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Security Meet Up

Posted on 08/02/2023 @ 12:09am by Ensign Max Trevor
Edited on on 08/02/2023 @ 12:09am

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Mission: Joint Sim Mission: The Poseidon Adventure
Location: Poseidon Station Various

Max was off duty for the day, but he wanted to watch as the USS Pioneer came to the station. He was pretty curious as to who was on that ship. He stood to one side, watching but keeping out of the way. He had taken a peek at the manifest of the Pioneer and thought maybe he could well see if any of them want to have a guide about the station.

He was tall, and he wasn't someone to ignore. His eyes zeroed in on a tall statuesque woman. Max was interested in meeting her and he walked up to her .

"Hi I am Ensign Max Trevor, welcome to Poseidon Station." something pure plain and simple.

Leela looked the man up and down. "I'm Senior Chief Petty Officer Leela Capella. Ensign do you fence?" She asked direct as ever.

Max raised an eyebrow at her directness. "Yes I do. Are you looking for a sparring partner?" Max being as direct as the woman. "Do you also drink?" he asked, "And are you going to use ranks or go with your name?"

"Yes, yes and call me Leela." She replied.

"Okay Leela lets go, have you gotten a hotel room you are staying in? Also there are temporary quarters to stay. Which are you going to be in?" Max asked with a bit of a smile.

"I'm in a hotel called the House of Kahless, its a Klingon run hotel for Klingons. They made an exception for me." She told the human.

Max gave a nod, "Then that is where we will be going to drop your gear off. Also do you want a chance to go down to the planet below as well?"

"I would enjoy that, yes." Leela said. "Perhaps you could lead the way.

As he led the way Max looked over his shoulder towards Leela, "Ya don't have a lot to say do you." he commented as he wove his way through the milling crowd. "Or are there subjects you like to talk about when not wending your way through the busy Promenade."

"I only talk when I have something to say." Leela said. "If I enjoy a subject I can be quite talkative."

"I see." Max replied.

Soon enough they arrived at the hotel that Leela had commented on.

"Well here we are." Max stated standing in front of the doorway.

Leela approached the doorway, a Klingon doorman appeared and asked. "Nuq'neH, Human?" (What do you want, Human?)

"I'm not a human you P'taq." Leela said. "I'm Lady Leela of Capella and I have booked a room in your hotel."

The Klingon bared his teeth. "Your room is 563, and here is your key card." He said handing her a card. "Your blood wine is in your room, m'lady."

"As it should be." Leela said. Then turning to Max she said. "Come along , Max. and then headed for the turbolift.

Max gave a nod and followed after Leela, to her quarters. "Lady Leela, interesting." was all that he said.

"My father is a provincial lord on my world." Leela explained. "I only use the title when I interact with Klingons. They and my people have a grudging respect for each other."

"I see, so now there is the royalty aspect of it. Well that works, makes for you to have a comfortable place to stay." When they reached her room Max waited for Leela to open the door. "Now here you are, and let me know when you would like to do the sparring. Or do you wish to do some chatting, even if you are a woman of few words."

"Before you go, would like to see my sword?" Leela asked.

"An invite, I would be glad to see your sword. I didn't want to assume and step in when not invited." Max replied.

Leela placed her key card into the door. It opened and she stepped inside.

Once Max followed her inside, she took off her uniform jacket, so he could see the scabbard that was attached by a belt running diagonally from shoulder to hip. The mouth of the scabbard faced down on an angle, so the sword could be drawn with one hand.

Placing her right arm behind her back, Leela used her thumb to release the safety latch, before drawing the sword and moving it in front of her.

She then lay the sword in her hands and held it out for Max to take.

"Its called a N'ret." She said. "Its created from an alloy known only to Capellian sword smiths. This one was created especially for me, by order of my mother." She added. "The blade has a slight curve and the weapon is precisely weighted for my hand."

Max examined it closely, it was a beautifully crafted blade as far as he could tell, he wasn't an expert when it came to assessing blades but from the balance of the blade he could tell it was made just for her.

"It is a beautiful weapon." gently handing it back to Leela. "It is an honor to have held it." Max replied.

Leela gave a slight smile. "I was honored my mother gave it to me. She saw my potential, while my father saw me as a pawn."

"Ah the, I want you to marry someone to make an alliance in order for me to be stronger, sort of situation?" Max intoned. "Am I correct in that surmising?" he looked once more around the room "And have you had dinner yet? Perhaps we can get something to eat or would you like to go to the local gym to where we can do some sparring? Even could reserve some time in the holosuites here."

"No, I haven't had dinner and one should not spar on an empty stomach." Leela said, and returned her sword to its scabbard. "You can choose the food." She added.

