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Posted on 12/17/2022 @ 7:54pm by Captain Brina Tracy-Hall

3,276 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: A Day In the Life Of..
Location: Marine Area/Moonstone Gym
Timeline: Sometime


It was getting near the time for shift change, Brina had just finished up her paperwork then headed out to meet with her husband, she was looking forward to seeing him and the boys. On the way out she poked her head in Skol's office, "Hey Sherlock how are things coming along with your paperwork? Are you going to be perusing all the details all night? Or are you going to actually head out for some personal time?" The redhead XO giving Skol a direct look and raising an eyebrow towards him.

Vek had been trying to get all of his paperwork done so he could enjoy the next few days. He was finishing up the last of his paperwork when the XO popped her head into his office. He smiled at her “Hi Songbird, I have about completed my paperwork. I plan to leave here in a few minutes I need a respite some time to relax. So personal time is definitely in the schedule.” He looked at the XO with a mischievous smirk.

Brina laughed, "Well good to hear that, its going to be some well worth time spent I am taking. What do you plan on doing in your free time if you care to share." the woman leaned up against the door way with her shoulder.

Vek shrugged “Truthfully the only thing I really had planned was to go do some working out. It’s not like I have anyone to hang out with in my spare time. Being the CID officer makes it difficult to have friends.” He said with exaggerated air quotations with his fingers.

"Well maybe its best to go to where you are not known as CID, maybe a civilian gym? There is one that used to be called Vinnie's gym, but its got new management and owner. The gym has been renamed the Moonstone Gym. Why not check it out?" Brina suggested.

Vek thought for a moment as he sat the PADD down that was signifying his completion of paperwork. “I think that’s a good choice. I will take that under advisement. Should be interesting to go to a civilian gym.” He chuckled.

"Well you never know who you may run into. When it was Vinnie's Gym, they had a lot to offer, Massage therapy, of course the normal weight traning for those who lift even an inside track its mostly done with a holodeck but that works for those who like a change of scenery. " Brina straightened up "Well then I'll let you get to it, my husband has dinner ready for me and my kids are awfully hungry." Brina laughing. With that she turned to leave.

Vek smiled “Have a great time with your family.” He said as he got all of his paperwork in order and shut down the lights leaving his office. He headed back to his quarters to get his gym bag and change into his workout clothes. He had been trying to forget that it was the week of his dads death. He still had a hatred for his dad but he was working through it by going to the gym. He got to his room and stopped for a moment taking a deep breath from his memory of his dad. He punched the wall out of anger from the memories flooding in. He changed quickly into shorts and a tank top and slung his bag over his shoulder. He made his way to the Moonstone Gym and arrived sizing the gym and deciding what he should do first.

At the entrance of the gym it could be seen that it was an open floor area with the usual set up for treadmills, weight lifting area, stationary bikes, stair climbers in the far back of the gym to the right, was a smoothie drink bar, next to that was a small eatery for those who were there to get a light meal. There was a second level above with a circular stairway leading to it. From a map that was near the door it was mentioned that there were aerobics room as well as yoga, plus the massage therapy rooms.

Also near the door was a reception desk where a woman sat behind it and stood up when Skol arrived. "Hi I am, Amalda Thorne, Welcome to the Moonstone Gym, are you interested in taking a tour?" the blonde woman queried with a bright smile. Her dark brown eyes were smiling as well.

Vek smiled “Thanks that would be perfect as I have no idea about this place in fact I didn’t even know it was here.” Skol felt a kind energy around her and it made the gym seem inviting.

Amalda turned and started the tour "As you can see it is a full set up gym with weights for the various strengths of the races that come here. Over there is the treadmills, the stationary bikes, and also other machines for strength training."Motioning towards the equipment she was naming off. "

A man came up, he was wearing a rolled up towel over his shoulder broad shouldered toned and trim, his skin bronze in color. hair dark brown. "Hey Amalda, I'm going to take a lunch break, I'll be back in a half an hour."

"Okay Travis, who's taking your place?"

Travis replied, "Wendy's taking up the slack for now, she's working spotting Kirk." motioning towards a Brunette her hair caught back in a ponytail and wearing dark blue sweats and a tee shirt. She was watching over a man who was pumping iron.

"When she gets done I'll introduce you to her, she and Travis are a couple of our fitness training instructors here." Amalda paused and looked at Skol, "You know something? I didn't ask your name."giving a laugh.

Skol was very impressed with what the gym had to offer and was thinking of making this his new permanent workout establishment. He looked over Wendy and admitted something to himself which he hadn’t done in awhile. She was attractive though he wasn’t here for that. He realized it had been so long that he even thought about looking for someone to have a relationship with. It was just a silly thought but at least he could admit it.

He smiled at Amalda “My name is Skol Vek”

Amalda smiled, "Pleasure." she caught Wendy's eye and tapped on her wrist and mouthed something to the woman, Wendy flashed five fingers twice, then went back to keeping watch over the man.

