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Poke The Breen

Posted on 01/08/2023 @ 1:25pm by Field Marshall (High General) Vikas Ageas & Captain Cara Letsul

2,080 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Bridge, EExD Lucani
Timeline: During the Breen Battle

"General Ageas, the station has closed their channel." came a report from the comms officer.

Vikas smirked, "Guess it is time for the fun to begin." he said clapping his hands with enthusiasm. He had a reputation of loving a good fight and even now at nearly 1,000 years old he still never backed away from what got his blood pumping. "On you Theodas."

Theodas nodded. "Tactical, target the Ved Karm classes. I feel the Klingons will want to go for the big one. We can join in if they need it."

"Aye Captain." Was Ololee's response, bringing the weapons to bear on "lets blast them to space dust."

"Helm, you've been doing this long enough. You know what to do, don't let us get hit and if you do then we get to throw things at you." Theodas grinned. He shared a similar personality to Ageas.

"Aye Captain." the answer came from the pilot.

"Good man." Theodas tapped his wristband. "Engineering, if you can keep our girl from falling apart a little longer the General would appreciate it. He's given authorisation for the use of the energy reserves if we need it."

“Nothing on this ship is going to fall apart, Commandant,” Dethem said firmly. Although very sensitive to the humming of the ship’s engines, she was pretty much tone-deaf when it came to irony and humor. Besides, their engines and systems were in peak condition, and she was confident that the Breen would only represent a little footnote in their career. “We have enough backup systems to prevent this sort of humiliation.” Looking around her, she saw officers poised at their station. She had observed the same attitude before; the lull before a mighty storm... "But those systems, they are voracious. So, it's just as well I'll be able to use all the energy we've got."

Rising from his chair Vikas was still rubbing his hands together. "LT. Tyrik take us closer to the Ved Karm cruisers. I want a challenge today, let's hope they give us one." he said as he stood just offset beside his chair. The chair began to descend into the ground and a standing console rose in its place.

Vikas logged in, this feature let him see the entirety of the battle ahead and this technology was almost as old as him. Sadly, it had not been replicated into the smaller classes of Kaitos built ships, but time was always on their side. As the console lit up it seemed to creep onto his hands, his eyes glowed as if receiving information as did the rest of the bridge crew's stations. They too were to be connected in an immersive way.

"Ageas, connected." Came the dulcet tones of the ship's computer.

"Ololee, what's your thoughts? Ready to have some fun?" Vikas asked.

"Yes indeed, we'll rock their world and then some." came the gleeful answer. "Can we cue up some music sir? Something that will be great background to set the mood even more." She responded. It may not seem seemly but Enania loved to have some music, even it was in her mind to go up against enemies.

"As long as it's not what you played last time." Vikas replied. It was a horrible noise that Ololee called music. Normally they'd have some form of soundtrack on, it helped when being in battle. As long as it wasn't too loud to eclipse the orders being spoken then it was fine by Vikas and if it improved battle performance, even better.

The ship rumbled as the first hits from the Breen cruisers hit their shields. "Evasive pattern Ageas 5." Vikas ordered. "Enania, there is a cruiser coming up on our ventral port side." he added as his eyes danced across the holo-visor he wore.

"Not a problem sir!" Enania called out, as she pressed the button to start her music. Over the PA system, on the bridge were the rollicking hard sound of a famous Earth Artist Dolly Parton, and her iconic music and lyrics of 9 to 5.

Enania marked the area where the shots from the Breen ship was coming from and sent off a volley, watching the screen as the torpedos were underway, "Torpedos away." she sang out, watching as the torpedos met their target. "Subject is hit! Son of a gun, damage is negligible, we need to find a soft spot to blow them to smithereens! Retargeting in order find just that."

Vikas arched a brow as he momentarily powered down the holo-display and looked at Enania. "Bold choice, Lieutenant. The Dolly Parton is greatly revered by some." he said with a slow nod.

Sparks flew from one of the consoles as the Dolly Parton sang loud and proud. Vikas held on to a handrail as he momentarily lost his balance. He was scanning the ship for any discrepancies, any power irregularities that could be manipulated for their gain. "Enania, look at their port dorsal quadrant. Do you see the slight variance in their shielding?"

Enania's hands danced over the console, looking looking then gave out a "Aha! Yes I do sir! Reconfiguring. Ready at your command!"

"Lt. Dethem, give me a report on how we're holding up." Vikas asked as the ship took another few hits from both sides from more than one of the Breen attackers.

Dethem lost a few precious seconds listening to the music that transpired behind Vikas’s voice. What an oddly entertaining song that was. Both cheerful and yet primitive... ‘Waitin' for the day your ship'll come in. And the tide's gonna turn an' it's all gonna roll your way...’

“So far so good, High General,” Dethem said, as she consulted a report that a hurried officer had just tossed on her console. “Our weapons, propulsion, and sensors remain optimal. Our shields are at 80%. It looks like the Breen have, so far, been too distracted to find out our shield frequency. The moment they do, though, we’ll be in trouble.”