"I could choose the food but, I do not know what sort of food you can eat. There is a Klingon restaurant here, that serves fresh Gagh. Or would you like something spicy. There is quite the various available foods you can choose from." Max replied.

"Something spicy would be nice, as long as its dead, eating live food is something we don't share with our 'forehead ridged friends'." Leela said a clear tone of disgust in her voice.

"Well there is a place that I like to go eat from time to time, it is called the Big Easy Bistro. It has spicy and tasty food made from real ingredients. If you would like to try that out, then I will take you there." Max giving a smile.

"Sounds good." She said with a brief smile. "Lead the way, Max." Leela said. On her world food replicators were seldom used. It would be nice to have some food made from real ingredients again.

"Then let us go." Max leading the way.

::The Big Easy Bistro::

They arrived at the restaurant that Max had suggested, the scent of the food wafting its way towards the nostrils of those who were there waiting to be seated. A dark skinned woman came up to where Max and Leela were at. "Ah Mister Trevor, welcome back. I see you havea lovely companion, with you." the lady flashing a brilliant white smile.

"Yes this is Leela Capella, Lisette, she's newly arrived to the station, and I wanted to treat her to a good meal." giving a nod.

Lisette turned her dark eyes towards Leela. "Welcome and please if you will follow me I can take you to a table."

The music being played in the background was soft jazz,the sort that could be heard on the streets of New Orleans.

"Thank you, Lisette." Leela said and followed the other woman.

The table where she led the two, was a perfect spot to keep watch over the coming and going of guests and also had a view of the stars. Also near by were some plants that were fern like in nature. Placing the menus down Lisette asked, "What would you like to drink?"

Max ordered a sparkling lemonade, as well as some water.

"And for you?" Lisette asked Leela.

"A glass of Grosz, if you have it." Leela replied.

"I will see if we have that, otherwise would there be another type of drink that you would like to try?" Lisette asked.

"Russian Vodka, Please, I've heard it has a similar taste." Leela replied.

Lisette gave a nod, then she said I'll be back with your drinks and would you like an appetizer?"

Max remarked " I would like some of your medium spice wings with some dipping sauce and a blooming onion please."

"I'll have the same." Leela said.

Lisette gave a nod then headed off to get the drinks as well as the appetizers.

Max looked at Leela, "Do you like seafood? They do have a really good jambayla. "

"Yes, but it is something I've only tried since joying Starfleet." Leela said. "My people eat fish, but most find other 'sea creatures' unappetising."

"Well then, how about having their jambayla which has sausage, and you won't have to worry about their seafood Jambalaya." Max offered, "It is good, very good indeed. I'll be having the seafood jambalaya."

A few minutes later, Lisette arrived with the appetizers with the dipping sauces, as well as the drinks. "We didn't have the first beverage you asked for, but, we do have vodka." giving a bit of a smile. "What will you be having to eat?"

Max gave her his order as well as putting in a request for the beignets.

"I've heard about a dish called Gumbo, I think I'd like to try that." Leela said grabbing one of the chicken wings and dipping in the sauce.

"Then gumbo it will be." Lisette replied with a bright smile. "I will be back shortly." then she turned to leave.

Max took a drink of his sparkling lemonade, " I really love their drinks here, all natural."

Leela took a sip of her own drink, it was sufficient. "On Capella all food and drink is natural. We have access to replicator technology, but we seldom use it." She smiled. "These wings are delicious." She added.

Max nodded, his mouth now full with some of the wing meat. His fingers were definitely covered in the sauce. After all one can not be a dainty eater when it comes to wings. He licked the wings sauce off his fingers then wiped them down before going to snacking on the blooming onion. "This is so good!"

"So, Max, tell me about yourself." Leela said.

"What would you like to know, besides my being able to use bladed weapons." Max replied with a smile. "I live here on this station, I work with a really good security chief. Definitely a lot better than the previous Chief of Security. The last one he just seemed so lost, about how the job was supposed be going. It made things difficult to get an investigation done. " Max replied.

"What are your parents like, do you have siblings or a romantic partner?" Leela asked.

"I have only one sibling, she works on Poseidon station, she's a captain of her own ship. She has a daughter as cute as can be. As for our parents, they run a farm in Oregon. A simple and lovely life for them." he took another bite of food, as he contemplated the other question, after swallowing the bite he then answered. "I do not have a romantic partner at this time. I had a small romance, but the girl ended up leaving the station. She was transfered to who knows where. We agreed to break things off, as I am not about to leave the station especially with my niece and my sister being here. I just can't abandon them at all."

"Family are important." Leela said. "But, I guess that sentiment sounds hollow from a woman who left hers to join Starfleet."

