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Bitter Sweet

Posted on 02/12/2022 @ 11:38am by Lieutenant Kaylee Serra & Captain Cornelius Harrington

1,505 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Location: Harrington's Office
Timeline: Before Mirror Universe Story

It was time, Kaylee had put this off way too long. She hadn't checked in with her adopted brother for quite some time. And this wasn't going to be fun. With a heavy heart, she contacted Neil, "Hey big brother, is there a place where I can meet and talk with you?" there would be something in Kaylee's voice a note of sadness there.

Neil had an idea already of what was going to take place, during this conversation. Liam had already been assigned to another ship and it didn't take a genius to figure out that Kaylee wanted to be with her husband, after all no one wanted to be alone. He tapped his comm badge, "got some free time now, head up to my office," he stated.

Kaylee arrived and stepped inside, her mind flashing back from when she was last here. Seemed so long ago. "Hey, how are you doing?" not having any sort of happy greeting like she was most often known for, her normal perky upbeat attitude definitely on a more subdued level, very subdued.

"One could say I could be better," he replied, "I guess it's all a matter of perspective. Now, I am position you didn't come here to discuss my life." He folded his arms, "when do you leave and where are you going?" He wasn't a stupid man. One being the Commanding Officer, he had already seen the transfer request, and two given that Liam had left Neil knew it wasn't long before Kaylee followed.

He looked at her, "and don't act shocked it wasn't hard to figure this out."

Kaylee laughed, "I never thought you to be slow at all, I am not planning on leaving until the investigation of Hiro is done. I can't leave him, not with what is going on. Liam left, and he understood when I told him I'd be staying until this was done." she gave out a puff of air, one denoting some frustrations. "I feel so.. inept."

Neil didn't want to sound cold, or heartless, but he'd been there before. He thought back to the days when Kenzie was arrested for the murder of her ex. He knew in his heart that no matter how much he wanted to get involved, he couldn't. He had to let this play out, getting in the way would only harm Hiro. "I am glad to hear that you will be helping settle this, our Operations Chief needs it. And don't give up, no one is inept here."

"I don't intend to give up, just when you have a friend who is accused of horrible things, and you know that they are not like that. And you find yourself in an awful position..." she stopped and looked at Neil realizing something. "You know, I am preaching to the choir. You are in the same position that I am finding myself in. And here I am, feeling very sorry for myself." giving a bit of a smirk.

"Comes with the territory," he replied, "enough things have happened in life that I tend to not let things get to me. That doesn't mean they don't however. I have found that when I allow things to get to me, my reaction tends to cause more trouble. I have learned, the hard way, that sometimes I am my own worst enemy. A fact I think my wife," he didn't realize mentally he'd used that word, "would like me to relearn I think."

"Adira! How is she doing? I've not seen her since that explosion at the Elysian Dreams. And she came to help. Is she and the kids doing well?" For being in security there are details that Kaylee hadn't paid attention to. She didn't know about the divorce between Neil and Adira, she had a blind spot where that was concerned. "Gosh, I've not gone and thrown any axes with her since we last did. She's really good at it, very good." Giving a nod.

Neil looked at her for a second, "you clearly are behind dear Kaylee. We are not exactly living together, or really speaking for the time being. Things went very sideways after our return to Earth. As a Counselor might say, we are working through things. Everyone else is doing as fine as we can, I suppose."

Kaylee looked at Neil. "Okay well remember what I told you, I don't pay too much attention to gossip... Okay so, you and Adira are not together. But you called her your wife. Okay so I am a little bit blind when it comes to gossip, well when it comes to the people whom I love and care about. " she shrugged her shoulders.

"Aren't we all," he nodded, "I suppose in some ways, even if we are divorced, or not talking, or whatever you wanna call it she's still my wife. We just have a lot of things we need to work out." He looked at her, "most of the gossip has hints of truth if you can find it."

"I am selective on the gossip, and I know that there is truth in gossip as well. I just really thought that you two were married. And you are still married in your heart, that is my own opinion." Kaylee remarked with a smile.

"Time will tell," Neil stated, "so you and Liam," he asked, "what's the plan?" It was a not-so-subtle attempt to change the topic.

Kaylee was willing to change the subject as she felt Neil's emotional level. "The plan is this, Liam had gone ahead to his new post. I will be here until the investigation is over then, I am leaving to join up with Liam. I will be transferred to another station, and it seems that Liam will be head of starting of a colony on the planet below SB21. I am excited about that. And looking forward to experiencing the thrill of exploration. And I am planning on starting a family with Liam, when the time is right. I will be missing you, and I do plan on writing to you, or well, doing some video chats. That is if you are willing. I still count you as a brother, even if I've only been here for a short time."

"Absolutely," Neil replied, "anytime, you just let the staff know that you have special access," he smiled. He was tired of seeing his family and friends leave, but that was a part of the job he learned a long time ago.

Kaylee rose from her chair and walked over to where Neil was at, and embraced him. "I am sorry, I really am." she wiped a tear away. "I will let the staff know. This just sucks but, when life calls a person away they have to leave."

Neil returned the hug as he brushed a tear from her cheek, "this is a good move and for a good reason."

Kaylee nodded, then placed a kiss on the top of Neil's head. "I had better get back to work. Time likes to fly by before you know it. And thanks Neil, I don't know if you realize this but you helped me a lot. By just being yourself. A kind, and loving man."

Neil blushed, "thank you, you've been a good friend and I truly wish you and Liam all the best. Please give Liam our love, he left in such a hurry we didn't get to say our goodbyes."

"I certainly will do so." Kaylee cast another glance about the room as if to commit it to her memory, then her eyes focused on Neil. "This maybe the last time I'll be here in this office. So it has definitely been a pleasure, don't forget to get in touch with your mother. I will be expecting to hear from you to let me know if you have." giving a wink. "Yes I am still going to poke at you about that." giving a light laugh.

"We spoke over a comm channel, for a bit," Neil admitted, "it wasn't anything in-depth or meaningful but it was a start. And Kaylee," he paused, "thank you." He wasn't referring to the meeting tonight, or their friendship. He was referring to their meeting on the transport on his way back from Earth. If Kaylee hadn't have been so stubborn back then he wouldn't have found this friend, in a gold uniform.

A gentle smile came to view, Kaylee catching Neil's emotions. "You are welcome, very welcome indeed." one more embrace and Kaylee was out the door almost in a flash. Saying adieu was just so hard, and she didn't want to make it linger any longer. A step out to where she saw operations, and gave a slight smile. It was here she conquered her fear, she took one last look at the door to Neil's office then turned and walked away.


Captain Cornelius "Neil" Harrington
Commanding Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Kaylee Serra-Reynolds
Former Assistant Chief of Security
Poseidon Station


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