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Cypress Mountain - Part 2

Posted on 12/23/2022 @ 1:54pm by Captain Cara Letsul

1,515 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: A Day In the Life Of..
Location: Deck 16 - Holodeck
Timeline: MD 6 - Day after the Breen attack

Brek observed those fingers, impressed by what they represented. The moment a life might have changed completely. He then took his attention back to his drink for another sip. "Would you say it is the fact you are part Terran that kept you in the Fleet? Or maybe it's connected to the friendships you've developed? A sense of duty? When I returned to civilian life, what connections I had were part of the issues I experienced.'
Cara was quiet for a moment as she thought as to why she decided to stay, and go back into Star Fleet. There were so many factors that made her stay. "It is difficult to say all the factors that made me stay here." her voice was contemplative as she tried to answer the question. "I found family, family that was most unexpected. A cousin, whom had almost been wiped from my memory. Adira Toril Harrington. I found actual family, then I started making connections yes. This station, well how can I describe it, it called to me. I couldn't deny that call, including becoming part of the command staff." she took a drink of her chocolate, then looked at Brek.

"Have you ever had that feeling that a sort of destiny calls to you, and you must follow that call no matter what? Whether it means some form of happiness or sadness?" Cara asked gazing at Brek.
Brek scratched his chin as he contemplated his eventful past. “I don’t know if I’ve ever followed the calls of destiny, or if I’ve received kicks in the butt instead. There’s often been something either violent or unpleasant to push me on a certain path. Lack of funds, rumors about my lack of integrity.” He shrugged. “When you’re a Ferengi, certain noises always follow you... This said, I had decided long ago that I'd be married by 40, and I'm making it happen. ...So you have a family connection with the Captain. He has a complicated life, hasn’t he? Extended family and all... Unfortunately, the closer one is to the highest spheres, the more dangerous life becomes. Is this why you had almost lost memory of this cousin? Even at my more humble level, I escaped a few explosions and assassination attempts."

"it is more on the aspect of what happened during that time. She was born when I was 14 years old, and the last time i saw her was when I was sixteen, and she was two. She and I had a tea party, before I went into Star Fleet Academy." Cara replied. "Do you remember the Battle of Wolf 359? It was so devasting to Star Fleet that a call was sent out for people wanting to go into the academy. I went in at age 16." Cara stated. "I passed all the exams and was accepted. The field that I was going into, Counseling wise, was going to be needed with what happened." taking another sip of her hot chocolate. "So many people filled with grief, shock, I couldn't help but answer the call. The family kept in contact as best as we could but then, things happen, you know, life becomes busy when you try to rebuild after a calamity on that scale happens.

"So you joined the Fleet when you were very young. No wonder it feels like a second family.” Brek looked momentarily at his boots, a classic model of Ferengi ugly-brown footwear. How could he stand to wear such things? “I was 8 in ‘67, and living in a secluded boarding school. I only learnt about Wolf 359 and Locutus of Borg a few years later. And of course I studied the battle at the Academy...” He looked at Cara. “Had I been 18 at the time, it wouldn’t have changed a thing. My people always prefer to remain neutral during conflicts. The best of both worlds is always theirs - mine. I have the lobes for it.” He sighed. “Wars are horrendous things, and I hadn’t meant for us to speak of something so dark. Not after what we’ve just been through with the Breen. Let’s finish on a brighter note: what is your most positive memory from the Fleet?”
"Well Brek, you now have more information about me." Cara replied with a little bit of a smile. "As for my having a most positive memory from the Fleet. I think it would be the people I meet. I could say that is the positive memory. Unless you were referring to an actual memory, there are too many for me to count." Looking at Brek. Each positive moment I cherish so its ongoing."
“Yes, I do ask a lot of questions,” Brek admitted. “ I can’t help it. I have always been interested in other people’s lives. I even emulate what I hear from time to time. It’s like what you just said about meeting people. I seldom think about those people around me when I move to another position. All I see is what I can get materially. But you made a good point. People can have a stabilising influence. Well, I had better let you go now, otherwise people will start wondering where you have disappeared. As always, if you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m resourceful.”
"Brek, do not worry about asking questions it is how people gain knowledge." Cara giving a pleasant smile. "And as for people wondering where I am at, I may just let them know I am on personal leave after Aer and Patton's wedding. I plan on going somewhere that doesn't have replicators, and all the conveniences that modern technology has to offer. Hopefully I can find a place like that."

"I hope I receive an invitation to their wedding!” Brek said. He then mused on this for a few seconds. His own ‘big day’ was being reduced, by choice, to a mere administrative formality... “As for your personal leave, it’s much deserved of course, and there will be many locations out there where one can be close to nature. I might even be able to find you a few interesting discounts on certain holiday destinations. Only, I hope you’re not gone too long, Poseidon without you will be... a bit like a ghost town. Maybe you should just go to Aquil? It’s close, and they’ve got lots of incredible landscapes and seascapes down there.”
Posted on Thur. 17 Nov ‘22 at 20.27

"Perhaps I will do so, sometime or just go to another planet. All depends on where my whims take me." Cara chuckling warmly. She gave a bit of a stretch, "As for you getting an invitation, I'm sure you'll get one. I'll even see to that myself."
She responded on Thur 1 Dec ‘22

“I’m glad I’ll be invited,” Brek said, quieter than usual. Despite the prospect of being present at this lavish ceremony, he was troubled. It had taken this very moment for him to realize that he had made a grave mistake. All those days he had spent on Poseidon, he had made only one Starfleet ally. And she had just announced that she was taking a personal leave. What would happen if, while she was away, he made an inadvertent blunder? There would be no Fleeter to help him. “How long do you plan to be away, then?”
Posted on Sat. 17 Dec ‘22 at 15.07

Cara glanced over at Brek catching the signs of some worry. "Are you okay my friend? I don't know when I will be going, and as for how long I will be away, it might be a week." reaching out a hand towards him in a comforting way.

The odds of getting into trouble in one week were slim, especially if, during that time, he kept to his embassy. So he relaxed and even managed a smile. “It’s nothing. I suspect a mild case of indigestion.” He then got to his feet. “Well, Cara, I hope you have a great vacation, away from us all. A new vista with as few worries as possible.” He nodded his head as if he too, could do with a little holiday. He did not dare though, not when it was so obvious that he needed to form new connections within Starfleet. “I guess I will see you again at Aer and Patton’s wedding.”

"Indeed you will be seeing me there. I will need to be." Cara smiling back at Brek. He was certainly a rather interesting Ferengi, and definitely a great fit to the station. Cara finished off her drink and rose from the sofa. "Tis time for me to head for my quarters, and needing to take advantage of being relaxed. Thank you Brek." with another glanced around the scenery, Cara gave a wistful sigh, then turned and headed to the door. She paused looked back at Brek one more time and then stepped out of view.


Grand Proxy Brek
Ferengi Embassy
Poseidon Station

Commander Cara Letsul
Poseidon Operations Commander
Chief Counselor
SB 50


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