will do to their morale? It will boost them. If they're about to fall apart, let me expose more truths as I did years ago. I wrote many damaging pieces that ensured people losing faith in them. I helped your cause! Either let me help or let me disappear!" she pleaded.

Before Harrington could speak Al Shaytan cut in. "My dear Ms Toril. This is business, and in business money is worth more than anything. I do want the Empire brought down, but I also have my own interests that need paying for. You are worth every penny. You say that you are here to fix the timeline or some such. But, it is my understanding that if you were to be let go it would cause damage as well. So returning you to where you need to be is part in parcel to completing your mission."

"As your husband said," his voice was cold, "everyone needs to be back in their place. You don't belong in their universe any more then this impostor belongs in ours. So each side corrects their mistake and my friend here turns a profit in the process."

"Everyone wins..." Al Shaytan chimed in.

"Well, not everyone," Cornelius smirked. "I see no need to continue this conversation, continued talk isn't going to change the outcome."

Adira felt like she had been hit in the gut. She was speechless, how could she fight this? She would have to find a way to escape, but who the hell ever escaped Al Shaytan? He had a reputation for a reason. "I can provide more value..." she tried but her voice sounded empty. She was defeated, and totally alone, betrayed by all those who had promised to help, love, and protect her. Hot fat tears rolled out of her eyes as she stared at the men gloating their power over her before the guards started to pull her away, but not before plucking the flowered clip out of her hair.

Cornelius walked over to a nearby window and looked out into the darkness of space. He wasn't about to let any emotion cross his face; he wouldn't allow Wu to see that, and certainly didn't want Adira to see it. Neil was a headstrong fool. He was impatient, self-absorbed, and reckless. In the end, he couldn't admit it, but the universe was probably better off without Neil Harrington. But, damn it he was still his son..and he missed him. He looked out at the closest star, "it's done," he took a deep breath.

Wúwèi "Al Shaytan" lǐngxiù
Leader Al Shaytan Syndicate

MU Cornelius Harrington
MU Rebellion Leader

Adira Toril Harrington
DTI Herodotus


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