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Opening the Cage Door

Posted on 04/11/2022 @ 10:05pm by Lieutenant Commander Rachel Malbrooke & Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn & Lieutenant Hiro Yoshida & Lieutenant Kaylee Serra

2,780 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Security
Timeline: MD002 - 1700- 01/04/ 2397

Kaylee had handed over the investigation to Isabelle to prove Hiro innocent of what he's been accused of. And it was something she couldn't be a part of. However she needed to talk with him, especially after that visit from the DTI person, whatever his name was. She stepped into the holding area where Hiro was, and pulled up a chair so they could talk.

"Hello Hiro, how are you doing, and I do have to apologize for not seeing you earlier. Its been a bit busy here." Kaylee sat down. "Is there anything I can get for you?"

The Asian man looked sideways. He'd been lying on the one bunk bed the brig provided. It wasn't really comfortable. Maybe that had been the whole idea when designing the holding cell. "Kaylee." He sat up straight and faced her. "Perhaps a cunning plan to get me out of here. That would be nice."

"I am hoping I can come up with one. I do have who I consider one of the best investigators on the case you are accused of." Kaylee speaking in a low voice so that only he could hear. "Isabelle Mattix. Also there had been some interesting happenings since you have been in here. Once again Elysian Dreams was under a little bit of an attack. Someone tried to steal the Dabo Table from there, when it was closed. There was a bit of a shoot out there. And a couple of people got injured." Kaylee leaving out that she was one of those that was injured.

"Who wants to steal a Dabo table? I don't understand that." Hiro said with a questioning look on his face. "And why the Elysium Dreams...again?"

Kaylee shook her head "I have no idea why that is, that is a mystery at this time. I do have something to tell you though we have a new Chief of Security and his name is Lieutenant K'doc Valadorn. And he is wanting to come speak with you in fact." she looked back over her shoulder. "And here he is, just don't let his size scare you."

Then she said. "Lieutenant Valadorn, please come on in."

K'doc came in from around the corner and into full view of Hiro and grabbed himself a sturdy stool to sit upon. "Hello lieutenant Yoshida, From what I'm hearing from my people, they believe your innocent. Would you be willing to tell me what happened? Or would you prefer your JAG council to be present first? Your choice either way, I just want to get to the truth and resolve this matter." the stool creaked as the large klingon sat down his over two meter tall frame.

Hiro looked at the big Klingon and thought for a second. "Not that I don't trust you, Lieutenant, but in this situation I would prefer my JAG counsel to be present."

" As you wish. " He studied Hiro for several long seconds. " Lieutenant I have no problem waiting for for your council to arrive. This investigation will be kept above board at all times. However I do have a question you CAN answer prior to council showing up. Who do you think is giong to win the grav ball tournament this year? I think the Thunderhawks have a very good chance of clinching the trophy this year."

"Eh..Lieutenant? I don't really follow grav ball." Hiro eyed Kaylee in between talking to Valadorn. He had not expect this coming from a Klingon. "But if you think it will be the Thunderhawks this year, then I guess I'll go with them as well."

Kaylee had a bit of a smile, then she stated, "Let me get in touch with Commander Malbrooke and she can be here quick enough. However I am also finding this conversation rather interesting."

She sent a message to Rachel, Commander Malbrooke would you come down to holding please, our new Chief of Security would like to talk with Lieutenant Hiro Yoshida, but he would also like you to be present."

"While we are waiting, would you like me to get you something? Like a meal?" Kaylee matching Hiro's gaze.

" So, not a sports fan then huh? So tell me a little about yourself then, I like knowing a bit about the people I'm going to be working with. That and make sure anything you say doesn't even come close to anything pertaining to the current case. My attempt to get you to speak about sports was to make you feel relaxed and talk about something other then your current situation. I understand that humans do such during times of stress. "

Rachel had been on cloud nine since her date with Tom. So much so that her mind wandered a lot more than normal. So when desktop computer chirped with a message from Kaylee it brought her to the present. She acknowledged the message and grabbed a PADD to take notes if needed. After leaving word with Talia where she would be Rachel headed to the Brig and the holding cells within.

About five minutes later she arrived with a smile on her face. "Lieutenant Yoshida, glad to see that you are in good spirits. We still have not been assigned a trial date, but I am working on that angle. Lieutenant Reynolds glad to see you again. Who is the tall dark and Klingon?" She said with a smirk and a finger motion toward K'Doc.

