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A Purposeful Encounter

Posted on 04/16/2023 @ 4:18pm by Captain Thorrin & Lieutenant Commander T'Penga & Civilian Michael Taggart & Lieutenant JG Jali Andloch

4,993 words; about a 25 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Docking area/White Stag
Timeline: MD 01

Lieutenant jg Jali Andloch had been sent to greet those who have returned from their various missions. The Herodotus returned and the crew disembarked. There was one particular person she was looking for and hoping to see. And it was the Captain of that ship. That mysterious ship, the Herodotus and the equally mysterious Captain Thorrin.

One by one the away team members went to their various destinations, erhaps to see their loved ones. Where was Captain Thorrin?

Thorrin believed in the old naval adage that a Captain goes down with their ship. In this case he took it one step forward and decided that he would be the last to disembark. He could not put his finger on it but this mission was different. There was something about this mission that indicated everything had changed. As such he managed to get T'Penga to take shore leave and leave the ship. Something the time displaced Vulcan had always been reluctant to do. As they had not been debriefed yet by the DTI the classified procedures had to be followed. Thorrin wore a red command uniform and T'Penga a teal science uniform.

"Captain I am sure that there are a million things that I can do aboard the ship." The Vulcan began her usual protest of leaving the ship. "No Commander not this time. This time you are to get fresh air and that is an order. The Vulcan nodded and disembarked the ship she would head directly to quarters that she was assigned and attempt to avoid talking to anyone.

When T'penga stepped out, Jali greeted her. "welcome back Commander T'penga, I take it the Captain is still on the ship?"

T'Penga cocked an eyebrow, as she wondered why this person was asking after Thorrin. "Yes Lieutenant the Captain is still aboard the ship. He rather enjoys being the last to leave the ship." The Vulcan had no idea who she spoke to or how she knew her name.

"I am Lieutenant Jali Andloch of Security, and forgive me for not identifying myself." T'penga's Lieutenant served to remind Jali she hadn't identified herself as was protocol. "I had been sent here to welcome people back and see to the security. I had looked at the manifest of the USS Herodotus, science vessel. And assumed you might be part of the crew." Jali offered in explanation. "Welcome aboard, and may you have a pleasant stay."

"Thank you" T'Penga replied cooly. The stoic Vulcan made her way to the quarters that she had been assigned aboard the station. There she planned to wait it out until she returned to the Herodotus.

Thorrin stepped through the airlock and on the bridge to the station. "Computer secure the Herodotus authorization Thorrin-pi-239." The door to the ship closed and sealed, now no one could board without the proper authorization code given. Even then he would be notified who boarded his ship. Thorrin made his way through the air bridge and through the door to Poseidon Station. His debriefing would be in the morning with Jerimiah. For now he would head to his quarters. His head was down as he was in thought as he walked.

Jali watched as T'penga went on her way, waited at the entrance of the bridge which led to the main station, for Captain Thorrin to arrive. She saw him step out and she, noting that he was deep in thought, decided to walk alongside him, not wanting to disturb the man. She was actually content to walk in silence near him.

Thorrin had been so lost in thought that he did not realize that someone fell in step next to him. His thoughts dwelt all that occurred and what that meant for the timeline. What the hell this rift was and how it got here as well as many other concepts. When he boarded the turbolift he noticed the Klingon hybrid board after him. "Morning Lieutenant..." He said in an effort to be genial, then turned toward the computer. "Outer Ring Deck 21" He ordered the turbolift as he wanted nothing more than a sonic shower and to rest his mind with a nice glass of port wine. The computer waited for the other occupant to request a destination.

"Lieutenant Jali Andloch, of Security Sir." Jali replied then spoke to the computer, "Outer ring Deck 22, please" she stated. Jali was needing to go to medical to check up on a few of the security who had been injured. Jali was also feeling awkward. Here she could see Captain Thorrin in the flesh, and she had no witty comment to say to him. Any words she had to say were just going out from her mind.

"I am Captain Thorrin. I am glad to make your acquaintance. I trust whatever happened here at the station did not effect you or your kin too much?" Thorrin was not one for small talk in fact he pretty much hated it. However, at the moment he wanted to see why this security officer looked at him like a giddy school girl.

"No it didn't directly affect my kin but it did affect the Chief of Security, as he was in the thick of it taking down the Breen. As was the Marines and Security all banded together. " Jali stated. "I took negiigable wounds." she stated. "Just mere scratches." Jali regarded Thorrin for a moment or two then she stated. "You have been in some battles, you have that sort of look in your eyes."