Max paused briefly from picking up another chicken wing. "Leela, there are times when a person has to step away from family in order to seek out their own path. My sister did that, so did I. Nothing wrong in leaving family. I have some friends who's family was rather toxic and controling that they had to leave. I don't quite know how it was where your family is concerned, but I am not going to judge you for what you chose to do. Besides if one family is toxic, you make your own family." then he took a bite of his chicken wing.

"I do have some friends that I have fought beside, they could be my new family." Leela said.

Max looked at Leela, "I would say they already are your family. Out of curiosity, what are you looking for in your life? A family, a significant other? Finding a place where you feel like you fit in, like you are home?" finishing up his chicken wing. He was interrupted by Lisette bringing over the drinks and the food as well.

"Thank you Lisette." Max said to Lisette.

"A home would be nice." Leela said. "I don't want a significant other, I'd rather have someone I can have sex with, when I'm in the mood."

"Basically a part time lover." Max commented. "And that is the most direct I've heard a lady say about what she wants." giving a nod. "Which is why you had asked if I had a romantic partner? As for a home it is mainly where you are most comfortable being at, and feeling like you belong. Do you feel like you belong on the Pioneer. it making you feel comfortable?"

"I see no reason in sugar coating it, if I'm direct it cut down on confusion." Leela said. "Yes, I like my department, it has some good people in it, including a Gorn female who could tear you apart with ease."

This made Max blink several times as his brain tried to catch up with what Leela had said, "Hold on you have a Gorn serving on the USS Pioneer? I've not heard of anything like this before. Probably rather effective for having her there. How did this come about?" he started eating his food while he listened to Leela's answer.

"According to herself and Starfleet Medical, she was part of an augmentation program by the Klingons to make shock troops." Leela said. "The program failed and she was the only survivor. She was discovered alone on a planetoid by a Starfleet Survey vessel and brought back to Earth, where she underwent investigations by Starfleet Security, Intel, and Medical." Leela paused a moment. "After she was cleared, she chose to enlist in Starfleet."

Max paused eating as he heard this about the Gorn woman. "That must make her feel a bit lonely. Glad she's got you and the support of others as it sounds like she needs it as well." another bite then he asked Leela. "After we eat, still want to go spar, and if you are wanting company for the night, I can do that as well. You are interesting, Leela and also beautiful."

"Thank you, Max." Leela said and took a bite of her food. She enjoyed the mixture of flavours.

Max decided to concentrate on eating his meal so that he and Leela could get to doing some sparring. He was wanting to see how she moved when in battle. When he was finished with his meal he waited to see if she was finished as well.

"I've finished." Leela said. "The food was delicious. Let's spar.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to this." Max would reach out a hand to see if she'd accept that sort of contact then would head towards the holodeck area for their sparring.

Once there, Max would enter something into the programming of the holo suite, and when the door opened it would show the cobblestone streets of an ancient ruin. It to him fit the sword that Leela had shown him.

"What do you think? Will this be sufficient for you ?" Max asked.

"Yes, it reminds me of my homeworld." Leela said. "There was a ruin much like this, not far from my father's estate, left over from a battle now lost to history."

"Oh nice, so what sort of weapons do you wish to use? I am going to let you do the picking if you would please."

"I'll use my N'ret (Capellian sword)." Leela said. "I suggest you use a blade that you are familiar with also."

Max gave a nod and then asked the computer for a blade that would be fitting for him. He chose a long sword something he was familiar with. Both blades shimmered into existence, arriving upon a nearby stone wall. Max picked up his blade and examined it closely, even testing its balance. "Hmmnn a good quality of blade." he said.

Leela picked up the facsimile of her own sword and tested its balance. "It is acceptable." She said at last and took on a starting stance.

Max held his long sword in a two handed stance then he made the first move towards her the sword glinting in the sun as the blade swung down towards her.

Leela parried the attack with a one-handed slice. She then followed though with her own attack. The blades struck each other with a loud metallic ring.

Max flashed a grin, hearing the satisfying sound of metal meeting metal. Leela was certainly skilled. He feinted to the left, and made a strike to the right, moving towards her belly.

Leela brought her sword down to protect and the parried Max up, before jumping backward to avoid any counterstrike from her opponent.

Max paused for a moment thinking of something then he asked. "Leela, you and I could keep on facing off with each other but, want to team up against a mutual foe? Something that you and I could fight together?"

"Yes, that could be fun." Leela said, a smile crossing her lips. "Then once it is vanquished, we can see, if you can vanquish me in bed." She added licking her lips seductively.

Max gave a chuckle,giving her an appreciative look over. "Indeed we will see, or if we match" giving her a wink. "However, pick some opponents, it will be your choice." giving her a nod.

"I choose Nausicaans." Leela said. "Remember, they don't fight honourably." She added.