K'doc stood from his seat and nodded to the new comer. " I am Lieutenant K'doc Valadorn, I am the new Chief Security Tactical Officer for the station and I arrived just today. Kaylee tells me she knows your client quite well and she believes that he is innocent, and if he is I want his sorry butt out of my cell so that he can get back to work. I came down here to listen to his side of the story, That and I don't like a back log of cases. Now may we proceed ? "

My sorry butt? Yeah, of course, a typical Klingon response. Hiro couldn't help himself thinking that. "Aside from the colorful language Lieutenant Valadorn used, I wholeheartedly agree. I've been sitting here for a while now and I'm none the wiser as to why I am here."

"Now that your council is here, Tell me what happened on that night that started at the night club to the time leading up to your arrest. But for me to do my job I need all of the facts . If I am able to cast doubt on these charges you'll be acquitted, However if the evidence finds you guilty you'll most likely be dishonorably discharged and spend twenty years in a penal colony. The better the evidence I have, the better your chances. " Stated K'doc in a very matter of fact tone.

Rachel shook the Klingon's hand and took a seat. Before Hiro could answer she interjected. "I reserve the right as his council to end this interview at any moment. Hiro if you do not want to answer any question that is your right and all you have to do is say so."

" I agree to that, it is within your rights to do so. " Stated K'doc. " The more information I have the better we can investigate this case and resolve it that much quicker. You may begin your testimony statement at any time Lieutenant Yoshida. " As K'doc folded his arms and waited.

"That night at the night club..." Hiro started. He wasn't feeling as nearly as embarrassed talking about it as before. The visit to Elysium Dreams had been a different experience that he had expected it to be. "Quite a lot of Officers had been gathered there for the stag party of Lieutenant Colonel Jack Patton. It all went well and we enjoyed our stay there. That is, until we had dinner. Then all hell broke loose. There was an explosion. I found myself thrown off my chair and on the ground. I must have been thrown 5 or more meters away. I still can't remember everything that happened directly after that."

Hiro stopped talking for a short while and looked at K'Doc, Rachel and Kaylee, in that order. "It was only a few days later when I met Commander Cara Letsul at Holodeck two. Though at that time she was not yet Poseidon's Operations Commander. We were about to enjoy a Holodeck adventure together when Lieutenant Serra-Reynolds came in. She told me I had to come with her to Security. I believe the rest you already know."

K'doc sat for a few moments. " Lieutenant I want you to close yuor eyes for a minute and focus inward. At the time of the explosion, who was with or near you. Do you recall seeing anyone or anything that may have looked out of place? Was there anything unusual? Something that didn't look right, or feel right in your mind. Was there something that smelled off? Do you remember anyone that was working that night? " He spoke softly as he asked the questions. " Focus. There may be something at the edge of your memory that only you can answer. "

Rachel took a seat and leaned to her side while she listened. She was not sure where the Klingon planned to take this interview. However, he had not asked any leading questions and Hiro was not about to incriminate himself. She also noticed that K'Doc made no attempt to trap Hiro into confessing. Seeing all this happening she was quite curious to see where this would go.

Kaylee gave out a slight huff, then spoke. "The charges that were brought up against Lieutenant Yoshida was this. The illegal use of an explosive device resulting in injury or death, destruction of Federation property, destruction of private property, improper use of a Starfleet computer system, murder, and conspiracy to commit murder."

She looked at Hiro, then to Rachel and K'doc. "While we were discussing what was going on, Ensign Portillo had traced the trail to Lieutenant Yoshida's computer. Lieutenant Isabelle Mattix is currently on that case just to make certain all is done in a proper fashion. I had to step away from the investigation as I was too close to it."

K'doc looked to Kaylee. " Lieutenant, I know what the prosecution says, I've read that part of the report. My concern is finding the truth, And I want to hear Lieutenant Yoshida's side of the story, all of it. The focusing exercise I am trying to get him to do is used by the 132nd ground assault unit . It helps focus the mind and gives better results for intelligence debriefings and mission reports. Something is not adding up and I want to know what it is. "

" Now Lieutenant Yoshida, shall we continue? Focus on the night at the club......."

