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Clandestine Meetings

Posted on 09/01/2022 @ 8:46pm by Captain Cara Letsul & Commander Tatiana Dragos & Rear Admiral Thomas Rice

2,771 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Small Cafe
Timeline: MD 4 2200


Tatiana stared at the view screen, just finishing up a call with her contact. She had a bit of a furrowed brow as she pondered over the information she had been given. "I've got to get this information to the lead officer on this station. I'll catch you later, Rashad." giving a bit of a smile, the crease in her brow smoothing out.

Tatiana rose from her seat in the temporary quarters that she was in, smoothing back the golden blonde locks from her face. She knew who the person that was over this sector of the Gamma Quadrant, Commodore Thomas Rice. Well, make that knew of, she'd not met him before. Well not yet anyway, tonight that will be changing. Tatiana wandered over to her closet and took a look at what she had there to dress in. Pulling out two dresses, she looked them over and smiled, making a decision.

In a matter of minutes, Tatiana was ready, and she took a look at herself in a mirror and gave a nod. She was dressed in a sleeveless black dress, which hit just above her knees, her hair caught back with dark red silk rose hair clip. She wore a gold charm bracelet around her left wrist. Upon her feet, Tatiana put on one-inch heeled red sandals to add to the color, she held a small red purse that had a thin shoulder strap. Tatiana wore hardly any makeup, just enough to enhance her natural beauty. Liking what she saw, Tatiana left her quarters and headed for somewhere.

A message was sent to Commodore Rice; it read, Commodore, it is very important that you and I meet. I am in a small cafe' that looks out over the planet Aquil. Please come alone. You will see a blonde woman with a red silk flower in her hair and carrying a small red purse, seated at a small table. That will be me. My name is Tatiana Dragos. Please do not ignore this."

Tom had seen the message on his padd as he had been traveling the station. To be honest, he had been tempted to send it to the trash. He didn't have time for these cloak and dagger-style clandestine meetings. He read it again and sighed. "Why do I even bother," he looked up at the row of shops in front of him as he tucked the padd under his arm. Tapping his comm badge, "Ensign, put me on lunch for the next hour."

He knew the cafe in question, and he was only a few shops away. "Remind me, when this doesn't work out, why I don't answer calls like this." He spoke to no one in particular.

"Huh?" a confused voice came from behind him.

"Never mind," Tom realized he wasn't exactly alone.

Stepping into the cafe, "one large white mocha with caramel," he ordered as he scanned the crowd looking for his guest.

More people came in while Tatiana waited; she had to tell several men who came to chat she wasn't interested. She finally stood up to see if she could spot the man she was waiting for. There he was, and it looked like he was looking for her. Tatiana stood there for a moment taking in the man he was; just that aura about him definitely commanded, no demanded, her attention. And it made her heart skip a beat. Finally, she waved at Tom with her left hand, the charm bracelet she wore catching the light and sparkling as the small charms moved.

Tatiana was feeling somewhat breathless as she felt like she had been set up on a blind date and the date was more than what she expected. She left her purse along with her hot chocolate upon the table and met Tom half way. Linking her arm with his free one and walking back to the table. "Glad you were able to join me." giving a brilliant smile and giving a pointed look at the men who had come to engage her in conversation before Tom arrived.

Tom pulled free, "Ma'am," he looked at her, "I am afraid I am not here to play a game, nor am I here for a pleasure trip. You hinted at a reason for this visit, and I am here to see what this is about. Nothing more."

Tatiana chuckled, "Okay what woman soured your milk. Bring your coffee and let's walk, as there are way too many ears right now." Tatiana's smile slipped away and, she scooped up her purse and grabbed her own drink. She left the table and walked towards another area away from prying ears, once sufficiently away, she paused to where there was another view, of the planet below.

"Okay Commodore Rice, I am Commander Tatiana Dragos, Star Fleet Intelligence, and I've got information about a planned Breen attack on this station. There you go, pure plain and simple. And now that I have given you that information, the rest is on this data crystal." pulling out said crystal and handed it to Rice.

"Too bad I won't have a chance to get to know you but oh well, all a part of the job. I am glad I got to meet you, if only for a brief moment." Tatiana reached out to shake Tom's hand. "If you need me, just give me a call."