"I'll see you," Travis said and then turned Skol, "Nice to meet you Skol, maybe I'll see yoiu around getting fitter than what you are now." he gave a friendly pat to Skol's arm then headed out.

Amalda grinned, "He's a really nice guy, one of our better trainers. Very respecful." she turned back to Skol, "Okay want to go see the upstairs while Wendy finishes?"

Skol nodded “Everyone here seems pretty nice which is always great when your looking into a new establishment in which to spend your time. There is an upstairs? I’d love to see it.”

"Yes there is, we can take the lift or the curved stairs there." Amalda pointed to both mentioned areas. "I prefer to go up the stairs, just to keep myself in shape. Though it is nice to have the lift if a person is injured, which one would you like to use?"

Skol thought “Well the best way to make sure you stay in shape is to take the active approach. So let’s take the stairs.”

Amalda led the way up the curved stairs, and at the top of the stairs she moved to one side, to let Skol get to the landing. "Okay over there is the room for yoga." Motioning towards the right, "Walter Kelev is our yoga instructor. To the Center is our Aerobics area with Kendra is the instructor. Want to go take a peek in there?"

Skol wasn’t a fan of yoga it aerobics seemed like it could be interesting. He was trying to figure out a way to be more active and aerobics could be just the way. He nodded “Sure let’s have a look at what’s going on.”

Amalda nodded, "Okay sure, lets go there." leading the way. She got to the door, and opened it carefully, peeking in. Currently there wasn't a class in session, but Kendra was there music playing while she was doing a routine The music that was playing was from 1983, 'What a Feeling' sung by Irene Cara.

Amalda placed a finger to her lips as she quietly slipped into the room, motioning for Skol to follow her. In the center of the room was a woman with red hair and a dark green leotard. It looked like it was the beginning of the routine. Gracefully she rose from the floor taking steps in time to the rhythm of the tune, then the song went into an even more quicker beat. Where she leaped like a gazelle, twisting turning. At the ending she ran and did a forward somersault in the air and landed on her feet.

Kendra finally noticed that there was someone there, mopping her face with a towel. She walked over to greet them "Oh hi there Amalda, who's the cute guy there with you?" giving a wink towards Skol and a pleasant genuine smile. Her eyes were dark grey in color.

Vek was taken aback by Kendra’s dance it was so elegant and graceful, but also had a hint of excitement and rebellion mixed in. He looked at Kendra and had a warm feeling hit him. He watched as she got up and saw her muscles tense and move. Something about her was making him feel warm. When she gave him a smile he about went weak at the knees. She was beautiful and it wasn’t just her face but her eyes she rendered him speechless for a moment.

“Hi..uh um my name is Skol Vek.” His face turned a bright red as he tried to find the right syllables.

Kendra chuckled warmly seeing his blush. "Nice to meet you Skol." Holding out her hand towards his to give it a shake. "Say I'm getting ready to head down to the Smoothie Bar, I am in the mood for one of Myranda's concoctions. Care to join me?" looking between the two. "And how is the tour coming along?"

"Oh so far so good, right Skol?" Amalda taking a look towards him.

Skol nodded “It has been good I’d say nothing crazy at least not as of yet.”

"Well good then lets go get a smoothie from Myranda." Kendra leading the way out of the aerobics room and down towards the lower area.

At the smoothie bar there was another girl, wearing a cap over her hair, working on mixing smoothies. She was working on two at a time. One had blueberries, and the other had strawberry and banana mixed together.

Kendra walked up and took a seat on one of the barstools that were there. "Hi Myranda, up for three more customers?"

Myranda looked up peering through her dark blue rimmed glasses towards those who arrived, her hazel eyes regarding the three that took a seat. Myranda smiled shyly. "Hi welcome to Chez Smoothie. I am your hostess, Myranda. What can I fix for you?" she turned to check on the other two smoothies that were being mixed.

Skol was a bit shocked it had been years since he had really noticed woman like this but three in one day what was happening? Each of them had some amazing qualities, but something seemed to draw him to Myranda. He couldn’t put his finger on it though. He looked at her and spoke first “I’d like a blueberry smoothie. I know it’s nothing fancy, but sometimes the plain old original is the best.” He smiled at the hostess.

Just then Wendy approached the bar, "Sure looks like a party going on here, a little bit of a drawl could be heard in her voice. The brunette walked behind the bar with Myranda. "Want me to deliver these drinks for you?" nodding towards the couple that was seated at a near by table.

"Sure thanks Wendy, and you want your regular?" Myranda asked.

"Sure that sounds great and add a touch of honey as well please?" Wendy answered.

Myranda nodded "Sure thanks!" giving a smile and began to make the smoothies.

Wendy picked up the drinks gave a nod in Skol's direction then headed out, with the drinks on a tray.

Soon the smoothies were done and Wendy returned. "They said thank you and sent a tip for you." She looked at all those that were there."C'mon grab your smoothies and lets sit at the larger table there sound good?"