"You don't get the fourth pip without seeing a lot of things including bloodshed. You also do not get to be Captain without knowing when someone is curious. May I ask why you waited for me to disembark my ship?" He did not know why as of yet but Thorrin knew that this woman had been waiting for him and followed him at least as far as the turbolift.

"My waiting at the disembarkment from your ship was two fold, One, to welcome those who have returned from the away mission and secondly, it coincided with my desire to meet you. During my check in science and other areas of the station, I had found a door which was coded for only a small few. It being highly secure. I investigated and found that you were included in the authorization for access to that. Of which I do understand for that being put into place. " Jali stated.

"Indeed prying eyes always want to know..." Thorrin began with a disapproving air. He definitely was not pleased with people attempting to poke into his business. "...You know Lieutenant curiosity always kills the cat. However, you are correct I am authorized for a secure area of the station. There is a reason it is secure, suffice to say that what occurs there is classified and unfortunately your clearance is not high enough."

Jali regarded Thorrin for a moment or two in silence, then she only nodded, "Of course my clearance isn't high enough, and as for my having prying eyes." There being a slight accent to her words. She flashed a quick small smile. "It wasn't my intention to pry into what was there. And I did not gain access either. My duty was making certain all was secure in preparation for when we had the visit from the Breen. It is also good security protocol to check to see who has the clearance for such areas."

Jali observed Thorrin a bit more thinking of his remark of curiosity, then she chuckled. "You are telling me, if I am curious about you, I'd be dying soon?" her eyes connecting with his, as the turbolift moved on its way to the deck he requested. " I have heard that satisfaction brought the cat back. Perhaps if I satisfied my curiosity I would come back from the dead, it would be fun to flirt with death to get to know you." A brilliant smile was there. "I get off duty in a couple of hours. We get a drink and it will be welcome home for you?"

Thorrin wanted nothing more than to curl up on his bed and forget the world and a lot of people for a while. However, it seems that this Lieutenant would not just leave well enough alone. Thorrin could tell that this woman was part Klingon. He was not sure what the rest of her heritage was, but at the very least she was half Klingon. "Judging by your heritage you should enjoy flirting with death. I warn you that I am not very good company. However, if you would like I would join you let us say the White Stag Pub?" His honeyed accent covered up the tiredness that was within.

"Then the White Stag Pub it is. I will see you there and thank you for speaking with me." Jali added. She stepped back to not be in the way for Thorrin to step out of the turbo lift when it arrived at his stop. She needed to check on how things were in medical and visit those who had been injured.

Two hours later

Jali arrived at the White Stag, dressed in a Sky blue tunic top and black linen trousers. Her hair was loose and flowing, one part of her hair was caught back on the right side, by a red silk flower.

Thorrin took the next two hours to attempt to get back to civillization as it were. He took a sonic shower and relaxed in the quarters he had been assigned. There was so much to process from this last mission. Such as what the hell was this rift and why was it here. However, that would wait he would go visit with this Lieutenant.

Thorrin was not used to being invited out, save for having dinner with T'Penga. However, this was now the second woman since he arrived at Poseidon to ask him to dinner. He dressed in a hand tailored black suit, with a black shirt and red tie. This was typical of the style of clothing he wore when off duty. He stepped into the White Stag and scanned the room. In short order he found Jali seated at a table, rather than go to her right away he walked to the bar. "Mickey I require a glass of your oldest scotch."

In the short time that he had known Thorrin, Taggart had come to know him as a man of very few words. He liked his wines and scotch old and neither came with ice. The scot poured a generous measure of a honey colored liquid from a dusty crystal decanter. "This is a three hundred and fifty year old Glenmorangie Signet. Directly from my homeland of Scotland. Shall I put it on your tab Thorrin?" Mickey asked. Thorrin nodded and took the drink as he made his way to the table.

Genteel southern manners that he had required Thorrin to remain standing until the lady gave him permission to sit. "May I join you Lieutenant?"

Jali had been sipping at a glass of lemon water, while she waited for Captain Thorrin to arrive, slightly lost in thought. When he spoke, Jali's eyes came into focus, and she stood up from the table, after all he was a higher rank that she was.

"Welcome Captain, please have a seat." Jali answered, her eyes panning over what he was wearing, and Thorrin looked rather handsome. Jali also caught a scent from him that was rather pleasing to her, her eyes crinkling up with a smile. Jali will wait until he was seated then she'd take her seat.