Tatiana had every intention of just walking away but she paused and looked at Rice, "You know, I can work with you on this looming Breen Attack, so, perhaps I won't leave just like I first intended on doing such. You are going to need all the help you can get where this is concerned. Are you up for that? And I can be nice and not stay in this distracting outfit and change into something a bit more non-distracting." a brief smirk then it changed to that of a teasing, charming smile. "C'mon roll the dice, let's work together for the safety of this station and also the planet below." quirking up an light brown eyebrow.

"Something says I might regret this, Commander," he palmed the data crystal in his hand, "but if any of this is true then we will need all the help we can get. Most of our Senior Staff is out on an emergency assignment so we are a bit short-staffed at the moment."

Tatiana gave out an unladylike snort. "Contrary to how I am dressed, I don't give out false information. Let's go, and I am here to give help, I will have to stop at my temporary quarters to get changed first, so meet you at your briefing room?" She wasn't going to assume the Commodore would wait for her while she changed.

Commodore's Briefing Room

Tatiana was clad in a black long-sleeved shirt, black tactical pants, and black combat boots with her commbadge attached to her shirt. Her hair was pulled back in a simple loose ponytail.

"Shall we get to business?" She commented to the Commodore. Gone was her flirtatious ways; this was official Starfleet business, and it was time to get to work.

Tom looked from the holographic display in his office, "Commander," he had to admit he took a bit of a double take. Gone was the lady from his clandestine meeting, now an actual Officer. "Commander Dragos," he nodded, "just reviewing the information you provided from the data crystal. I'm not going to ask how you came about this information. But, I will say this is not good."

He tapped his comm badge, "Lieutenant Ral," he spoke, "have every ship in the sector put on yellow alert. Contact all the ships currently docked here at the station, recall their crews, and prep for eminent deployment."

Tom looked over to the Intel Officer, "our station has been the target of several Breen attacks as of late. We've never been able to," he paused as a Yeoman approached with a padd." Tom glanced down at the padd, "tell the Artemis that their supplies are pending, at the moment they are being called into service here at the station. Inform Captain Kidd that Lieutenant Ral will be contacting him shortly."

He looked at his guest, "your information seems to shine some lite on these Breen attacks."

"They are testing the waters, Sir. And remember, from different accounts, they are a mercenary sort of people too. And they are not above making their own little dens to make themselves available. Just need to find the dens to take them down. It will probably take a bit of doing in order to do so. I digress, though, I felt important to bring in the data to you, but perhaps we should also pull in Commander Aer Feshau, especially since she is your Chief of Intelligence on this station. Right now, the station's defense is paramount to keep the citizens safe."

He nodded, looking over to a nearby Officer as if to mentally tell them to contact the Commander. "The Breen have been after something or someone on this station for some time. The explosions, the killing of Doctor Salar, and the stealing of his nano-tech, not to mention all the increased traffic in the sector. Most of our Senior Staff may be gone, but I will be damned if I allow this station to get attacked again."

He tapped his comm badge, "Cara," he paused, "Commander Letsul, please join me in my office." He looked to his guest, "she is the resident Officer in charge; she needs to be read in."

Tatiana nodded, her eyebrow raised at him saying Commander Letsul's first name. She put that to the back of her mind, and heard the Commander's sleep filled voice, answer, "Right away, Commodore."

In a matter of minutes Cara arrived, her hair pulled back into a single ponytail. She adjusted her uniform as she entered Tom's office. She paused for a moment noting his guest. Covering a yawn, she caught the essence of worry which woke her up more. "What is going on?"

"I'll break it down, simply put, Star Fleet Intell has reason to believe that these Breen attacks are part of a larger plan," he didn't bother explaining the information on the screen. If Cara had questions the data was right there in front of her. "If their information is correct, a rather large contingent of Breen attack vessels are headed this way. No doubt they were able to determine that most of our Senior Staff are gone."

"I wish I had good news, but this is serious, Cara," he didn't bother with formalities, "we are going to need everyone. I don't care about shifts, schedules, or red tape. Gather whoever you can, pull them from the embassies," he paused, "loop in Commander Mattix if needed."

"This is serious, Cara," he looked at her, "if this data is correct, the Breen fleet will be at our door in sixteen hours."

