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Let's Get This Over With

Posted on 04/24/2023 @ 12:17pm by Captain Cornelius Harrington & Captain Cara Letsul & Commander Kodre Vedan & Colonel Jack Patton & Commander Raphael Mattix & Commander Aer Feshau-Patton & Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn & Lieutenant Commander Jezka Joah & Lieutenant JG Kyrruk Bergeron

2,030 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Observation Lounge, Main Ops
Timeline: MD 1: 1030

As Neil made his way to the observation lounge, he couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation on his shoulders. He knew they had to come up with a plan to make the event a success, but he wasn't sure where to start.

When he arrived at the lounge, his senior staff was already waiting for him. "Thank you all for coming," Neil began immediately. He'd intentionally arrived late hoping to avoid all the chatter. "I know that this is a difficult time for many of us, and some of us are still adjusting to everything that happened. Hell, looking around this room, I think there is a still a few faces that I need to meet. However, that will have to wait."

The room was silent as Neil spoke, and he could feel the tension in the air. He began, projecting confidence. "As I am sure some of you have heard, we have a diplomatic guest arriving in two days' time. Jackson Porter, a well-known holonovelist, or so I am told."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "Now, I know that some of you may be worried about the logistics of hosting such a high-profile guest right now. But I am confident that we can make this event a success."

"We will have to handle increased traffic, additional visitors, and the influx of fans," he smiled, "and that's the good news." He smirked. "Starfleet considers this a priority, and they have ordered us to roll out all the red carpet," he nodded, "put on the show." He took a deep breath, "ok, questions." They had a lot to work out and a short amount of time, but it was essential to allow those in the room to speak before they continued.

K'doc sat his raktajino mug on the table. " I have never heard of this writer before. Just how large of an influx of fans and tourist should we be expecting for this event? " He asked " And will I need to assign a security detail to him? I would also like to assign a VIP suite for him in officers country as a added layer of protection. "

Mattix faked a cough, "Are we sure it's a good idea with this flu running around? Maybe we should quarantine the station for a few months, just to be one the safe side. Wouldn't want it getting out in the general population."

"I hear its super contagious." Aer backed up Mattix with a smile. "I mean I don't know about you but a so called celebrity coming on board just fills my desk with intel reports of suspected kidnappings and what not." she rolled her eyes.

"It's a nasty variant." Kodre spoke up with a smirk, "I absolutely can justify a quarantine." he added to the joke.

" If that is what you wish Captain, I'll have quarantine Buoys placed within a few hours and notify Starfleet headquarters of the flu outbreak upon the station. I'll have to confer with our CMO on the flu type however for a detailed report. " He watched the facial expressions between the Captain and Commander Aer. " So I take it that this will be a P.I.T.A event? " Said the large Klingon.

"All celebrities are," Raphael was quick to speak up. "The ones that usually want to travel to places like this I would rank as some of the worst. I'm sure he'll be very cross we don't have some random obscure thing."

Cara sat in her seat, quietly listening to the plans and the grousing about the incoming arrival of Jackson Porter. P.I.T.A, pain in the ass, she was amused at the fact that K'doc had picked that phrase up. She was excited about the arrival of Jackson Porter, but also knew very well how much of a pain it was going to be with an event such as this.

Cara remembered the headache of days gone by, dealing with a huge influx of a diplomatic convention, where admirals and dignitaries had come and the headache of assigning them places to stay, assigning security. Plus dealing behind the scenes of some other issues that they had to keep out of the attention of the dignataries. She closed her eyes for a moment, pinching bridge of her nose, this hopefully would be more simpler, but... she knew better that to truly believe that. After all they seemed to be the nexus of things that may happen, have already happened. She decided to be just a tad flippant .

"Now come come come, we've survived a Breen Attack, explosions, on not to mention nanites deciding to invade the station, you know that sort of thing..." looking around at those there. "It will just be a normal everyday activity." her words though dripped with some sarcasm, having a saccharine sort of smile.

"Oooh, maybe we can see if the Breen are willing to come back," Raphael pointed at Cara. "That is a really good idea Commander."

"Oh, you people are just great," Neil folded his arms, "why not set the nanites free again, and see if they can host the event? And, for the record, I protested loudly, very loudly. Admiral Patterson wasn't moved unless you count canceling my vacation." He smiled, "So, if I am stuck here, guess what you all get to do?"

He smiled, "besides, a visiting dignitary," he coughed, even using the word that seemed a bit ridiculous, "if I am not mistaken, that seems like a job for the Diplomatic Corps, Commander," Neil looked at Mattix with a certain evil grin.

"It is a good thing the entire Diplomatic corp is hard at work setting up the Dominion Embassy here on the station. I just don't think we'll be able to spare any help," Raphael said simply. "If any gorgeous holo actresses show up, we might be able to make the time."

