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Posted on 08/29/2016 @ 7:55am by Captain Cornelius Harrington

Hay Deep Spacers,

I have been busy at work this morning going over points, and reviewing posting logs; and well I found a few errors. So I have made a few changes that are listed below. Nothing serious, but I like to keep everyone informed "just in case."

Post Count Totals (link:

I realized today, as I was updating this, that I made a serious error when calculating everyone’s "starting" points. Some players were started at a higher level (higher) then others. This was a genuine error, and if anyone noticed I do apologize. As this was my mistake and not yours, I didn’t feel right in dropping player points… So… I have corrected the numbers to make everything balance out in the wash. If your starting points were calculated wrong, you will notice a “slight” increase in your points to balance it out against the players who were started at a higher level. Those who don’t see an increase, well your starting points were already inflated to start with so, no extra points for you. And dear lord I hope that makes sense.

To help you understand when I player joins the game I automatically give them the points from their current rank. So if a Lieutenant joins, they start with the points for a Lieutenant/Captain which is 450. When I started this excel document several player points were given from the next lowest rank, so in this example a Lieutenant JG, which is only 150. I am not sure if that helps explain, or makes it more confusing. But either way if you noticed a change in your points it is due to the frank I messed up.

Inactivity Policies (link:

The Inactivity Policies has been edited in hopes of making them less confusing. Nothing major was changed or edited; just some wording to make it more clear.

General Guidelines (link:

There really wasn’t a "quote" change, it was more re-wording and removing repetitive material. I found several items that were duplicated and confusing so this page was rework.

Like I said nothing too major, but as players you have a right to know of any changes, so here they are. As always if you have any questions please feel free to email me and I will be happy to discuss them with you.



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