Cara stiffened when she heard the news, glanced over towards the woman with them, not getting a falsehood from her. Giving a nod, "I'll rally the troops, hopefully sixteen hours will give us enough time. I'll even call on civilian ships who have the capability to fight." Cara stated. "I think this calls for red alert?" she directed that question to Tom as he was head of the whole area. The final decision was his.

"Computer red alert, silent alarm; there is no point listening to that alarm for the next sixteen hours," he looked at Cara. "Loop in Commander Fleming; I want her working on moving some of our civilian population to the embassy on the planet for their safety," Tom wasn't about to let this be another failed mission, this time, he would plan ahead and be ready.

"We will meet up in a bit and discuss plans.

Tatiana looked at both Cara and Tom, "I'll be helping as well, coordinating with others of your staff, this isn't my first rodeo." she remarked.

Cara remarked. "At this time, we are going to be needing all the help we can get." her curiosity was piqued in the matter of this mystery woman, Cara picked up from her as having a bit of interest in Tom.

"Then we have a plan," Tom looked at the group, "sort of. Let's meet once Lieutenant Ral can get some more data."

"Just let me know when you need me, all you need is just a tap on your communicator, and I'll answer," Tatiana replied. "And on that note, I'll take my leave and start coordinating things on the station." she paused and looked at Cara and Tom, "That is, if you don't mind my doing so, don't want to step on too many toes just in case I can join the team here on the station. In some capacity."

"That can be discussed at a later time, don't you think, Commodore?" Cara queried Tom.

Tom nodded, "Baby steps, Commander, this is Harrington's command. Let's try to get through this Breen attack first, then the station's needs can be discussed afterward."

Tatiana gave a nod, he was right, this was Captain Harrington's command when he returned from who knows where.

"I'll take my leave then." giving a brief nod, Tatiana turned and left, leaving Cara and Tom alone.

Cara watched as the pretty blonde disappeared from view, then turned her attention back to Tom. "Looks like its time to get down to business." Then Cara winced as she felt a headache coming on, "I've got some trouble brewing. All these people needing to be sent down to the planet Aquil, Harrington's kids and the Pineda's. " Cara was imagining the fuss that Marcella will put up, then she stopped herself.

"What the heck am I doing? Can't worry about something that hasn't happened. Its just dig down and get things done." giving a laugh and slight shrug. She walked over to where Tom was, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We'll get through this I've got faith that we will."

Tom smiled, "don't worry about the kids or Neil's in-law," he added, "I will ensure that they are taken care of. I will get Petty Officer Shields to ensure they have transport." He reached up, placing a hand on her, "Cara," he stopped. The truth was he couldn't guarantee that any of them were going to make it. The station was understaffed. The Senior Staff wasn't there, and they were lacking severe firepower.

He let go of her hand, "I worry faith isn't going to be enough, but it will have to do."

He couldn't deny their chemistry, there was a spark there. If this truly was the last time they were going to see each other, then he couldn't wait. He placed his hand under her chin, lost in the moment he lifted her head and kissed her. He didn't care who saw it. "But, if you have enough faith, then I guess I will too," he spoke in a whisper, their lips almost touching still.

Cara felt gratitude as to what Tom said about having Petty Officer Shields take care of Harrington's kids and in-laws; she smiled softly at Tom placing his hand upon hers; she derived comfort from that. His following action took Cara completely by surprise, she had felt his emotions, which were rather strong, it swirling about her; she didn't resist Tom's kiss; she enjoyed it. When he pulled away to a mere fraction of space between their lips, Cara felt like moving in for another kiss of her own, it would be so easy to do so.

Cara caught the worry of others, with the upcoming battle with the Breen, it made her pause and she furthered the distance of her lips from his, a gentle caress to his cheek, and she took two steps away from Tom. "I'll see you later." giving him a flash of a smile before her face turned serious. There was a job for her to do, pivoting around Cara headed towards the door which led out of the Commodore's ready room.

Tom couldn't allow himself to get completely lost in the moment, it was brief but essential. For now, he had to focus on the task at hand. Keeping all these people alive. This was going to be an enormous task. He briefly touched his finger to his lips as the sensation lingered for a moment. He smiled, before turning back to his computer.

Commander Cara Letsul
Poseidon Operations Commander
Chief Counselor


Commander Tatiana Dragos


Commodore Tom Rice
Sector Commander


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