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Who is the new Security Chief

Posted on 04/19/2023 @ 12:33pm by Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn & Lieutenant T'ra Na'vassa & Captain Brina Tracy-Hall

2,294 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Main Security
Timeline: MD 1 1200


Brina had spent half the day, with her husband and her boys. To them it only had been just a week since they saw her. To Brina it was definitely longer than that. However she had something to take care of. Brina had caught wind of a new security chief and she was curious as to who it was. Deciding she'd not go alone and remembering that T'ra was curious she sent out a message to her friend.

T'ra I've got an all almost consuming desire to go see who this new chief of security is. Would you like to join me in finding out?

Sure Brina, I've got to meet him or her sometime. Since I am the Assistant Intelligence Chief on the station and I'll be working with them eventually, So I might as well meet who ever it is. Where shall I meet up with you at? T'ra inquired.

How about outside of security, we'll meet there and walk in together. And this time I won't be going in as an inmate.

Not long after that, Brina arrived in front of the doors which led into security, she waited for T'ra's arrival.

A few moments later T'ra showed up wearing a white sundress with leather roman sandals and her hair curled. " Ok I'm here. I hope I didn't keep you waiting to long.l " She said with a warm smile.

"Well someone seems to be in a good mood. And you look great!" Brina stated. "No you didn't make me wait long at all." looking at the dark haired romulan woman, her friend, T'ra. "Okay let us go in and see who this new chief is. And will he be lasting longer than the other one." and with that, she stepped forward for the doors to open into the security area. It was a bit different not being in custody, and Brina wondered about the new Chief if he or she had the records of her short stay.

T'ra turned a shade of pink as Brina mentioned her appearance. " Um.. Thank you. I had some time off and I was strolling in the gardens when you called me. " She stammered as they walked into the security room and approached the desk.

The desk Sergeant looked up from his PaDD. " May I help you ladies? " He asked.

T'ra pulled her Starfleet ID card from her clutch. " I am Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer Lieutenant T'ra Na'vassa, and this is Captain Brina Tracy-Hall. We would like to speak with the Security Chief if he is available please. "

"Out of curiosity, who is the Chief of Security? I would very much like to know. Especially if the marines are going to be working alongside them." Brina stated firmly.

The Sergeant's glance went back and forth between the two women and then tapped his combadge. Sir, I have Marine Captain Tracy-hall and the Assistant Chief Intelligent officer here and they'd like to have a word with you if you have the time.

A gruff voice responded.Send them on in Sergeant.

" Right this way ladies. " Said the Sergeant.

As they approached the door they heard a voice from the other side of the door. " Enter!! "

As the door opened K'doc put his hands on the desktop and pushed himself up until he stood at full stature. " I am Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn, What is it that you want? " He asked.

Brina watched as the rather large Klingon stood, she wasn't intimidated, her eyebrows rose in surprise and also delight. Valadorn, that was a name she was familiar with. He even looked like he was related to her long time friend, K'rang Valadorn. This included the blade he had at his side. "Well Well Well.. as I live and breathe, I am seeing another Valadorn. Are you by chance, related to Colonel K'rang Valadorn?" Brina looking upwards, her eyes locking with his.

K'doc gave a curious look at the petite woman standing before him. " So you know my cousin? You know he is now the house Epitai since his father had passed on to sto'vo kor in glorious battle, He died as a warrior should. And Sha'ri and La'ral are both doing well. Sha'ri has three children and La'ral has two. "

He gave a closer look at Brina. "Are you perhaps the Brina, K'rang spoke about? First I run into Cara and now you. It seems my cousin was attempting to put together a harem while he was there. " He said with an amused grin.

He turned and looked to T'ra. " And I assume that you are the Tal Shiar defector that I've been briefed about? Starfleet seems to be convinced of your loyalty, and that's good enough for me. "

T'ra's gaze was cool as she spoke. " So you've been briefed on me? Not a surprise, as Starfleet would like to use me as a symbol to help change other romulan minds about peace with the federation. If that's what I can do to help the federation's cause then I don't really mind. "

Brina just outright laughed at K'doc's comment."Well now, yes I am that Brina. And a harem? How interesting and Cara was part of it? I had no idea." giving a wink. "However I am married with three fine boys, triplets. Though K'rang did think me worthy of asking me to be his mate. I said no, as there was someone who I had feelings for, the one who is my husband."

" Ah.. Three boys huh? They should be fine warriors like their mother. Have they started their training as of yet? " He asked. " If you'd like some assistance in weight training or any other aspect I could help if you'd like the help that is. "

"If you are as good as your cousin, K'rang, then I will accept. I utilized K'rang's assistance in honing my skills. He didn't consider me soft, but, one can always improve more. " Brina stated,with grin, assessing the rather large Klingon in a glance. "I will need another Valadorn to hone my edge yet again, as I need to up my skills even more. Granted I have the marines who will help me but, I wish to become even more."

" K'rang is better with the bat'leth then I am, He is after all one of the youngest D'har masters in the Empire. But I am more skilled in Mok'barra then he is, but I am no slouch when it comes to melee combat either. " Stated K'doc.