"Indeed. What safety level. Leela, bare minimum or slightly more. This way we will be able to function in bed." Max raising an eyebrow.

"let's make it challenging, but not tiring." Leela said.

"Okay so we need some specifics, how about six like a raiding party or shall we make it lucky seven?" Max asked.

"Seven, it will be unlucky for them." Leela said.

"Will they be hunting us or will we be hunting them or both." Max queried as he was setting things up for the scenario.

"Both." Leela replied a wry smile crossing her lips.

"Okay what sort of weather situation, and do we want a different terrain than this?" Max asking as he tapped in the next part of the parameters.

"This terrain will suffice." Leela said. "I think a light fog will make things a little more interesting."

Max gave a nod and finished typing that in, and a light fog drifted in, giving the surroundings a surreal look. He walked up to Leela and gave her a kiss full of promise, then said. "Let the game begin." flashing a smile.

There was the sound of opponents being beamed in, and shadows moving around in the mist. Max looked at Leela, giving a nod, it was time for some fun.

A hulking Nausicaans emerged from the fog. He moved towards Leela.

The Capellan laughed and charged towards him.

The Nausicaan dropped his weapon, winded by the impact of her attack.

Max's opponent leapt over the low wall, that the swords had been on, a blade of his own, cutting through the mist towards Max. Max had his own blade curving upwards to block the Nausican's strike. Metal striking metal rang through the air, and Max agilely moved out of the way of the Nausicaan's next attack. Ducking under his swing. Max wasn't going to be playing fair, as he maneuvered himself to where he can slice the Nausican on his hamstring. The opponent went down. Max though got hit with a fist that sent him flying to one side, as another opponent appeared.

Leela picked up her opponent's discarded weapon and threw it into the chest of the Nausicaan who had just hit Max.

The Nausicaan then crashed to the ground.

Leela's own opponent, having regained some of his strength, grabbed at her. Using her surroundings to her advantage, the Capellian climbed some of the ruins, jumped off and stabbed her sword through its throat, almost severing its head.

Hitting the ground, she rolled in order to reduce her inertia.

Max got back up from the ground, shaking his head to clear it, his blade once more in his hand. He worked his jaw to find that it was still working, then set off after another Nausicaan, Fallen foe three down, four to go. Now it was hunting time, he paused and looked at Leela. "Hunting time?" Max flashing grin towards her. "Lets take the fight to them."

Leela smiled and picked up a large piece of masonry and threw it at an advancing Nausicaan, sending him stumbling into one of his companions. While they were discombobulated, Leela took the advantage and engaged them both.

Max decided to climb to the uppermost of a ruined nearby wall of a building. He looked down to see a Nausicaan walking below, and he jumped onto the back of him, knocking him to the ground. He rolled out of the way as the accompanying Nausicaan whirled around, swinging his sword towards where Max had been, it swishing through empty air. Max had gone back around the wall, deciding to try something. He hit his shoulder against the wall feeling it give then pushed it putting in effort with his legs. It toppled over landing on one of the Nausicaans the one which had been on the ground. The other one dodged out of the way.

Max stepped through the debris of the wall heading towards the Nausicaan that was standing at first then started rushing forward....

Leela pounced on one of them. The Nausicaan on tried to use his hand to deflect her blade, but only succeeded in losing his fingers. She then drove her blade into his chest.

She'd only just retrieved her blade, when the other Nausicaan grabbed her and threw her into a wall. Leela went limp before hitting the wall in order to minimise damage from the impact.

Both Max and the Nausicaan ran towards each other, Max ducking under the swing of the Nausicaan his shoulder ramming into the others stomach, the Nausicaan doubled over and Max pushing him backwards. The heel of the Nausican hit a piece of debris, him losing his footing. Max landed on top of him and quickly rolled to one side to his knees to drive his sword into the Nausicaan's chest.

Leela got up and shook off some dust. The final Nausicaan moved towards her. As he closed the distance between them, the Capellian picked up a discarded blade and threw it.

The flying weapon hit its target piercing the Nausicaan chest. He stopped in his tracks, fell to his knees and then on to the ground.

Max rose to his feet, walked over towards where Leela was at, and pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. When their lips parted he said to Leela, "That was enjoyable." giving a grin.

"Indeed, it was." Leela said. "Now, let's return to my room, and see how you perform beneath the sheets."

"Then so be it."Max replied with a grin. "Computer save program and end." The scenery dropped and the grid patterns were revealed. "Shall we?" heading towards the arch for them to leave.

Leela smiled and followeed Max out.

A Joint Post By

Senior Chief Petty Officer Leela Capella
Master-At-Arms, USS Pioneer

Ensign Max Trevor
Security Officer
SB50 Poseidon Station


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