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Reunion (Part 2)

Posted on 08/05/2023 @ 1:55pm by Captain Cara Letsul & Captain Brina Tracy-Hall & Lieutenant T'ra Na'vassa

2,614 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Rudia's Bath house.
Timeline: MD 02 1300

"Transfering the katra into my mind? It's almost like pulling into oneself another person's light. Its difficult to explain, but at the moment I can kind of understand a little bit of what a trill experiences."

Brina thought that over, she wasn't really comprehending a whole lot but kind of got the gist of what Cara was saying. Since she wasn't a telepath, she wouldn't really undertand fully. Just the thought of it she shuddered slightly. She zeroed in to what P'etra said.

"Ice cream and wine it helps out doesn't it?" giving a laugh. Brina exiting the water as well.

And now the conclusion

T'ra smiled and nodded an agreement.. " Indeed, It has always been my experience, regardless if it was heartache of breakup or as bad as divorce. As long as you have friends and sisters nearby to help you, there is nothing we can't overcome together. "

P'etra grinned. " And if that doesn't work, I'll personally come back and throw you an all day shopping, spa and slumber party until you feel better. "

Cara laughed, wiping away her tears. "Oh I have no doubt about that. Oh.. one thing I forgot to mention to you P'etra. Do you remember that Wayfarer Station we used to go travel to find your husband? It is now gone. Has completely vanished. I do not know where it has gone to. I left the NEC as there have been people keeping an eye on me. Just right now don't say a word, just act normal. Just be wary about what is happening. I've not told anyone this until well, now." she looked at Brina. "Not even you. I have needed to keep all of you out of this. What little I am telling you, I feel is putting you all in danger. Bear with me a little bit longer while I sort this out." she noticed Brina opening her mouth in protest, and held up a finger.

"Brina, I had to keep you out of this for the safety of your boys. For Nicholas. This includes Fernandez. Something is afoot and until I can gather more facts just act like you do not know anything at all."

Brina's lips thinned into a grim line, but she gave a nod. "Okay so, what, we can get a detail to watch over you?"

Cara shook her head emphatically. "No, not right now. The games afoot, I told you this to warn you." She turned to P'etra."And P'etra best for you to keep watch and to keep your family safe. And actually get some distance away from me. Just for now. Okay?"

" Don't you think it would look somewhat suspicious if I suddenly started avoiding you while my ship is here? " Sha asked. " My ship is here for a week for minor repairs and to receive some new equipment for our next survey mission. I will however increase security on my ship and have a constant transporter lock on my family members just in case. No one off the ship will be any wiser not even my family and only a few people in security will even know. Is that satisfactory? "

"I meant after you leave, P'etra. Definitely get some scans done for security reasons. That will be satisfactory." Cara giving a bit of a nod. She noticed the time on a clock near by. "Oh dear I may need to get going and the same for the rest of you. We do need to find away to keep in touch that is secure." Cara looking at the ice cream that had been eaten while they were talking. "I certainly enjoyed this a lot and I needed it."

Brina nodded, "I agree. It was definitely needed as well. Too much time has passed by."

P'etra sighed and blew an errant strand of hair away from her face. " Cara, I'm the Captain of a starship and I have access to secure channels that even the admiralty would have a hard time cracking. I'm the only one of the group that's not assigned to this station. Moreover you are the X.O. of this station, And you can send secure messages to anyone on this station. Just have them use an authentication code and an auto delete after the message has been read. " She grinned and looked Cara in eyes with amusement in her eyes. " That's how Jonathan and I were able to send naughty messages to each others work station at the N.E.C and you were never able to catch it. " She stated and then sipped at her wine.

"I never caught it as I wasn't looking for them" Cara laughed. "And I was speaking of contacting you when you head for your next destination. I do know the codes as welll." Cara moved to get her clothing on, "As it stands be watchful, and I've got a ship that has arrived which is on, Shore leave. its going to be very busy what with Jackson Porter being here, as well as the visiting crew. Hopefully it will clear out and stay a happy medium for now."

" Jackson Porter? Is that what all the hub bub is about? " P'etra asked. " He's not my cup of tea to be honest, He does mystery fictions if I recall right. Now if he were to write a non-fiction, history, science or romance novel, I might be interested. " She said,

T'ra looked to P'etra. " You're the Captain of a starship, your married with a husband and three children? So when can you ever find time to read? "

P'etra glanced to Brina and gave her a knowing look, and then back to T'ra and smiled. " You'll discover that when you become a mother. Siad P'etra with an amused grin. " Just ask Brina, I'm sure she would agree. You discover things about yourself when you become a mother, other sense's or should I say instincts open up to you. You'll know when something is wrong. Does that sound about right Brina? "

Cara shook her head, "He writes Science Fiction books. P'etra I guess you haven't been paying too close attention to the books. He wrote about a quantum key, which is being sought after by different factions. Remember the keys that we found on our station many years back, the ones who caused chaos? We had to find them to track down Johnathan? Brina, another book a time traveler gets lost in the past....Doesn't that sound familiar to you? Nicholas disappearing you not being able to find him then he comes back looking different and definitely physically changed, as if he had found the fountain of youth, and his leg was healed. I saw you fall head over heels for him again."

Brina gave Cara a sharp glance, "I am afraid that I've not read his books, but I can say I can see your concern." she blushed at Cara's comment.

"Until I can get to the bottom of this, I have to tread carefully and find out what is going on. We all do. You both have kids, husbands and family to think about and protect. I'm not saying I'm not important, but, no one had better bother my family as I will move a star if I have to, to protect you. You are family."

Brina spoke up. "Just remember we will help out , just make certain you let us know. You can't do this all by yourself." a firm line is formed.