Skol noticed the head nod it was subtle but there. Wendy was attractive she didn’t have crazy colored hair or anything weird. She seemed cut and dry but then all Skol had seen was her spotting, though he may not have been looking at her face. He cleared his throat at the thought and snatched his smoothie joining them at the big table. His brain was in overdrive so many attractive woman but Wendy was the first to show any signs towards Skol. This was not how he had expected his evening to go. ‘Could be worse things.’ He thought.

Myranda got herself a smoothie as well and turned over the smoothie bar to another employee, Rick so she could sit with the others. She sat next to Skol with Wendy on the other side of him. Her smoothie had a hint of mint in it.

Wendy looked about the table then directed a question towards Skol, "What do you think of the Moonstone so far?" her smile warm and generouis.

Skol wasn’t sure what to do he had never had so many girls around him. He looked over at Wendy “It is definitely a worthy establishment. I think it will be my normal workout spot. It’s pretty chill and there’s lots of great people to mingle with.” He smirked.

"Well good, any particular exercise you are planning on or will you be sampling most everything well besides Yoga though I highly recommend you trying that out." Amalda remarked. "it is actually good for the mind as well as the body."

Skol shook his head “I am not picky, but as a soldier I have never done yoga. I guess my training constitutes my yoga class.” He laughed for a minute “I guess given the right circumstances I can be convinced to try it.”

The other women nodded, for they also participated in Yoga. Amalda took another drink and then took a glance towards the reception desk. "Oh it looks like I'm on the clock again. It was great meeting you, Skol and will be happy to see you coming in to workout at the Moonstone."

Skol waved at Amalda “It was nice meeting you and I am sure we will see each other again I plan to make the Moonstone my regular workout spot.” He said friendly but thought the company was definitely making it enjoyable.

And then there were three ladies left at the table with Skol, the three ladies sipping at their smoothies enjoying the small break that they had.

Wendy broke the companionable silence. "So Skol, any idea of what sort of workout you'll be looking to do? Or will you be deciding that later on?"

Skol shrugged “I don’t really have a plan I just go with the flow. I’m more of a spontaneous person especially in that aspect.” He sipped his smoothie and looked at Myranda “This is delicious you really have a gift.”

Myranda's cheeks turned pink at Skol's compliment, "Thank you. It something I love doing especially creating recipe's that will help people be healthy."

Another group of people turned up and they called out. "Hey Kendra, we're here!"

Kendra just finished up her smoothie, and waved towards the group of both men and women who arrived. "Okay looks like that I'm back on the clock." she turned to Skol "it was great to meet you Skol, and maybe we can go out and grab a bite to eat." a flirtatious wink towards him and then the redhead set out to place her smoothie cup in the dish tub and went with her next class. She paused to glance back at Skol.

Skol blushed slightly “I think that’s a great idea.” He looked at her for a moment her red hair shining in the light.

She grinned and headed upstairs. Wendy was watching the interactions that Skol was having with the others, and giving a smile. Myranda was watching with a quiet smile, then she noticed the time. "Oh goodness its time for me to clock out." rising from the table and she having had finished her drink. "If-if you are going to be here to workout I'll see you around Skol." another shy smile towards him, then she moved to head towards the back of the gym.

"Okay looks like you've have the stamp of approval from some of the employees here, if you were giving off a bad vibe you would have been invited to not return. However, you're good people so you are welcome back." Wendy laughed, "I know I'm a bit direct but hey need to keep everyone safe here. Both employees as well as customers."

Skol shook his head “I don’t think I have ever been so popular and it’s different. I appreciate the approval.” He looked around and realized every single girl had smiled at him or shyly interacted with him. Each one of them had given him more attention than he had seen in years. In fact each girl had an amazing quality, but how could he choose?

Wendy raised an eyebrow. "Wait, you've not had a group of ladies paying attention to you at the same time? Where have you been hiding out at? I'm surprised that a handsome guy like you hasn't experienced this sort of thing before?" she shook her head in amazement. "Look my shift ends in a couple of hours. How about we go grab something to eat and well, if you'd like we can chat a bit more when I'm not at work. Sound good?"

“No my job has made me…well let’s just say not liked. And handsome?” His face blushing slightly. Skol thought for a minute. The only way he could determine who he liked was by talking and spending time with them. “Ok, sounds like a plan!” He smiled at her.

"Okay sounds great. I'll see you later then and how does pizza sound or something else? We'll decide on that when we meet up. Come pick me up here and we can then go walk the promenade and figure things out." Wendy giving a smile.

Skol nodded “Sounds like a plan. Have a great rest of a shift!”

"Thanks and I'll definitely see you later." Wendy answered and then headed off to work with another person who needed spotting on the weights.

Skol wasn’t sure what was going to happen but Wendy had taken initiative and that he liked.

Captain Brina Tracy-Hall
Marine XO Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Various NPC's (written by Cara)
Employees at the Moonstone Gym


Captain Skol Vek
Marine CID Officer Kingsman
Poseidon Station


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