Rachel knew that an interrogation like this was in fact a two way street. That is to say whatever may be uncovered can be used by either the prosecution or the defense. If this new Security Chief had a new possible suspect then she would hear about it. She began to take notes of her own on her PADD.

Hiro closed his eyes and first focused on his breathing. Meditation was not new to him, so he used the techniques he knew to calm himself and come in a meditative state. In his mind he tried to rewind to the time when the stag party took place. He could remember most what happened, except during and after the explosion. Though bits and pieces did come through. "I remember a staff member was ill..." he said softly.

K'doc sat and listened to Hiro as he spoke and took noes on his PADD, and every so often interject a question here and there. " Was there anything that looked out of place or someone you were surprised to see there? " As he continued to listen until Hiro had finished his testimony.

K'doc turned his attention from his PADD to Hiro. " Lieutenant I want to thank you for your co operation in this matter and We'll work swiftly and tirelessly until this case is resolved. I would also like to apologize for my predecessor's actions, it seems he found you guilty after a rushed investigation in which he couldn't bother to do his job right. " He turned to Rachel. " I will give this information to my lead investigator and she will compare it to what we already have, If we turn up anything new we will inform you of the results of the investigation. I hope you found this session to your approval? "

"Very much so Lieutenant. But I wondered, if I may can I ask you a question. Do you have any ideas for another suspect?" Rachel very much enjoyed this new Security Chief and she could tell that she would enjoy working with him as both defense and prosecution when the time warranted.

" Commander it is premature for me to say at this time, I do not want to falsely implicate anyone during this investigation. If there is a new suspect that is supported by evidence then I shall inform you of it, but I believe we still have missing pieces to our puzzle that must be uncovered if we are to find the truth of the matter. Don't you agree? "

"I would absolutely agree. As the ranking investigator I would like your permission to have Hiro released from the brig. He can be monitored, as he would be out on his own recognizance as we continue this investigation. I see no reason for him to remain in the Brig. Do you?" Rachel saw an opportunity to get her client at lease some comfort so she took it.

" Of course he'll be monitored, Otherwise he doesn't get out. " Said K'doc. " That and it will provide him an alibi of further suspicion in this case, provided he stays away from the investigation and those involved. If he doesn't it could be damming for your client and could hurt your case. K'doc looked Rachel directly in her eye and grinned. " We just happen to have a hypo with nanite trackers, they'll die after seven days and he'll be brought back in for the next round before they expire or the case is resolved. If you can agree to this he'll be out in thirty seconds, if not I'll bring him a house warming gift. Ferns are easy to take care of I hear. "

"Sir, let me suggest something that would be more feasible. Since we are dealing with nanite troubles at this time, I suggest that a subdermal tracking device, non nanite, would suffice. I would rather if it were me, have that done instead." Kaylee giving a slight shiver at what K'doc had suggested. It just felt so wrong to her. "However we do need to see if Hiro is willing for this to happen." looking at her friend.

K'doc nodded. " Objection noted Kaylee. But I will leave the choice to Lieutenant Yoshida. I don't know how long it will take for medical to arrive. Your call Lieutenant, I believe you will act with honor and I will trust you on this matter, so don't disappoint me. " He growled.

"That is a lot better, thank you Kaylee. Well what do you think Hiro? We can have you out of there right now if you agree." Rachel said with a smile as she turned toward Hiro.

Hiro was overcome with the possibility of getting out of the brig, words couldn't be formed so he nodded, then was able to say "Yes I agree."

Kaylee smiled and it did her heart good to hear that. "Yes the cage door is opened, and Hiro will be much better and more comfortable not being here anymore. " She turned to K'doc. "You have your answer, let's get him out of here."

K'doc turned and motioned to the watch officer sitting at the control panel. " Open cell number four and release the prisoner on my authority, that and let's get a maintenance team in here to check the unit and service it. " He turned to Hiro. " There's the door, your free to leave with your counsel. Just remember to stay away from the investigation and anywhere they'd be working. "

With a nod Hiro was free.

Rachel turned and began to escort Hiro to his quarters. She smiled like a cat who swallowed a canary. She rather like seeing justice done.

Lieutenant K'doc Valadorn
Chief Security Tactical Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Hiro Yoshida
Semi Free Man

Lieutenant Kaylee Serra-Reynolds

Lieutenant Commander Rachel Malbrooke
JAG Officer
Poseidon Station


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