Thorrin placed his glass on the table and took a seat. "Thank you Lieutenant. Now I do believe you have me at a loss. You don't get as far as I have without being able to read people's body language. So, I can tell that you waited for me for not only the reason that you gave." Thorrin took a sip of the silky smooth scotch. He only drank scotch when things weighed heavily on his mind. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs. Thorrin picked a small piece of lint off of his trousers as he did so. "Perhaps you would care to enlighten me."

Jali gave a nod, "As you wish, I became interested in you from what little I had been allowed to see. You are a man of mystery for I saw that your features even now, may have a story or two to tell. The direct reason is this, I wished to get to know you. I do know that my timing maybe a bit off, however with how deep in thought and the small furrow of concern, I thought to perhaps distract you with some conversation and a drink and some dinner."

She was young perhaps too young, Thorrin thought. However, he was intrigued by what she thought they could talk about. Most of what weighed on his mind was classified and he could not share. "Well here I am... Jali? Was it? What pray tell would you like to know?" He planned on learning what he could from her by allowing her to conduct the conversation. It was an age old El Aurian trick.

Jali tilted her head slightly when she heard Thorrin say her given name. It wasn't unpleasant hearing her name spoken with that smooth as warm silk accent of his. "Yes, it is Jali. What I want to know is, what would be your favorite place that you have lived before. We can play quid pro quo. Or even just exchange some life experiences."

Jali took a drink of her water, setting the glass down, the light from above sent a shimmering effect upon the water and the glass bending the light just a slight amount to where there was a light pattern upon the table top.

Thorrin's voice while honeyed with his accent remained even and without emotion for the time being. "Quid pro quo will suffice nicely. As you are no doubt aware at this juncture I am an El Aurian and I have lived many lives in many places. However, the best in probably the only place worth living is New Orleans on Earth." He paused to sip his scotch. He did not like the idea of the junior security officer snooping around the classified area, they should know better. "Tell me, how hard did you push and for how long when you found out the area was classified. Who did you speak to and things of that nature."

A slight raised eyebrow at Thorrin's line of questioning but Jali understood why and her eyebrow lowered. "I did not push hard for anything more than just finding out who was authorized to go into that area, and, I contacted Commander Letsul to find out who you are. She just sent me what was on the manifest of your ship, which was barely anything at all." her gaze steady and certain.

"That is as far as I pushed." Jali said. "There has not been any indication of you being flagged of being under surveillance for suspicious behavior. You have clearance of a high degree." her eyes narrowed slightly as if to try to read his features. "If I ever had suspicions of you where security is concerned, then I would not be sitting here having a drink with you, and hopefully having a meal as well."

Jali then smiled as she said the next part, the smile softening her features, the smile reaching to her eyes. "As of right now, I am enjoying having a drink with a krasivyy man such as yourself." lifting up her water glass towards him as a salute, then finished off the contents, then placed her glass down on the table.

Thorrin raised his glass in return and took a sip. "Well my dear it seems that it is your turn..." He was interrupted by the arrival of Mickey Taggart. Mick preferred to wait on his favorite customers. "Welcome friends. Can I get ya anything to eat? Shall it be the usual for you Captain?" Thorrin turned his heavy lidded eyes to the barkeep. "If they are fresh then yes I will have the usual."

"They were just brought up from Aquil this morning. And for you Lieutenant?" Mickey turned to Jali to take her order. Of course he knew the woman and would normally be a tad more familiar. However, he played the role that Thorrin expected. Michael Taggart often played the role that was expected of him.

"Out of curiosity, what will Thorrin be having for dinner? Something fresh from Aquil? You've got me rather interested." And that was true, she didn't know what sort of food that Taggart would serve here, though it all smelled so good.

"The Captain dines on my own version of etoufee. Made from a breed of prawn that is caught on Aquil and brought here while still alive. Not usually what I serve here but I will do anything for a request." Mickey replied. He had taught himself to make the dish for Thorrin and was pleased that the Captain enjoyed it so much.

"Etoufee, hmmnn I'd like to try that. Sounds like something tasty to try." Jali remarked. "Would that be okay with you for me to have that as well? I don't know if you have a limited supply of the prawns." Jali looking at both Mickey and Thorrin. She was interested in this dish.

"Oh yes you actually should try them." Thorrin replied. Mickey for his part nodded his head took his leave to the kitchen to prepare the delicate dish. "Have you ever been to New Orleans on Earth? That is where the dish comes from. Happens to be where I come from as well. Now you have gotten one for free, so quid pro quo."

