
She Blinded Me With Science (Part II)

Posted on 09/26/2024 @ 4:23pm by Lieutenant Commander Ellery Rosa & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & Lieutenant Jayak Zek
Edited on on 09/26/2024 @ 4:25pm

1,625 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 24: The Kingsmen: Duality
Location: Arboretum


"Ah!" Zek exhaled. "I may have done that, indeed, but perhaps Bri's powers of persuasion extend out to anyone that enters your realm. This could require some study," he finished with a mock musing tone. "I suggest a more neutral environment, Brianthe. Perhaps dinner?"

He then turned back to Ellery, "Working with plants is definitely important, but hopefully the avoidance of work is only temporary procrastination. Though, if you feel the need for assistance with any issue, I am here to help." Zek bowed to Ellery graciously.


"Most gracious of you," Ellery replied, unable to keep from chuckling softly.

"I have no powers of persuasion," Bri countered. She refused to believe that was even remotely possible. "It's the arboretum. Cara was as keen to renovate it as I was, and Ellery has also helped out. I think the common denominator is this place. It's got its own kind of magic. I've had several people offer to help out here part time."

Zek told Ellery with a certain amount of suaveness, "I do what I can. If I did not help, what good would I be in my profession?"

He then turned back to Brianthe, and tilted his head slightly, wondering why she did not respond to his invitation of dinner. "Well, you can feel free to call on me any time you wish." He left out any reference as to what he could be called on for, wondering how Brianthe would read that.

Bri picked up on the undertone of his comment and realized she hadn't answered his question. "I'm working late tonight, but we could meet for lunch tomorrow." She almost asked Ellery if she wanted to join them, but refrained. She got the feeling Zek wouldn't want that.

"Lunch tomorrow sounds good. Tell me when and where and I'll be there," Zek confirmed. "In the meantime, the mulch will not move itself, will it?" He gave Bri a small, impish smile. "Unless you wish me to stop assisting...."

"Well, if we each take a bag, we'll be done with the mulch and I can move on to the next project," Bri replied breezily. She assigned Ellery and Zek a bag and a location, then took the third one herself. "The help is appreciated."

"I'm happy to assist. I find that this sort of work can be therapeutic." He carried his mulch to the location that Bri directed. "So, when you both are not here, what are you doing?" he queried, wondering if he was going to get a new task.

"I'm here a lot, by choice," Bri replied. "Or I'm listening to music and reading in my quarters." She looked around. "But this is my job and my hobby." Bri was adding piles of mulch, then blending them into the dirt with a gardening claw.

"I also like to read, or sculpt with clay or wood," Ellery said, spreading her mulch. "What do you like to do, counselor?"

Zek wondered at Bri's response. She seemed like a solitary person based on that response. There was nothing wrong with it, but he wondered what she would do in a social setting. Similarly, Ellery's hobbies were fairly solitary.

"Me?" he feigned shock at being asked about his hobbies. "Oh, a little of this. A little of that...." He chuckled. "That really did not answer your question, did it? Well, full disclosure, I don't usually get asked. However, my hobbies are not too different. I do some woodworking, gardening, and prefer to be out in nature. Though, I have been known to play some springball, as well."

"Why wouldn't you be asked? Isn't that part of most introductory conversations?" Ellery asked, surprised at his response. "Even with counselors?"

"Most people do not consider asking counselors about their lives. They are more preoccupied with theirs, which is somewhat natural. Like doctors, many people do not even want to meet with us. Even wanting to discuss problems with another can be daunting. So, when someone comes to me for assistance, they're not really considering what my interests or hobbies might be. They have needs to take care of and I am happy to assist. That is my calling."

"For an evaluation, I can see that. But you should have interactions with people outside of the counseling office," Brianthe said. "Surely there people will ask you about your interests."

"I'm rarely in the counseling office. I find it, um, well, not conducive for counseling. However, once someone hears that you're a counselor, well, there's either the concerned reaction that I'm diagnosing them on the spot or they have troubles they wish to speak to me about. You might say it is a professional hazard."

