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Steam Heat (Part I)

Posted on 08/31/2024 @ 11:23pm by Civilian Mathias McPhee & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca

1,331 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: A Day In the Life Of..
Location: Arboretum


Since they were both soaked from their dance in the rain, Brianthe decided a walk to the warmer area of the arboretum would be in order. It would help them dry out faster and she could show him the desert and jungle areas. But to get there they would have to traverse part of the main area that was still raining. "Do you like deserts?"

"They are lovely depending on where you go. I do love seeing the beautiful flowers of the cacti in Arizona, and the scent of the chaparral after a rainstorm as well as the sage." Mathias answered. "Death Valley has its own charm as well."

"I've heard of Death Valley, but I've never been there. However, we do have a desert area here. There are several varieties of cacti, along with desert poppies, brittle bush, aloe vera, and sage. Dried sage is a lovely herb to use for cooking. There's an herb garden here, too, with herbs that grow in more temperate climates." She pointed out a few rooms as they walked, stopping in one to get a rolled mat. "This is so we can walk in and sit on the sand without getting burned."

A short while later, she walked through a set of double doors into a small square area. "This is to keep the temperature regulated." She opened the other door and rolled out the mat so they could walk in. A variety of desert plants dotted the room, along with several volcanic boulders. A hologram of a desert filled one wall, making the room look like the desert went for miles to a distant mountain range. There was a walkway for those with shoes, but Bri sat cross-legged on the mat, her skirt billowing out around her.

Mathias looked towards the rooms Brianthe pointed out, "I am looking forward to seeing those as well." Before he went to take a seat on the mat Brianthe had sat upon, Mathias stepped onto the sand feeling the heat of the sand upon the soles of his feet, closing his eyes for a moment, then he stepped off the sand and onto the mat, lowering himself down. "This is beautiful, and I do like the holoimage as if we were in a desert setting."

"Captain Letsul gave me permission to play with holograms." She looked around the room. "I like how it turned out. Not every room has one, but I've put in a few...atmospheric touches. The jungle room has an ancient pyramid."

"Captain Letsul, she sounds like she is a lovely lady for letting you give your artistic touches to the arboretum." Mathias responded, he pulled up his knees against this chest looking at what was before them, "This is a work of art, most definitely."

"She appreciates the arboretum and helped with some ideas." Bri wanted him to know that it wasn't just her involved in the redecorating. "A lot of the smaller rooms just needed some additions, like the butterfly experience. There are still things I'd like to do, but one step at a time."

"A veritable wonderland here where dreams can be made, or pure imagination can take flight." Mathias giving a huge smile, unfolding his legs and leaning back on his elbows glancing over at Brianthe, "Ahh the heat of the sand feels rather good, and my clothing is drying out rather nicely."

"By the time we're dry, the rain should be over." Bri wiggled her toes. "I love the freedom a station provides for spaces like this. We have an arctic area, too, but I don't recommend we visit it barefoot." She smiled at Mathias. "But there's plenty we can see today. How long do you have for a tour?"

"I've got quite a bit of time as of now. Not being in Star Fleet anymore has in essence freed up my time. I am available for your tour of the place and am quite eager in exploring it as well." Mathias rising up from the towel then offering his hand to Brianthe, "If we are going into an arctic zone then I will most definitely need my shoes." a gleaming warm smile.

"And dry clothes," she teased, taking his hand. "It's a lovely area. We have cloaks available for those who forget to dress warmly." She shook out her skirt to remove as much sand as she could and folded the towel. "Along the way, I can show you the tree house and butterfly encounter."

"A tree house and a butterfly encounter? That sounds absolutely amazing. Lead on my lady, lead on." Mathias giving a courtly bow, his eyes lighting up with interest. His sisters would have been rather interested in this. He hoped that someday they would come to this station just to enjoy this wonderland.

She led him first to the tree house. It was based on an old earth book about a family named Robinson who got stranded on a tropical island and had to fight off pirates. The tree had been genetically engineered to accommodate a multi-level house, walkways, a swing, and several ropes to slide down. To get to the tree house you had to cross a bridge to an island surrounded by water and was constantly monitored by the main computer.

She walked in and stepped aside for him to get the full effect. "We can replicate shoes and dry clothes in the workroom, if you want."

Mathias felt like a kid again, stepping into the treehouse. One of the favorite books he read was the Swiss Family Robinson and he had always wanted to have the experience of. "This is a dream come true, I had wanted to at some point in time have a chance to just climb into the pages of the book and experience being inside their home. And you made it happen!" his eyes sparkling with delight. "Come with you to a place of sheer imagination." slightly altering the words to Pure Imagination.

Brianthe beamed. "It is pretty spectacular, isn't it? Captain Letsul was generous in letting us do what we want here. I admit I've come here a number of times to just pretend."

"I would do just the same." Mathias looked about once more. "I think we need to make a playdate sometime. Just to have fun and pretend. What do you think? Act like a pair of kids." Stretching out his arms and slowly turning around. "Also, in answer to your other suggestion, replicating some dry clothing would be wonderful."

Brianthe nodded. "The workroom is over here. As to a play date, yes. That sounds like fun. I can close this room for an hour or so for maintenance. That way no one will come in and wonder what we're up to." She led him through a hidden door in the wall that led into a workroom with a large table in the middle. Counters and cupboards circled the room. Off to one side a door led into a small break room with a table, chairs, and a replicator. "I'll get my clothes first and change in the workroom. You can change in here."

She quickly replicated a skirt, blouse, and shoes, then took them into the workroom. "See you in a few minutes."

Once she left the room, Mathias quickly replicated some dry clothing, pants, tunic top and boots, taking mere minutes to get changed. He stood at the doorway looking out towards the arboretum, drifting off into a semi meditative state, well maybe more like, daydreaming. Turning he went to his back pack and pulled out a small sketch pad, plus pencil and began to draw. In his mind’s eye he could see Brianthe dancing, the jewel like drops of rain nestling in her hair, capturing the ambient light, sparkling like diamonds. He had sat down cross-legged, his back against the door frame, becoming engrossed in his drawing.

(To be continued...)

Mathias McPhee

Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca


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