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Reporting For First Duty Assignment-"Beist"

Posted on 12/28/2014 @ 4:11am by
Edited on on 12/30/2014 @ 9:09am

559 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Ready Set Go ..
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: 239112.27
Tags: Captain Harrington

Campbell had been standing at attention, and had rendered a proper Marine style salute. Beast was by his side, and stood straight as an' arrow. Campbell's whole military demeanor ended up in a quandary, when he thought he heard the Captain say,:

"What is that. That is no dog."

Though, Campbell's military demeanor was somewhat taken aback by the question, he had to chuckle inwardly, but quietly, and replied,:

"Thiggin (begging) the Captain's privilege, yer richt. It is a Romulan beist, fan (found) in the wilds oan the planet Remus, or Ch'rivan. The Romulans hae nae other description fur it nor (than) beist. It is forordinar (usually) hunted fur its whyte pelt, and incisor fangs, mair precious nor ivory. The flesh is left til floust (rot), or be carrion fuid fur the predators. If it be surviving yer looking fur, in the harsh winter environment, it is best til be saving the flesh fur protein. But, min' ye it is teuch (tough) as leather til chew, an' mair difeecult til ryve (tear) a dod (chunk) aff.

Fin (When) Ah wur a yung lad o' a prince, ma faither brocht it hame fur me frae a hunting trip wie sum Romulan warrior Centuran. Ma father was Chieftain Gregory Kartardin Campbell o' the Raen (Raven) Clan. The pup wur mair dee'd nor alive, an' Ah wur tauld the mammie wur fan (found) in tis condition Ah mentioned afore. The pup wur the sole survivor fan in a nearby hidden den. Ma faither, gae it til ma til techt ma a lesson aboot learning responsibility. Beist hae chuist (chosen) me til be its master, and has followed me ever since.

Aiven intae the Alpha Centauran Marines. Beist hae been adopted by the 95th Marines, an' spylt (spoiled) fousten (rotten) til the main (man). Fin (When) Ah comed til the Obsidian Marine Academy, Beist came wie ma, an' ye guessed it, became anither mascot. Fin Ah wur assigned til the 42nd Regiment, The Black Watch Battalion, fiel (well) Beist became the mascot. Ah believe it is weird (fate) whaur tis ainimal goes, he always wins o'er the hearts o' the Marines; Ah hae served wie.

Beist aiven (even) hae been gien the rank o' Sergeant, an' awarded thae dem (those) Sgt. Pips, an' that's why thair oan his dress coat, alang wie the ane medal oan the richt, he wur awarded fur dragging a wundit Marine, unner heavy fire to safety. The other medal oan the left is fur his heroic feat o' gaun fur men, an' supplies, mainly men, an' ammo thro' we wur cutty (short) oan fest. He wur wundit bringing back reinforcements til relieve uz frae certain daith. Fin Ah joined the Obsidian Fleet, the rank wur allowed til cum wie him fur his bravery wie the 95th Alpha Centauran Marines.

Fiel Ah hae spoken til much oan the subject Captain. Forby (Besides), Beist wants to meet you, like a guid Marine, an' Ah hae orders, an' a roster o' temporary Battalion Commanders, those Noncoms, & thair personnel records fur yer review, an' a few other needs til discuss with ye."

After a brief few seconds to get back into the proper train of mind, Campbell said,:

"Beist, gae greet the Captain."

Beast went around the desk, and sat down in front of Captain Harrington, and extended his paw.



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