"Brina, there have been quite a few times I have had to do things on my own. You were gone, I connected with a small amount of people but had to keep most of them at arms length, in order to protect them. T'ra was one of the persons I could connect with, there is another one, but I will not reveal who that is. Said person has to stay in the shadows, T'ra may know the person's name but, best not to say it."

Cara looking towards the Assistant Chief of Intelligence, T'ra. "The person is not to be spoken about." she took a deep breath. "Now that you know what is somewhat going on, I do need to leave. And also make certain I turn off the white noise generator. I had it activated as I didn't want our discussion to be overheard. As this is an extremely sensitive subject that we have discussed. Anything else you would like to ask or have questions on?"

T'ra shook her head as she had no further questions. " No, I have nothing else to ask at this time. But I will say that if you do need help with anything, and I mean anything! Brina and I are on the station with you and you are family to us. So you better let us know if you need help and not try to take this on all by yourself. I know P'etra feels the same way and she'd come back in a heartbeat as well if you were in trouble. You might outrank us, but on this we'll not backdown on. We are stronger together then apart. "

P'etra nodded her agreement. "This is one thing you'll not be able to talk us out of Cara. We're more than friends, and even more than family. We have a bond between us and we don't abandon our own, even at the cost of our own lives. We will stay beside you and support you no matter what. " Stated the half caitian in a serious tone.

"Right now we all need to play the 'game' my way. I can't deviate too much as to what I am doing, can you do this for me? I have to be choosy as to who will be in the know. It is a long and dangerous game and I do not have all of the pieces to fill in the blanks yet. They are missing, but I will get them back. I know I have knowlege locked up within my mind that I can't unlock until, I guess, certain factors click in. I am really wondering now, if I have created my own treasure hunt within my mind for some reason. And even though it is a mystery as to why I've done this for now anyway, I know that I must have had a really good reason why I have done this, probably purposely have done this to myself."

T'ra gave a frustrated sigh. " Fine we'll play this your way for right now Cara. The road you travel might be long and dangerous, but it's nothing we're not used to. We are with you every step of the way Cara and your not alone. Can you imagine how bad that we would feel if we woke up and found that you were missing or had been spirited off the station. We would be tearing this place apart and searching any and every clue that we came across to get you back. So please don't close us out and ask us anything that you need if you need our help. I don't think any of us could stand it if something evil were to happen to you. " T'ra looked up into Cara's eyes as they began to well up with tears.

Cara shook her head at T'ra and gave a slight sigh, "T'ra this time I've given myself an immunity shot against the welling up of tears. I know that you don't want anything to happen to me, and heaven help anyone who tries to stand in your way to try to find me in case I get taken. Also remember, there is K'doc and several others who would join in the search, maybe." placing a hand upon T'ra's shoulder. She finished getting dressed. "Okay I am going to get going and will see you later on."

Brina looked at Cara, "Just be careful."

Cara nodded and headed out of the room.

When she left Brina was quiet for a moment, then said to the other two ladies. "Glad she actually shared that with us. Still though, just so much happening."

T'ra stood silent as she watched Cara walk away, and her expression was anything but happy. She quickly got dressed and was mumbling something under her breath in romulan. T'ra then placed her combadge in her pocket and looked at Brina and P'etra. " If you 'll excuse me I have work to do. " With that said she walked out of the room swiftly and was gone.

P'etra turned to Brina. " Is it me or did she appear to be not quite her usual happy and charming self? " She asked. " I've only seen her angry twice before and it wasn't good for the person on the receiving end. So the question is..... Is this her way of working it out in her mind? Or should we be worried? "

"Cara or T'ra?' Brina asked. "I've not had much association with T'ra minus the holodeck sleep over with some of the other ladies of the station. I do know that Cara isn't one who you want to be on the receiving end of her anger."

" I agree Brina, Cara isn't someone you want to be angry with you. Nor is T'ra. The only thing I would find more scary is if both of them were pissed off at you at the same time, If that is the case, then may the gods have mercy upon your soul. T'ra arrived after you left the N.E.C. and she had a very hard time settling in and being watched by everyone on the station and it took time before she was trusted fully. " Stated P'etra .

P'etra brushed her hair back as she gazed at her reflection in the water. " What I'm about to tell you does not leave this room. " She looked directly at Brina. " That seemingly carefree and fun loving girl used to walk the halls with pirates, gang leaders, dictators, crime lords and who knows what else in the triangle zone. T'ra is a defector from the Romulan empire and she used to lead and operate a Tal Shiar elimination squad. Yes, that's right. She used to do wet works and dirty deeds for a living and was known as the Viper or sometimes called the death angel. I'm glad she's on our side now. "

Brina could only shake her head. "Fascinating." the redheaded marine replied. "I am glad she is on our side as well. Well hopefully these current problems will get cleared up." there was a beep from her combadge and she answered it.

"Mom, are you coming home yet?" came a chorus of three boys."

Brina just laughed and looked at P'etra. "Well I am being summoned by my boys. And it seems it is time for dinner." she giving her friend an embrace. "be well P'etra, and take care."

P'etra smiled as she heard Brina's children on the combadge. " You have a lovely family Brina, I know you treasure them as much as I do my own." P'etra gave Brina a hug and then stepped back. " I should go and take care of my brood as well and get supper ready. Take care until we meet again my sister and friend. " With that said the two ladies went their separate ways into the vastness of the station and returned to whence they came.

Lieutenant T'ra Va'nassa
Assistant Intelligence Chief
Poseidon Station ( Linked to Valadorn )

Captain P'etra Hagen-Carter
Captain of the USS Pinnacle
(Linked to Valadorn)

Commander Cara Letsul
Chief Counselor
Poseidon Station Operations
Poseidon Station

Captain Brina Tracy-Hall
XO of the Kingsmen


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