"I was born on Qo'nos, my mother is Mongolian, Russian mix, and my father is Klingon and part of the KDF he is also part of the diplomatic corps. My mother is in security on Qo'nos." Jali answered with a smile. "As per New Orleans, I've not been there, I would like to see what it is like though. I've been to Russia and Mongolia, out in the wild country riding on the back of some magnificent steeds. Just something about riding with the wind whipping through the hair." Jali gave out a sigh of rememberance, and having a smile.

"Ah yes, I would tend to agree there is something freeing about being on the back of a horse. You have quite the firery blood. One could say that Mongolians are as Klingon as a human can get. Tell me... Have you traced your lineage to the great Khan?" Thorrin took a sip of his scotch and inhaled as he sipped. This activated the flavors and allowed him to savor it. In this moment he decided that absinth would have to be on the menu later. There was a lot that he wanted to forget.

"Yes, I have done so." Jali said with a great amount of pride. "My half brothers do not see that to be of any importance though. They are so teneg, and so..." there is a flash of fire in her eyes, she clenching her fists slightly. Her half brothers were a thorn in her side, but she will brush that off. "Never mind, they are of no consequence to me. Just family drama." she glanced curiously towards what Thorrin was drinking, then poured herself another glass of water. "That, what you are drinking, has a unique aroma. Almost a scent of chocolate?"

"This is the finest and perhaps the oldest scotch in existence. Not my normal fare but when one needs to forget this is a good start." For the moment he wondered what this woman wanted with him. The conversation thus far had been the standard fare, she seemed to simply want to know more about him. Thorrin for his part was unsure if he wanted her to know more about him or even the correct facts. For the time being he decided to steer the conversation toward her and keep it that way. "Family troubles are something that never seem to go away. I for one tend to disregard that sort of thing."

"I do my best not to let it bother me." she answered back. Jali noted that Thorrin said he wanted to forget something, which is why he was drinking the rather old scotch. She wasn't going to ask him questions about that though. He in truth isn't under an investigation. "Who's turn it is for asking questions or, shall we dispense with that? Or you can ask me more questions." She picked up a slice of lemon and squeezed it into her water to give it flavor. She hadn't once asked for any sort of alcoholic beverage.

What a lot of people failed to realize was that El Aurians were a lot more than just listeners. They were students of body language and right now Jali's body language told him that she was interested in something but what it was he was not exactly sure. "If I am short or curt I must apologize. I simply am drained at the moment." He took a swig of the scotch and reveled in the flavor, the smokieness and the peatiness. "Why don't we proceed and it is indeed your turn."

Jali wasn't one who was big on subterfuge, and she wasn't blind to the fact that the man in front of her was fatigued. After all, he did also mention it. Jali made a sort of gesture upon the table, as if she were spreading out a row of cards. "Perhaps this quid pro quo would be better when you are more rested." giving a smile. "I do not mind if you are short, or curt. It is what it is, I wished to be a sort of distraction from your thoughts which are weighing upon your mind. And the crux of the matter is this, I find you interesting, compelling and attractive."

There it is... the thing she wants is apparently me. Thorrin thought. The idea had brought him from his fatigued state. This was indeed something worthy of attention. However, the question for him was how to proceed. He smiled, this time it was not the smile of fatigue, or even the one to shrug someone off. This was his smile that indicated the game was afoot. "You know I should have learned to live in the present a long time ago. However, at times I need to be reminded to step back into the present. Now I will tell you what... You are interested in me then very well I will give you one more question. Ask whatever you wish and I will answer honestly. However, if you cross a line you will get no answer. Furthermore remember that once your question is answered I get one more of equal imort. If you agree to my terms ask away." He leaned forward on the table his face renewed with vigor. It was a talent he had aquired over the years, the ability to overcome fatigue when he wanted.

"Well besides knowing that you like etoufee, and drinking vintage scotch, What is another favorite food of yours?" sure it was just a simple question but, it was something Jali wished to know. Jali really liked hearing Thorrin speak, his voice sounded musical in nature to her.

Before Thorrin could answer Mickey arrived and placed two plates of etoufee in front of them. Thorrin took a look at the food and smiled it looked delightful. However, there was something missing. "Mr Taggart if you and your patrons would be so kind as to indulge me in a visit of Mardi Gras. I am sure they celebrate that in Scotland. Do they not?"