" Why not just get a Pakled Ambassador to host the event or just cloak the entire station so they can't find us. " Asked K'doc. " It's about realistic as any other suggestion. The fact is Security and the Marines will be doing the majority of the grunt work, But when it comes to dealing with the problems of our spoiled VIP I shall be referring him to either command or diplomatic sections as we will be busy providing for his protection and crowd control and as well as station security. That will take every able body that we have if what you tell me is true. " K'doc took a gulp from his Raktajino mug. " We will get the job done one way or another. "

Cara shuddered at the words of Raphael and the fact of a Dominion diplomatic representative would be here. She turned her attention towards Kodre. " Commander Vedan, it looks like you will be a bit busy as well medical-wise In preparation for what is going on?"

Kodre nodded, "Doctor Vedan," he corrected, he hated ranks. "I'll pull staff from the hospital and make sure all medical stations in public areas are fully staffed for all shifts, and the ones that have day time hours are open all day for the duration of the event." he said with a firm not. His hospital admin would throw a fit, but she would have to just deal with it. "I'll also have a first aid team set at whatever events are being held, I'll need a list of events, locations, and estimated attendance to ensure I have the proper amount of staff set aside." he said.

Cara then turned her attention to Commander Jezka, "You and your people also will be having to be on your toes as to well with what will be influx of more people, combined with the repairs you've been doing."

“I already was expecting as much. More people will mean more maintenance.“ Joah folded his hands together and leaned forward on the large conference table. “Though this is not an ideal situation, given the state the station is in. The phrase It was the best of times, it was the worst of times comes to mind, though I’m not sure if it’s entirely appropriate now.”

"It is rather appropriate, I would say." Cara commented towards Joah. giving a smile before she looked over towards the chief of Science.

"And I wouldn't be too surprised that some people will be interested in looking at the Science department, or maybe talking to you about the stars or what you do. If that opportunity arises." Cara giving a slight smile towards Lieutenant Bergeron, the chief science officer.

Jack had sat in his seat to the right of the Captain and listened to everyone as they griped and made excuses. The fact was he was surprised at the comments being made. They all had a job to do and it should get done without hesitation. Jack took note to talk with Mattix about this Dominion Embassy. This was the first that Jack had heard of this and it was certainly a potential threat to the station. Something that The Kingsmen would have to make sure is contained. As for this holonovelist he really did not have much to say. "Lieutenant Valadorn The Kingsmen will be at your disposal to assist in security should you need."

K'doc inclined his head in gratitude. " Thank you colonel, If the influx is going to be as great as it is thought then we will also have to bring in the civilian security forces as well to be able to cover everything. All critical areas will have to be protected and patrols kept for the safety of the populace. It will be a daunting task, but we will handle it. "

"Their has been increased chatter amongst my field agents and sources, as well as those who report to me from their own, about the fear the Dominion still represent. There have been rumours of a splinter group, but I don't have any evidence to support this yet." Aer reported as she felt the mood of her soon to be husband change.

"Kidding aside, folks, Starfleet considers this a priority, so therefore, we will to," Neil spoke direct, "we may not like it, and it may not be the best time, but Mister Porter will be a guest aboard this station, and I expect him to treated with all the courtesy we afford any guest. Until then, Mister Porter will be doing a good ole fashion book signing at the Book Worm," the Captain looked to the Security Chief, "I wanna make sure that we have plenty of Security ready for the event."

K'Doc nodded. " The security department shall be ready Sir. "

"And," he waited a moment, "there will be a formal dinner to which you all are invited." He smiled as the collection of sighs filled the room. "As they say, this too will pass," Neil added, "we will roll out the red carpet, give Mister Porter a good showing, and then clean up the mess once he is gone."

"Any further," he looked around the table, "serious questions?"

"Nothing from me, Captain," Aer replied.

"Nothing from the diplomatic corp," Mattix said with a nod. "Just make sure the formal dinner has a good drink selection."

Joah shook his head, indicating that he, too, had no questions.

K'doc shook his head in a negative fashion. " Security has no further questions about the detail other then may I bring my own food? Most of these formal dinners the prepared food is far to overcooked for my liking. "

"Then let's get this over with," Neil stood up, "dismissed!"

Captain Neil Harrington
Commanding Officer
... middle of nowhere?

Commander Cara Letsul
Operations Commander
Poseidon Station

Commander Kodre Vedan
Chief Medical Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Junior Grade Kyrruk Bergeron
Chief Science Officer
Poseidon Station

Commander Aer Feshau
Chief Intelligence Officer
Poseidon Station

Commander Raphael Mattix
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Commander Jezka Joah
Chief of Station Operations
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Colonel Jack "BlackJack" Patton
Commanding Officer, The Kingsmen
Poseidon Strategic Command
Poseidon Station


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