"Fortunately, I deal with plants. They rarely complain," Brianthe replied.

Ellery chuckled. "Neither do artifacts and anomalies. I like that about science."

Zek smiled at Bri and told her, "Certainly not audibly, but they do have reactions, even to their caretakers, no? If you're not nice, they will definitely react negatively."

He then turned to Ellery, "Well, I suppose that is likely true most of the time, but I can't say that I know enough to know for sure. Then again, I never acquired much of a taste for things." He shrugged, turning slightly away from Ellery. Was it a hint of sadness and apology at the same time?

Ellery and Bri both watched him for a moment. Then Ellery said, "It's hard to value things when you're in Starfleet and never know how long you'll be in one place."

"It's also hard to really connect with people for the same reason," Bri added. "I think Ellery and I came here about the same time, and I've only met a few people so far."

Zek readily agreed, "It is difficult to be connected to things when you are moving around. Then again, it does allow you to meet more people."

He tilted his head towards Bri, "How have you only met a few people? How long have you both been here?"

"A couple of weeks?" Bri looked at Ellery. "The station was attacked by Breen and the arboretum was in need of a major renovation. I've spent most of my time here."

"And I came here as a civilian and the assistant chief science officer. I started out working with Bri and Cara, then I was promoted to chief and reinstated. So, there were a lot of things going on with that as well." She shrugged. "I guess it was just the timing for both of us."

"That is a lot of stuff to happen in a short time period," Zek affirmed, growing concerned at the general morale for the station. "Were there any casualties from the Breen attack?" He then looked at the arboretum and said, "If this needed a renovation, I can only imagine how much has been done in a very short period of time. Impressive."

"There were casualties, but we both came here after most of the station was repaired. The arboretum was lower on the list of priorities," Ellery said.

"Which gave us the opportunity to do some major renovations," Bri added. "Timing is everything."

Zek laughed lightly at that. "I think that's a line that I am supposed to use from time to time. Regardless, I can definitely see no sign of attack and no plants harmed in the attack, so I would say that your efforts have been a success."

"Thank you. We've had support from Captain Letsul as well as a number of volunteers." Brianthe waved her hand at the trees. "The renovation has been a labor of love."

"And speaking of that, we're done with the mulching and I need to head back to my office," Ellery said. "Nice to meet you, counselor."

"And you, Ellery, but please, call me Zek. I don't think anyone likes to be known by their title, do you?" he asked, the philosophical bent returning. "And Captain Letsul seems to have a similar philosophy to myself from the bit that I've met her. From what I can tell, quite a good person."

"She is. She's pretty amazing, too." Ellery wasn't going to mention that Cara had some tough times in her life that helped her become the woman she was. That was up to Cara to share.

"I certainly think that she is making the best of a very tough situation for herself and this station, don't you?" Zek asked, lightly prying into the feelings of the prior Captain's death. It was not veiled but one did not randomly go around the station asking, "So, how are you handling things now that the Captain is dead?" They had built rapport and Cara's promotion came up, so why not inquire?

"She is. I'm sure it's been a roller coaster for her lately." She didn't know the former captain as Ellery only worked with Cara. Her combadge chimed once. "And that is my reminder that I have a meeting. It's been nice meeting you, Zek. I hope you enjoy your time on Poseidon Station."

She stopped and turned to Bri. "I'll talk to you later." Then she picked up the empty mulch sacks, waved to the others, and left.

"I should go, too. I've got some volunteers coming to help with the butterfly exhibit." She smiled at Zek. "Let me know when you're free tomorrow and we'll have lunch."

"I'm as free as a bird. Let's call it 1230, if that is alright by you?"

Brianthe nodded. "That'll be fine. See you tomorrow." She took one more look around and headed off to her next project.

A Post by:

Lieutenant Jayak Zek
Chief Counselor
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Commander Ellery Rosa
Chief Science Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca
Poseidon Station



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