Vikas let out a large belly laugh. "Nonsense Deldra! The Lucani will never be in trouble!" he yelled as another hit struck their shielding. "Although there was that time in the Advertani Nebula." he chuckled to himself. "Remind me that space Sirens are real." he laughed and smacked down on a console that launched an array of trans-quantum torpedoes at the attacking ships.

Deldra usually found that Vikas’s assurance was contagious, but today, due to her deep seated hatred towards the Breen, she was unusually cautious. As for those ‘Sirens’, sure they had been dangerous. But it wasn’t wise to think of them right now. Especially as she had just noticed a glitch with the surge processors. A repair team rushed to see to them, while another team went to the upper deck to stop a fire.

“All I’m saying, Vikas,” She added, making an effort to put some cheer into her voice, “is that the sooner we blast those Breen to oblivion, the more The Lucani will like it. She is more temperamental than you think.”

"Not any more temperamental that most of the other women in my life!" Vikas replied with a laugh before turning to his tactical officer.

"Enania... I think we can blow that ship up now." he grinned. There was truly nothing he loved more than a good fight. It brought him great joy and it was almost infectious around the bridge. Some say it grew into the legend of the man. That he was fearless, that he would stop at nothing to protect what he had and who he loved. This was no different. The Lucani was as much a member of his family as the bridge crew that had stuck by him for so long.

"Right way!" Enania sending the volley of other torpedos and firing off the phasers. She was wanting the Breen ship to disappear into space dust. The phasers hit the area where the chink in the Breen ship's armor with precision cracking it open and sending a cascading chain reaction and the ship was getting ready to blow, "Sir maneuvering out of the way, as that ship is getting ready to blow up!"

In engineering Deldra let out a sigh of relief. All the systems were prepared for any high-energy manoeuvres needed by the Bridge.

The ship veering starboard at what felt like an unnatural speed and vector. The inertial dampening system working at full power so they don't become splats on the back of the bridge and the engines screaming at them as they gripped to the main body of the ship to stay attached.

Within moments of Enania giving the good news her words became fact. The Breen ship exploded with a firework feel. All the colours, the sparks and it truly was a beautiful sight even it it was accompanied by the death of many.

"Fine work!" Vikas yelled as their ship rumbled. "Next ship!"

"Thank you sir, any requests sir for a song?" Enania called out, as she looked for the next available target, and adjusting as the ship maneuvered its way around, for the next ship. She looked up sharply at something that came on her scans. "Sir, I am picking up more ships that have appeared near the station." giving sharp glance towards Vikas, "And we can't go help them as we've got our own ships to face."

"Rage Against The Ma'Breen!" Vikas said with a wry grin. They were a tribute act with a tribute song to an old Earth band. "Just kidding." he said initiating Don't Stop Me Now by Queen.

"They will have to fend for themselves!" Vikas yelled as the ship rumbled and a console exploded from the rear. "We will try and help them out when we've dealt with these dogs!" he belly laughed.

In main engineering, Deldra cursed under her breath. Something was not quite right with the warp propulsion system. While she readjusted its fluctuations, one of her engineers was sent to sickbay with severe burns - his console had exploded a couple of minutes before. Battles were often exhilarating, but there was always a price to pay.

The Lucani received a call from Poseidon requesting cover of a small craft retreating from deep space. Commander Feshau had requested this as it held some of her operatives coming back from a mission to sabotage a Breen installation in a secret location. As such they had moved to cover.

As it did so it rattled like a sweets in a pinata. Two of the larger cruisers opened fire in unison striking the Lucani with great force. A small explosion from the side of Vikas struck him causing him to fall to one knee. As he rose he ripped a piece of metal from his arm and threw it aside. "Enania, please stop giving Deldra work to do and destroy that son of a kleethor!" Blood was slowly running down his arm but he didn't care enough. There was was battle be won.

"Aye Captain will do better." As Enania brought the guns around and fired away. In essence the battle was getting heated and the Breen ships were getting blasted. "Serves them right in tangling with the likes of us." Enania muttered. She looked up and got a communication, "Captain, the wee lost lambs have been picked up. Looks like we are getting the upper hand."

Then there was the communication of something else that happened. "Sir the Breen base has been obliterated, Huzzah!!"

Vikas slapped his hand off a handrail and exclaimed, "Outstanding! These Starfleet can get things done." he laughed a little as one of the Breen cruisers exploded and rumbled the ship a little roughly.

"The tide is turning my friends. Let's end on a flourish!" Vikas bellowed.

"Yeee haaaaw!" Enania let out as she sent out another volley to punctuate her glee.

The good news spread across the ship and Deldra smiled. Not only had they survived without too many casualties, the Lucani wasn't in a bad shape at all. She had grumbled a lot about the ship’s precious engines of course, who else onboard was going to protect those beauties? Still, it was now time to celebrate, and so she joined the other engineers to brag about their recent exploit.

High General Vikas Ageas (npc Aer)
CO of EExD Lucani
KSF Chief of Staff

Enania Ololee (npc Cara)
KSF Tactical
EExD Lucani

Deldra Dethem (npc Brek)
KSF Engineer
EExD Lucani


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