K'doc turned his attention back to T'ra. " And you I would not want to underestimate either. I hear you lead a team of your own, so you can handle yourself well enough. Would either of you ladies care for something to drink? "

T'ra gave a smile. " I didn't expect to be flattered by you Commander. And yes I'd like some Hagesh Tea please. I hope your not trying to collect a harem of your own like your cousin. " T'ra pulled a PaDD from her clutch and laid it on the desk. " This is the follow up intelligence report of the Breen attack, It has analysis of the attacks and where our weaknesses are. I hope you can use the information provided to some use. "

" This will be of value I'm sure. I will look over your findings and implement changes as needed. " He stroked his beard. " I don't think you'll have to worry about me gathering a harem, My intended wouldn't like the competition. It is never wise to upset a mated klingon female as they protect what is theirs." Said K'doc in an even tone.

"Ah, congratulations are in order, Commander Valadorn." Brina remarked. "Wait, did you say you have met Cara? And.... how did that go?"

" Needless to say it was an interesting meeting Captain Letsul for the first time. K'rang briefed me on Captain Letsul before hand, So it was like talking with someone I had known for years. " He stroked his beard briefly. " I seem to recall saying something that made her snarl and bare her teeth at me. I was surprised and told her I was honored that she bared her teeth at me and I was honored that she was interested in joining house Valadorn through marriage, She turned the cutest shade of crimson that I have ever seen. " He stated with a laugh.

T'ra shook her head. " Klingon mating rituals are far to short for my liking. " Said T'ra. " Where is the passion and the romance? " She asked. " What about dating and getting to know each other and learning why you love that person to begin with? "

K'doc looked minorly perplexed for a moment. " If the time and the pheromone scent is right, then you know that she is the one and we'll spend the rest of our lives getting to know each other. We will raise a good strong family together that we can be proud of. Klingon divorce rate is very low, since a divorce could lead to a house war and a loss in honor. " K'doc said to T'ra.

He turned his attention back to Brina. " Oh and Cara did receive a picture of her goddaughter Cara'tha Valadorn and was pleased and honored to receive the news. "

Brina threw back her head and just laughed at the story of when K'doc and Cara first met. When her laughter died down, Brina wiped away her tears, and remarked "Oh If I could have been there for when that happened. However. you said Cara has a god daughter? Cara'tha. That is a beautiful name, and I am sure she was touched. You know this makes four god children for her. She's also the Godmother for my three boys. She is certainly getting quite the collection of god children. "

K'rang was out on assignment when Cara'tha was born, Cara is also friends with Sha'ri and it was Sha'ri who named her daughter Cara'tha in honor of their friendship. " He pulled out a small holocube and activated it. " This is Cara'tha, She is two years old currently and rather active for her age. "

T'ra smiled as she viewed the holocube. " What a beautiful child, She is so precious. " She paused. " Several years ago I thought I would never utter such words. " She shook her head sadly.

K'doc gave her a gentle look. " And I never thought that the Romulan Empire would help us fight the dominion war either, So I guess there is hope for the universe. Nor did I ever feel that I would find someone who makes me feel that I can be more then I am and want to better myself because of her. " He said with sincerity in his voice.

"Sounds to me like you have found someone, haven't you. I've heard that tone in K'rang's voice when he ended up with the loves in his life. I feel that life is more complete now with a Valadorn . A dream team." giving a wink.

"Well I am sure we've taken up a bit of your time, K'doc. But welcome to the station. I am looking forward to getting back to training, Valadorn style." Brina stated.

K'doc gave a rare smile. " Let me know when you'd like to resume training Brina and we'll take care of it. And make sure to bring your boys with you as well, They're more then old enough to start training. " K'doc turned his attention to T'ra once again. " And you Lieutenant Na'vassa are welcome to come train with us as well if your interested. "

T'ra looked surprised when he mentioned her name. " Your inviting me? " She asked. " Why would you do that? "

" Your a federation Officer aren't you? " Stated K'doc. " That and it's always good to have a few extra tricks up ones sleeve to throw your enemy off balance and make them wonder what you know, If you are interested in training then contact Brina to find out the times and drop on by. "

T'ra grinned. " I just might take you up on that offer, duties permitting of course. It's not like I have a lot of social engagements after work these days, So it is likely that I'll be able to make it.. "

K'doc chuckled at the thought he was having. " Well if you'd like more social engagements, I could show your picture around to some of my security people, I'm sure I could drum up some interest for you with at least one of my four hundred person team on the station, "

T'ra's eyebrow shot up upon hearing the offer. " Well this is new, I never thought I'd ever see the day when this station got a Klingon dating service. " She said with a amused twinkle in her eye.

"K'dock's Klingon dating service, maybe I ought to sign Cara up for that. This way she'll quit mooning over Fernandez. That girl just can't seem to get over him." she paused and looked at both K'doc and T'ra. "Just don't let her know I spoke of that. But yes, I will go inform her about the new dating service available. Thank you K'doc" Brina said sweetly to the Chief of Security.

K'doc shook his head. He knew Brina loved to tease Cara whenever she had the chance and he would deal with what came later when it came. He looked to T'ra. " Why am I being credited with something that you joked about? " He asked.

T'ra shrugged in response.

K'doc turned and walked away thinking this might be a good time for some blood wine.

LT. Commander K'doc Valadorn
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant JG T'ra Na'vassa
Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer
Poseidon Station

Captain Brina Tracy-Hall
XO of the Kingsmen
Poseidon Station


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