Taggart's face lit up as he was happy to see the Captain in good spirits again. "Aye they do. Aye they do at dat." Mickey turned toward the crowd of people who had been sitting throughout the pub. "My friends tis Mardi Gras." He clapped his hands and the well hidden holo emitters throughout the bar began to project traditional decorations for the holiday. Masks and beads were handed out and a holographic jazz band led by a trombone player appeared in front of the fireplace. The crowd cheered and some began to dance.

"My dear you will never find me without a well thought drink. Tonight it is scotch but typically it is fortified wine such as port, and calvados. I have even been known to drink a nice mint julep. As for food etoufee, jambalaya, and gumbo are my standards." He slung back the last of his scotch and then tucked into his food. The music brought his spirits up dramatically.

Eyebrows raised at the complete change of the restaurant atmosphere, Jali looking around with evident delight. She looked at the colorful beads that were handed to her and the mask as well. "Mardis Gras? I've not done something like this, though my people do know how to party." Grinning from ear to ear. She looked down at the Etoufee and picked up the spoon and took her first ever bite of the dish.

Jali's eyes widened, as the flavors just exploded on her tongue! She closed her eyes as she savored the taste. Then she swallowed it and took another bite. "This is fantastic!" she exclaimed, "And what is a mint julep? I've not had one before. " Jali asked. Forgetting about the quid pro quos.

"A mint julep is a mixture of bourbon with mint leaves, seltzer and sugar. Quite refreshing especially on a hot day. Synthahol bourbon simply does not do it justice. So, when you have the chance I must recommend that you have the actual stuff." Thorrin took another few bites of his food. He relished the flavors, this was exactly how he liked to relax after a mission. Usually he did this alone however, the company at the moment is appreciated.

"I shall have to definitely try it out, it sounds like it would be something interesting to drink." Jali taking a few more bites looking around at those who took part in the celebratory mood of the music playing, grinning from ear to ear, her body moving to the music. She look back from time to time towards Thorrin.

"Now since I believe this to be a date I further believe that the time has come for you to tell me something of yourself. What food do you like? What drink? What do you expect from this relationship?" Thorrin was an abrupt and up front individual and he felt that it was time to lay all of the cards on the table as the saying went. He found this woman attractive however, he had to guage whether or not she could handle a man of his ecclectic personality.

"I have varied tastes in food. This I will add to my go to foods." motioning towards the etoufee, "Gagh, food from Mongolia. As I said it varies. For drinks I like Kumis, bloodwine, I am open to trying out other drinks. Where alcohol is concerned, though when I get drunk, I stay drunk longer than most people. It is part of the Mongolian genetics." Jali pondered a moment on his other question. "Where the relationship is concerned, I would like to see where it will go. Will we mesh together well or will we want to kiill each other." flashing a huge smile.

"Well then lets see where the evening takes us." Thorrin certainly did not expect anything like this when he disembarked from his ship. However, one never knows what to expect with time and Thorrin knew that better than most. This short mission to Poseidon Station certainly has given more than he thought.

"Once this meal is done, my suggestion is that you go get some sleep." Jali responded with a slight laugh. "You've just gotten off a mission, and got waylaid by a nosy security officer, who insisted on going out to eat." gesturing towards herself, with a wink "And it is easier to sleep when the stomach is full, and had good drink." giving a nod towards his drink. "So, for now we finish our meal and then I will say Da skorava; as in, see you soon, and we part ways from here?" Jali picking up her utensil once more to finishi eating. "Agreeable to that?" Jali asked before she took in her mouthful. She swallowed her mouthful, thought for a moment, placed her spoon down.

Rising from her seat Jali walked around to where Thorrin sat, leaned in to whisper, "I don't know if you believe in a kiss on the first date, but perhaps you will like one?" her mouth close to his ear.

Thorrin was not sure if it was the party atmosphere or the fact that the mission made him think living in the moment was always for the best. He placed his fork down and neatly dabbed at his face with his napkin. With the cleaning ritual as it was completed, he turned and deftly pressed his lips to Jali's. He could instantly feel an attraction there. However, he would have to wait for another time to see if she was a match for him. When the kiss broke he smiled. "Well mon cherie until we meet again." Thorrin rose and walked from the pub.

Jali watched as Thorrin left. her lips tingling from his kiss. A huge smile lighting up her face. This was, a good day!

A Joint Post By

LTJG Jali Andloch
Assistant Chief of Security
SB 50

Captain Thorrin
Commanding Officer
DTI Herodotus


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